Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > NACO > CJK NACO Best Practices
  1. Name authority records with “jin shi” (進士) or “ju ren” (舉人) dates
  2. Treatment of 籍貫/本籍/原籍/祖籍 and “[Place]人”, etc.
  3. Treatment of 字 and 號/号 for personal names
  4. Abbreviations in 670 $b – Information found
  5. Treatment of variant pronunciations of characters (多音字)
  6. Romanization of ambiguous place names
  7. Romanization of proper nouns including agent’s affiliations, place names, etc. in 670$b
  8. Recording date in lunar calendar in 670$b
  9. Recording Non-MARC-8 Character in Authority Record
    1. Name authority records with “jin shi” (進士) or “ju ren” (舉人) dates

    Under RDA, the dates of “jin shi” (進士) or “ju ren” (舉人) are treated as “period of activity” and can be used to distinguish one access point from another when no dates of birth/death or fuller form of name (usually not applicable to CJK names) are available. However, these types of dates can be retained in pre-existing authority records when being recoded from AACR2 to RDA even when no conflicts exist. This is to minimize the need for bibliographic maintenance. The date of “jin shi” (進士) or “ju ren” (舉人) can be recorded in 046 $s. If birth/death dates are available at the time of recoding (or later), record them in 046/670 field as appropriate without changing the form in 100 field.


    Original AACR2 record:

    100 1# $a Chen, Hao, $d jin shi 1724
    670 ## …. (…1695-1772; jin shi 1724)

    100 1# $a Chen, Denglong, $d ju ren 1774
    670 ## … (…1742-1815; ju ren 1774)

    Updated RDA record: (May optionally add other relevant RDA elements.)

    008/10 (Rules): z
    040 ## … $e rda …
    046 ## $f 1695 $g 1772 $s 1724
    100 1# $a Chen, Hao, $d jin shi 1724
    670 ## …. (…1695-1772; jin shi 1724)

    008/10 (Rules): z
    040 ## … $e rda …
    046 ## $f 1742 $g 1815 $s 1774
    100 1# $a Chen, Denglong, $d ju ren 1774
    670 ## … (…1742-1815; ju ren 1774)

    Delete the following 667 note if present:


    Other important points regarding dates in Name Authority Records:

    (1) When creating new RDA NARs, the "jin shi" or "juren" date can be added to AAPs only when no birth/death dates are available to resolve a conflict. (LC-PCC PS, When there is no conflict or when available birth/death dates are sufficient to resolve a conflict, record the "jin shi/ju ren" date in field 670.

    (2) In pre-existing NARs without dates under AAP, when there is no conflict to resolve and when there is no other reason to change the 100 field, do not add birth/death date(s) to the AAP. Newly found date(s) may be recorded in 046 and 670 as appropriate. (LC-PCC PS,

    (3) In pre-existing NARs with an open birth date, e.g., “$d 1910- ”, the death date may be added to the AAP if available. In such cases, the original form of AAPs should be moved to 400 with “$w nne” added. Similarly, a birth date may be added to an AAP containing only a death date.


    Original record:
    100 1# $a Zhang, Chong, ‡d -1579

    Updated record:
    046 ## $f 1525 $g 1579
    100 1# $a Zhang, Chong, $d 1525-1579
    400 1# $w nne $a Zhang, Chong, $d -1579

    1. Treatment of 籍貫/本籍/原籍/祖籍 and “[Place]人”, etc.

    The above terms could mean ancestral/family origin, birth place, or residence of a person. Determine its nature based on readily available information and use appropriate terminology in 670 and corresponding 370 code to record the information. The following is recommended best practice: (Note: The <Place> below refers to names below the country level.)


    Use “native of [Place]” or “ancestral home [Place]” as appropriate. For example, for people from diaspora communities, if 祖籍 refers to the origin of one's ancestors and not the place directly relate to the person’s immediate family, use “ancestral home”. Record the information for ancestral home only if considered important.


    $a - Place of birth
    $e - Place of residence
    $f - Other associated place (Use when neither $a nor $e is appropriate.)


    1. Treatment of 字 and 號/号 for personal names

    Recording data in 670 $b: A long-term practice for CJK cataloging has been to use abbreviations of romanizations to represent these terms, e.g., "t." (i.e., tzu; Wade-Giles romanization) or “z.” (i.e., zi; pinyin) to represent "字", and "h." (i.e., hao) to represent "號/号" in Chinese names. However, the meanings of these abbreviations are not always apparent to other catalogers, especially non-native speakers. To address this issue, catalogers are encouraged to spell out the romanization and add the English translation in brackets.


    record as appropriate




    zi [courtesy name]

    azana [pseudonym]

    cha [courtesy name]


    hao [alias] or
    hao [pseudonym]

    gō [pseudonym]

    ho [pseudonym]


    ya hao [esteemed name] or ya hao [nickname]

    gagō [pseudonym]


    Form of names in 400 fields: Traditionally, 字 is used in conjunction with one's family name even though it is usually not explicitly indicated in the texts. On the other hand, 號/号 is usually used without the family name, with few exceptions. When providing cross references in 400 field for 字 and 號/号, follow this principle: Add the family name to 字 but not 號/号, unless examples for the contrary are found.

