- meta|morphosis: microfilm-to-digital lecture series - University of Kentucky Libraries
- Agüera, Helen. "The National Digital Newspaper Program and "Chronicling America"." (National History Day Workshop, College Park, MD, June 2012 - PDF, 4.6 MB). Slide text (PDF, 92 KB)
- Yarasavage, Nathan and Robin Butterhof, Christopher Ehrman. "National Digital Newspaper Program: A Case Study in Sharing, Linking and Using Data". (PDF, 29.4 KB) JCDL '12 Proceedings of the 12th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 2012. Presentation poster (PDF, 4.0 MB).
- Thomas, Deborah and Mark Sweeney. "Sustainability in the United States National Digital Newspaper Program." (IFLA International Preservation News, No. 56, May 2012 p.12-20)., http://www.ifla.org/files/pac/ipn/IPN%2056.indd.def.pdf, accessed, June 28, 2012.
- Thomas, Deborah, "JPEG2000 and the National Digital Newspaper Program." (JPEG2000 Summit Workshop, May 2011 - PDF 824 KB)
- Thomas, Deborah, "Gathering History: Collaboration and the National Digital Newspaper Program." (2011 Texas Heritage Annual Meeting, March 2011 - PDF 1.1 MB)
- "Mediated by Software," NDIIPP News and Events, accessed Sept. 16, 2010
- NDNP 2010 (PDF, 724 KB), American Libraries Association, June 2010
- June 2009 - Millionth Page in Chronicling America Program; Seven New States Added to National Digital Newspaper Program
- Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers Upgraded (see Upgrade Details for more information, June 2009
- Promotional video of the University of Kentucky methodology for newspaper digitization for the National Digital Newspaper Program — See it on YouTube (external link)
- Webcast: "Chronicling America and Building the National Digital Newspaper Program" (Presented at the Library of Congress, November 6, 2007. RUNNING TIME: 73 minutes.)
- Littman, Justin, "Actualized Preservation Threats: Practical Lessons from Chronicling America ", D-Lib Magazine, 13:7/8 (July 2007). http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july07/littman/07littman.html (external link), accessed, Sept. 16, 2010.
- Agüera, Helen and Mark Sweeney, Ray Murray, George Schlukbier. "The US National Digital Newpsaper Program - Thinking Ahead, Designing Now." (IFLA Newspaper Digitization Conference, Salt Lake City, UT; May 2006 - PDF, 725 KB)
- Littman, Justin, "A Technical Approach and Distributed Model for Validation of Digital Objects", D-Lib Magazine, 12:5 (May 2006). http://www.dlib.org/dlib/may06/littman/05littman.html (external link), accessed, May 12, 2006.
- "JPEG 2000 Profile for the National Digital Newspaper Program" Report, April 2006 (PDF, 1.9Mb)
- Thomas, Deborah, "National Digital Newspaper Program - Enhancing Access to American Newspapers" (OCLC Western Digital Newspaper Forum - PDF, 199 KB)
- Murray, Ray L., "Toward a Metadata Standard for Digitized Historical Newspapers" (Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 2005)
- Sweeney, Mark, "Newspapers at the Library of Congress - Bringing Method to the Madness", (Michigan Library Consortium, April 2005 - PDF: 1.57 Mb)
- "Library, National Endowment for the Humanities Launch First Step in Digitizing Early Newspapers" (Library of Congress press release, April 2005)
- "FIRST GRANTS AWARDED IN NATIONAL DIGITAL NEWSPAPER PROGRAM; NEH, LOC launch first step in digitizing 20 million pages of early American newspapers." (via NEH)
- Thomas, Deborah. "The National Digital Newspaper Program: Enhancing Access to American Newspapers" (PowerPoint - American Libraries Association Mid-Winter, January 2005)
- Cole, Bruce, "30 Million Pages to Go: Digitizing the American Newspaper," November 16, 2004; National Press Club, Washington, D.C. (via NEH)
- Cole, Bruce, "The National Digital Newspaper Program (external link)" [via OAH Newsletter 32 (May 2004)].
Last Updated: 07/25/2013