Changes to CONSER Documentation
CONSER Documentation Tracker (Revised August 2024) (PDF, 78 KB)
CONSER Cataloging Manual CCM
Modules for Original RDA
- 0: Introduction to Continuing Resources (Word, 171 KB) (PDF, 336 KB)
- 1: Introduction to Cataloging Serial Works (PDF, 248 KB) Revised 2024
- 2: What is a Serial?(Word, 3.15MB) ( PDF, 1457 KB)
- 3: Preferred source and other sources of information (Word, 617 KB)( PDF, 887 KB)
- 4: Persons, families, and corporate bodies associated with a work (Fields 100-111 and 700-711) (Word, 889 KB) ( PDF, 922 KB)
- 5: Authorized access points for serial works and expressions (Word, 196 KB) ( PDF, 389 KB)
- 6: Title Statement (Word, 1.62 MB) ( PDF , 1.53MB)
- 7: Additional authorized access points and variant access points for the title (Fields 245, 246, and 730/740/700-711) (Word, 447 KB) ( PDF, 675KB)
- 8: Numbering (Fields 362, 515, 588) (Word,358 KB) ( PDF,1.09MB)
- 9: Edition statement (Field 250) (Word , 376 KB) ( PDF, 517KB)
- 10: Publication, distribution, etc. (Word, 627 KB) ( PDF ,782KB)
- 11: Physical Attributes (Word, 43KB) ( PDF, 298KB)
- 12: Series statements and authorized access points (Fields 490 and 8xx) (Word, 156 KB) ( PDF, 562KB)
- 13: Notes (Word, 69KB) ( PDF, 540KB)
- 14: Linking relationships (Fields 765-787, 580) (Word,417 KB) ( PDF, 607KB)
- 15: Subject headings (Word, 606 KB) ( PDF, 637KB)
- 16: When to create a new description(Word, 406 KB) ( PDF, 687KB)
- 17: Related Work (Word, 10.3 MB) ( PDF, 2.38MB)
- 18: Authorized access points for persons, families, places, and corporate bodies (Word, 463 KB) (PDF, 525KB)
- 21: Modifying records (Word 103 KB)(PDF, 525KB)
- 22: Interpreting Pre-RDA Serial Cataloging Records (Word, 167KB) (PDF, 637KB)
- 30: Direct access electronic serials (Word, 221 KB) (PDF, 930KB)
- 31: Remote access electronic serials (Online serials) (Word, 1.1 MB) (PDF , 993KB)
- 32: Microform and Print on Demand Serials (Word,1.47 MB) (PDF, 1.28MB)
- 33: Newspapers (Word, 764 KB) (PDF, 1.14MB)
- 34: Legal serials (Word, 201 KB) (PDF, 697KB)
- 35: Integrating resources (Word, 11 MB) ( PDF, 7 MB) Revised 2024
- Appendix A. Acronyms and Initialisms Relating to Continuing Resources (2021) (Word, 28 KB) ( PDF, 235KB)
- Appendix B. Glossary (2021) (Word, 41KB) (PDF, 254KB)
- Appendix C. Select Bibliography of Works and Sources of Information Useful to Serials Catalogers (2021) (Word, 38KB) (PDF, 317KB)
CONSER Editing Guide
Section A: Background- CONSER Program (2016) (PDF, 956KB)
- Overview and Historical Background (1995) (PDF, 112 KB )
- Policies and Practices (2016) (PDF,1.03MB)
- Identifying Authenticated Records (2016) ( PDF, 761KB)
- Participant Authentication (2016) (PDF, 886KB)
- Modifications to LC-Authenticated Records (2016) (PDF, 819KB)
- Authority Records (2024) (PDF, 186 KB) Revised
- Prepublication Records and ISSN for U.S. Imprints (2016) (PDF, 772KB)
- Duplicate Records (2023) (PDF, 382KB)
- Record Consolidation/Separation (2023) (PDF, 249KB)
- Converting Pre-AACR2 Records to Original RDA (2024) (PDF, 259KB) Revised
- Latest and Integrating Entry Records (2024) (PDF, 196KB) Revised
- Surrogates (2024) (PDF, 173KB) Revised
- Canadian/LAC Records (2016) (Word, 48KB)
- Introduction to Format (PDF, 813KB)
- Headings: General Information (PDF, 899KB)
- Fixed Length Fields: General Information (PDF, 943KB)
- Leader/006/008 (PDF, 1.79MB)
- 007 Fields (PDF, 1806KB)
- Variable Control Fields (PDF, 1410KB)
- Variable Data Fields: 01X-09X (PDF, 1758KB)
- Title and Title Related Fields: 20X-24X (PDF, 1.19MB)
- Edition, Imprint, etc., Fields: 250-28X (PDF, 1,036KB)
- Physical Description, etc.Fields: 30X (PDF, 931KB)
- Series Statements: 4XX (PDF, 850KB)
- Notes: 5XX (PDF, 1496KB)
- Source of Description Note: 588 (2020) (PDF, 887KB)
- Subject Access Fields: 6XX (PDF, 1093KB)
- Added Entries: 700-75X (PDF, 984KB)
- Linking Entries: 76X-78X (PDF, 1623KB)
- Series Added Entries: 800-840 (PDF, 863KB)
- Holdings, Alternate Graphics, etc.: 841-88X (PDF, 930KB)
- LC Local Holdings: 89X (PDF, 761KB)
- Local Copy Information: 9XX (PDF, 816KB)
- Appendix A: Fields Not Included In The CEG (PDF, 748KB)
- Appendix B: Fields Not Included By The MARC Distribution Service (PDF, 685KB)
- Appendix C: Punctuation Supplied by OCLC (PDF, 704KB)
- Appendix E: Creating records with data in non-Roman script for Arabic Serials (2003) (PDF, 424KB)
- Appendix L: Regular Print Records (2021) (PDF, 910KB)
- Appendix P: Library of Congress Control Number and Library of Congress Card Numbering System (PDF, 324KB)