    Other names: Use “original name” for 原名, “pen name” for 筆名; “stage name” for 藝名; “other name” for 別名, etc.


    1. Abbreviations in 670 $b – Information found

    To facilitate understanding of non-native speakers, it is recommended that catalogers try to use spelled-out English terms when applicable, e.g., “reading” instead of just “r.”; “born” instead of “b.”; “assistant” instead of “asst.”; “professor” instead of “prof.”, etc.

    If it is necessary to use romanization to convey specific meanings, prefer spelled out form as well. For clarity, appropriate English terms may also be added in brackets. (Refer to Treatment of and / for personal names above for examples.) Note: Do not abbreviate or translate attributes such as title of the person (RDA 9.4) that appear in conjunction with personal names.


    1. Treatment of variant pronunciations of characters (多音字)

      Many Chinese characters (in all CJK languages) have multiple pronunciations and sometimes it is not clear which one to use for the authorized access point. Determine the form using a reliable reference source, or exercise your best judgment. If it is possible that others might search the name under another pronunciation, add a cross reference in 400 field for the variant form. Although it is not required to justify the source of variant pronunciations, it may be recorded optionally for the convenience of non-native speakers of the language. 


      100 1# $a Xiao, Wupo, $d 1979-
      400 1# $a萧无陂, $d 1979-
      400 1# $a Xiao, Wubei, $d 1979-
      400 1# $a Xiao, Wupi, $d 1979-
      670 ## … (萧无陂 = Xiao Wupo; variant pronunciations: Xiao Wubei, Xiao Wupi)


    1. Romanization of ambiguous place names

    Note: this section will be expanded as needed.

    A. 殷墟 (i.e., the extinct city of the Shang dynasty, China)

    Standard Romanization: Yinxu

    Established AAP: Yinxu (Extinct city)

    Explanation: The Romanization in GeoNet is Yinxu. Even though section 2G of the ALA/LC Chinese Romanization Table states that "Terms for archaeological sites, bridges, and other constructions of geographic extent are capitalized and separated from the names themselves," no specific examples were given to represent archaeological sites. The word墟 has been used as an integral part of the place name 殷墟 for a long time, so it makes more sense to treat the phrase as a two-character place name.


    1. Romanization of proper nouns including agent’s affiliations, place names, etc. in 670$b

    Currently no instruction addresses how to record proper nouns for data in CJK languages. The recommended practice for identification purpose is to romanize proper nouns including agent’s affiliations, place names, etc. in 670$b according to ALA-LC Romanization Tables.


    670## $a His Watakushi to iu media, 1989: $b t.p. (Shimada Hiromi) colophon (reading; born in 1953; assistant professor, Hōsō Kyōiku Kaihatsu Sentā)

    Optionally record a proper noun in both original scripts and romanization in 670 field if considered important for identification or clarification


    670## $a Gaoxiong Shi ai yue wen hua yi shu ji ji hui website, Feb. 7, 2017: $b Gaoxiong Shi jia xiang yue tuan page (高雄市交響樂團 = Gaoxiong Shi jiao xiang yue tuan; Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra; KSO; founded in 1981 as 高雄市管絃樂團 = Gaoxiong Shi guan xian yue tuan [no access point found in OCLC] ; changed name to 高雄市實驗交響樂團 = Gaoxiong Shi shi yan jiao xiang yue tuan in 1991; changed to current name in 2000; affliated with 財團法人高雄市愛樂文化藝術基金會 = Cai tuan fa ren Gaoxiong Shi ai yue wen hua yi shu ji jin hui [no access point found in OCLC] since 2009) $u

    Note: LC-PCC PS In some circumstances, research will indicate that the corporate body being established had earlier names that are not likely ever to be needed as access points in bibliographic records. If a decision is made not to create separate authority records for these earlier names, record them in the source citation along with an indication that separate records were not needed, such as "[no publications in LC database]" or "[no access point found in OCLC]."

    Optionally record a proper noun in English form if the English form is found in national authority file or commonly identified (e.g. appear on its official website)


    On reference source:  学歴 ハーバード大学大学院教育学部修了

    In authority record:
    670## Whoplus, Sept. 20, 2012 $b (浅賀ふさ = Asaka Fusa, Asaga Fusa; r; b. Feb. 17, 1894, Handa-shi, Aichi-ken; d. Mar. 3, 1986; completed graduate program in education, Harvard University; medical case worker; spec., medical social welfare)


    1. Recording date in lunar calendar in 670$b

    Often an author’s birth or death date is presented in lunar calendar (農曆). To record these date in 046, 1XX, 4XX, and/or 5XX, the recommended practice is to follow LC-PCC PS Record dates in terms of the Gregorian calendar. So the lunar date needs to be converted into Gregorian date in 670, optionally record Julian date if it is available. It is recommended to record the date in lunar calendar in the format as follow:

              (… born XX day of the XX lunar month, Year [MMM. DD, YYYY]...)


