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FEDLINK Main Number
(202) 707-4800
(202) 707-4900
101 Independence Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20540-4935

Authority and Eligibility for the FEDLINK Program
The Basis for the Program
The FEDLINK program is designed to help librarians, contracting officers, and finance staff save time, save effort, and save money when buying and using commercial online services, books, periodicals, and other library and information services. Through FEDLINK, the Library of Congress shares its expertise in library and information services and consolidates the buying power of federal agencies.
Statutory Authority
Section 103 of P.L. 106-481 (2 U.S.C. 182c) establishes FEDLINK as a revolving fund to provide "the procurement of commercial information services, publications in any format, and library support services,...related accounting services,...related education, information and support services" to federal offices and to other organizations entitled to use federal sources of supply (Subpart (f)(1)). This work is conducted under interagency agreements (IAAs) between the Library of Congress/FEDLINK and its member organizations.
Procurement Authority
The Library of Congress follows the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). FEDLINK contractual vehicles are normally Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts. They are administered by contracting officers with support from FEDLINK librarians who serve as FEDLINK contracting officers' representatives (CORs).
Advance Payment
Because FEDLINK has revolving fund authority, FEDLINK customers can advance funds to pay for products and services.
Business Rules for Intragovernmental Exchange Transactions
FEDLINK is in procedural compliance with the requirements of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Business Rules for Intragovernmental Exchange Transactions (G-Invoicing: Rules of Engagement).
Federal Agencies
Library of Congress/FEDLINK is authorized to provide its services to other federal agencies, tribal governments, the District of Columbia, and organizations authorized to use federal sources of supply. Accordingly, FEDLINK services are available to any library, information center, or other activity (such as offices of general counsel, procurement units, information resource management departments, laboratories, etc.) within the executive, legislative, or judicial branches of the United States federal government, including activities within all branches of the U.S. armed forces.
Federal Contractors or Other Non-Governmental Entities
In some cases, non-governmental entities may use FEDLINK services. Contractors working for federal agencies, for example, may be authorized to use government supply sources and may therefore be eligible to use FEDLINK. The Library of Congress General Counsel has determined that FEDLINK cannot assume that a contractor or other non-governmental entity who registers for the program is eligible. The Library of Congress must inquire by what authority the request to use FEDLINK is made.
Therefore, if your organization is a contractor or other entity authorized to use government supply sources by 48 C.F.R. § 51 and FAR 51.102, the agency's administrator for your contract or another authorized federal official must send a letter to the FEDLINK Executive Director specifying that your status enables you to use FEDLINK.
Last Updated: 09/20/2024