During the course of an award, NDNP awardee institutions deliver valid* digital newspaper content to the Library of Congress in regular batches. All digital files and associated metadata of these batches (except archival TIFFs) can be viewed/downloaded at: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/data/batches/. Batch directories on this page are grouped by the contributing NDNP awardee institutions MARC Organization Code (i.e. dlc = data submitted by the Library of Congress) in the format of "batch" _ "awardee marc organization code" _ "unique batch name".
File Examples:
Below are the digital assets for page 1 of the National Tribune published on November 10, 1898 and available in Chronicling America at: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016187/1898-11-10/ed-1/seq-1/
Information on how to view these files is available on Chronicling America at: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/help/#how_to_view
- TIFF (71.7 MB)
- PDF (1.4 MB)
- JPEG2000 (9.2 MB)
Batch File and Directory Structure:
Scanning from Microfilm
The basic file and directory structure for batches containing content scanned from microfilm is detailed in Appendix D: Batch, File and Directory Structure on Delivery Media of the latest Technical Guidelines for Applicants document.
See https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/data/batches/az_acacia_ver01/data/ for an example batch scanned from microfilm. (Note: the /data directory and other BagIt files in the example are generated at LC not by Awardees.)
Scanning from Original Newsprint
For batches containing content derived from newsprint, rather than microfilm negative, substitute a directory called “print” for the reel directory. No targets will be scanned in that directory and no reel level METS XML files will be created. Image and OCR files shall be named in four digit, one-up manner, according to the order of appearance in bound volume, loose issue, or other container. All other file structures remain the same. See Appendix D: Batch, File and Directory Structure on Delivery Media of the latest Technical Guidelines for Applicants document for the basic file and directory structure for batches containing content scanned from original newsprint.
See https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/data/batches/dlc_abyssinian_ver01/data/ for an example batch scanned from newsprint. (Note: TIFFs have been omitted; the /data directory and other BagIt files in the example are generated at LC not by Awardees.)
Note: Metadata value options (in issue level METS XML and image headers) necessary for describing content derived from print (rather than microfilm) are detailed in the appropriate sections of Appendices A, B, and C of the latest Technical Guidelines for Applicants document.
* "Valid" in the NDNP context means the digital files have been processed through the NDNP Digital Viewer and Validator tool, confirming their conformance to technical specifications and creating a digital signature for each file ensuring its integrity over time. Digital signatures are then written into associated XML files as appropriate to the digital object model.
Last Updated: 05/16/2024