    On Source: Bai du bai ke (百度百科): 高占非, 出生日期: 1904年阴历十月初十, 逝世日期: 1969年12月26日

    In Name Authority Record:
    046## $f 1904-11-16 $g 1969-12-26 $2 edtf
    1001# $a Gao, Zhanfei, #d 1904-1969
    670## $a Bai du bai ke website, April 8, 2016 $b (高占非 = Gao Zhanfei; orignal name: 高执欧 = Gao Zhiou; born on 10th day of the 10th lunar month, 1904 [Nov. 16, 1904] in Tianjin; died on Dec. 26, 1969; actor)


    On Source: Whoplus, Mar. 27, 2017:【没】永正13年7月11日(1516年8月9日)

    In Name Authority Record:
    046 ## $g 1516-08-19
    670 ## $a Whoplus, Mar. 27, 2017 ǂb (... ; died on 11th day of the 7th lunar month, 1516, [Julian calendar] Aug. 9, 1516 [Gregorian calendar, Aug. 19, 1516])

    Note: When Julian date is the only available source and different from Gregorian date, it should be cited. In the example above. “(1516年8月9日)" in the Julian calendar appears in the reference source, and optionally recorded by the cataloguer when it is different from the Gregorian date "1516-08-19."


    1. Recording Non-MARC-8 Character in Authority Record

    Currently, authority records continue to be limited to the MARC-8 character set. From 2016-2021 the recommended CJK best practices were to provide bracketed Romanization of non-MARC-8 character in both 4XX and 670 when a valid alternative is not available. To facilitate machine conversion in future when the LC National Authority File accept full Unicode, the recommended practices are modified as below:

    1. When a valid alternative is specified in LC's CJK Compatibility Database (, it should be used instead.


    On source (title page): person’s name: 山﨑庸男. “﨑” is a non-MARC-8 character

    In LC’s CJK Compatibility Database: the valid alternative is “崎”

    In authority record:

    100 #1 $a Yamazaki, Nobuo, $d 1944-
    400 #1 $a 山崎庸男, $d 1944-
    670 ## ... $b title page (山崎庸男 = Yamazaki Nobuo) …

    1. When a valid alternative specified in LC's CJK Compatibility Database is presented as a geta symbol “〓”, or not available in LC's CJK Compatibility Database,
      • Record the geta symbol “〓” for the character in the 4XX non-Latin reference.
      • Optionally, add a 4XX non-Latin reference with bracketed Romanization for the non-MARC-8 character.
      • Search the Unihan database to find the Unicode point code (U+Hex code) at the top line of the page after “Unihan data for”, copy and record it in 670 with the phrase: <br />

            670 ## … $b (… [Unicode for the character [ALA-LC romanization of the non-MARC-8 charater] is U+XXXX] …)
            670 ## … $b (… [Unicode for the character [Tsuru] is U+974F]) …)

    Example 1:
    On source: person’s name: 靏岡昭夫. “靏”is a non-MARC-8 character

    In LC’s CJK Compatibility Database: the valid alternative is “〓”

    In Unihan database:

    In authority record:

    100 1# $a Tsuruoka, Akio, $d 1943-
    400 1# $a 〓岡昭夫, $d 1943-
    670 ## … $b title page ([Tsuru] 岡昭夫 = Tsuruoka Akio; [Unicode for the character [Tsuru] is U+974F]) …

    Optional: 400 1# $a [Tsuru] 岡昭夫, $d 1943-

    Example 2:
    On source: person’s name: 商志𩡝. “𩡝”is a non-MARC-8 character

    In LC’s CJK Compatibility Database: No result

    In Unihan database:

    In authority record:

    1001# Shang, Zhitan
    4001# 商志〓
    670## … $b t.p. (商志[tan] = Shang Zhitan; [Unicode for the character [tan] is U+2985D])

    Optional: 4001# 商志[tan]

    1. When reviewing and/or updating a record, if a non-MARC-8 character found in non-Latin 4XX has only the bracketed Romanization, add one with the geta symbol “〓”. In addition, enter the Romanization of the non-MARC-8 character within brackets based on ALA-LC Romanization Tables and its Unicode in 670 if the Unicode hasn’t been recorded in the 670. The Unicode of the character can be found at the Unihan database.


    On source: corporate body’s name: 汯呄霖電影有限公司

    In authority record:

    110 2# $a Hong ge lin dian ying you xian gong si
    410 2# $a 汯[ge]霖電影有限公司
    670 ## … $b credits (汯[ge]霖電影 = Hong ge lin dian ying [Unicode for the character [ge] is U+5444]…)
    670 ## … $b Hong ge lin dian ying page (汯[ge]霖電影有限公司 = Hong ge lin dian ying you xian gong si…)

    Add 4XX with the geta symbol “〓”

    410 2# $a 汯〓霖電影有限公司

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    Last update: Aug. 22, 2024