Narrative MGD
MG: Works (PDF, 706 KB)
1:1 MGDs
MG: Work: Access point for work: Constructing access points (PDF, 357 KB)
MG: Work: Access point for work: Additional elements and designations (PDF, 232 KB)
MG: Work: Access point for work: Additional elements and designations: Distinguishing characteristics (PDF, 143 KB)
MG: Work: Authorized access point: Additional elements and designations (PDF, 143 KB)
MG: Work: Authorized access point: Additional elements for creator of work (PDF, 129 KB)
MG: Work: Creator corporate body of work (PDF, 139 KB)
MG: Work: Dissertation or thesis information (PDF, 135 KB)
MG: Work: Frequency (PDF, 126 KB)
MG: Work: Note on metadata work: Complex see-also references (PDF, 162 KB)
MG: Work: Note on metadata work: Nonpublic general notes (PDF, 231 KB)
MG: Work: Preferred title of work: Additional omissions and changes: Parts of works (PDF, 146 KB)
MG: Work: Preferred title of work: Title not found in original language or is not applicable (PDF, 146 KB)
MG: Work: Representative expression: [Element] of representative expression (PDF, 264 KB)
MG: Work: Source consulted: Subfield $u and $v (PDF, 131 KB)
MG: Work: Variant access point for work: Additional elements and designations (PDF, 113 KB)
MG: Work: Variant access point for work: Constitutions, charters, and other fundamental laws (PDF, 113 KB)
MG: Resources: Authorized access points for an administrative regulation, etc. (PDF, 169 KB)
String Encoding Scheme MGDs
MG: SES: Access point for Musical Work (PDF, 344 KB)
Other MGDs
Narrative MGDs -- Works -- Expressions -- Manifestations -- Items -- Corporate Bodies -- Families -- Persons -- Places -- Timespan -- Relationship Labels -- Descriptive Relationships -- Subject Relationships -- Series-Subseries -- MGD Index -- MGD Home Page
Last Updated: 11/05/2024