1:1 MGDs
MG: Manifestation: Accessibility content (PDF, 188 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Carrier type (PDF, 202 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Contributor agent of still image (PDF, 123 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Date of manufacture: GPO publications (PDF, 130 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Date of production: Recording (PDF, 123 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Date of publication (PDF, 242 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Date of publication: CIP cataloging (PDF, 124 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Date of publication: Sources of information: CIP cataloging (PDF, 123 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Distribution statement: CIP cataloging (PDF, 116 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Extent of manifestation: CIP cataloging (PDF, 107 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Extent of manifestation: Terms (PDF, 127 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Identifier for manifestation: Two or more identifiers (PDF, 127 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Manufacture statement: CIP cataloging (PDF, 134 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Mode of issuance (PDF, 127 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Note on edition statement: Integrating work (PDF, 119 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Note on edition statement: Multipart resources (PDF, 127 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Note on publication statement (PDF, 121 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Numbering of sequence (PDF, 102 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Other title information (PDF, 134 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Place of publication (PDF, 222 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Printer corporate body: Government printers (PDF, 108 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Printer corporate body: Privately printed works (PDF, 108 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Production statement (PDF, 132 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Production statement: Recording changes in production statements (PDF, 89 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Publication statement: Recording changes in publication statements (PDF, 137 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Publication statement: Sources of information: CIP cataloging (PDF, 124 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Statement of responsibility: Two or more agents (PDF, 125 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Statement of responsibility relating to edition (PDF, 165 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Supplementary content (PDF, 93 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Title proper: Nonfiling characters (PDF, 122 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Uniform Resource Locator: Original URI no longer active (PDF, 143 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Variant title of manifestation (PDF, 388 KB)
MG: Manifestation: Variant title of manifestation: Recording an unstructured description (PDF, 125 KB)
String Encoding Scheme MGDs
MG: SES: Title proper and statement of responsiblity (PDF, 392 KB)
MG: SES: Edition statement (PDF, 289 KB)
MG: SES: Series statement (PDF, 242 KB)
MG: SES: Notes (PDF, 380 KB)
Other MGDs
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Last Updated: 12/26/2024
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