Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > BIBCO > Documentation & Updates


  1. What is a BIBCO funnel membership?
  2. Who can start a BIBCO funnel?
  3. Who are considered as candidates for BIBCO funnel membership?
  4. May an individual cataloger join an existing funnel?
  5. Are there any prerequisites in order to become BIBCO funnel members?
  6. What are the major differences between individual institutional membership and funnel membership?
  7. In order to join BIBCO funnel membership, can NACO funnel members be independent through either the NACO funnel or their institution?
  8. What relationship would the BIBCO funnel have to the existing NACO Funnel? Other than that members should be NACO-independent.
  9. If a member is not yet NACO independent at the time of joining BIBCO funnel, can NACO review be incorporated into BIBCO review?
  10. How does it work if a cataloger from a current BIBCO institution wishes to engage in a subject-specialized BIBCO funnel?
  11. What are the requirements for BIBCO funnel members in terms of SACO work and series?
  12. Would the funnel members need to be independent in both names and name-titles in order to join BIBCO funnel?
  13. Is there a centralized BIBCO database members contribute BIBCO records to?

National Level Enhance (ENN) Authorization from OCLC

  1. What is ENN authorization?
  2. How does ENN authorization work for a BIBCO funnel?
  3. Is there a way to look up my ENN authorization on the OCLC homepage?
  4. Are there instructions on how to apply for ENN authorization?
  5. Where can I receive help on questions regarding ENN authorization?
  6. Is an individual’s OCLC NACO authorization the same as his/her BIBCO authorization (ENN)?
  7. If a BIBCO funnel member's affiliated institution is a participating BIBCO library and already has an ENN authorization, can the funnel member use that authorization for its BIBCO funnel membership?
  8. If a BIBCO funnel member needs to apply for ENN authorization using his or her institution's OCLC symbol, will he or she need to reapply for a different authorization if the funnel member leaves that institution for another (if the new institution doesn't already have one)?

Funnel Coordinator

  1. What are the requirements to become a BIBCO funnel coordinator?
  2. Does PCC have an established policy or practice for setting terms for funnel coordinators?
  3. As funnel coordinator, what should I do when a new prospective funnel member wants to join the existing funnel?

Funnel Statistics

  1. How does BIBCO funnel contribution work in terms of quotas and/or statistics? Will contributing to a funnel take those stats away from an individual’s institutional count?
  2. What records are counted toward the statistics?
  3. Who is responsible for tracking funnel members’ statistics?


  1. What is a BIBCO funnel membership?
    A BIBCO funnel is a group of libraries (or catalogers from various libraries) that have joined together to contribute PCC RDA BIBCO Standard Records to the utilities, and to enrich existing PCC records by adding access points, subject headings or classification numbers from a different scheme, and much more.

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  2. Who can start a BIBCO funnel?
    Anyone who has the institutional support to organize, train, and coordinate a group of libraries or catalogers with common interests to contribute PCC BIBCO Standard Records via a utility.

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  3. Who are considered as candidates for BIBCO funnel membership?
    PCC members who have become independent in NACO authority record contribution are eligible for BIBCO membership. In other words, NACO independence is a prerequisite.

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  4. May an individual cataloger join an existing funnel?
    The PCC does not encourage individual cataloger participation in any of its programs without institutional support; however, funnels can often provide feedback, review, and expert consultation to catalogers in specialized areas more expeditiously than other mechanisms. Catalogers who wish to join a specific funnel should discuss this option with their institutions and the funnel coordinator.

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  5. Are there any prerequisites in order to become BIBCO funnel members?
    Yes. Member must be active, independent NACO contributor, meeting quality and quantity goals following NACO training and review in the languages or subject areas they intend to contribute. SACO membership is not a prerequisite at this time.

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  6. What are the major differences between individual institutional membership and funnel membership?
    Independent BIBCO status following training and review may be granted only to funnel coordinator; it may be extended to member libraries or individual funnel members at the discretion of the funnel coordinator. In elections for at-large representatives to PCC Policy Committee, only the funnel coordinator casts a vote, representing the voice of the entire funnel group.

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  7. In order to join BIBCO funnel membership, can NACO funnel members be independent through either the NACO funnel or their institution?
    NACO independence can be obtained through either the NACO funnel or NACO institution.

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  8. What relationship would the BIBCO funnel have to the existing NACO Funnel? Other than that members should be NACO-independent.
    Administratively, BIBCO funnel and NACO funnel memberships are totally separate. Because some funnel members will be participating in both programs, it is only natural they will work on NACO and BIBCO cataloging issues closely.

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  9. If a member is not yet NACO independent at the time of joining BIBCO funnel, can NACO review be incorporated into BIBCO review?
    “Simultaneous” training and review can be offered to BIBCO funnel members who are not yet independent in NACO, at the discretion of the funnel coordinator.

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  10. How does it work if a cataloger from a current BIBCO institution wishes to engage in a subject-specialized BIBCO funnel?
    The cataloger can participate in BIBCO via either membership – the current BIBCO institution the cataloger is affiliated with or the subject-specialized BIBCO funnel. Most importantly, there should be communication between the BIBCO funnel and the BIBCO institution regarding how the cataloger participates in BIBCO. The cataloger may choose to continue his/her BIBCO record contribution with his/her institution and participate in the other activities the BIBCO funnel coordinates, e.g., BIBCO training in a specialized area that the funnel offers or any other professional activities related to the funnel. If the BIBCO funnel coordinator feels strongly that the funnel member should contribute BIBCO records via the funnel, that is also fine as long as the participation is mutually agreed between the BIBCO funnel and the BIBCO institution.

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  11. What are the requirements for BIBCO funnel members in terms of SACO work and series?

    A BIBCO member doesn’t need to be a SACO member. However catalogers should be able to provide adequate subject analysis and assign subject headings from an established thesaurus recognized by the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data. If a subject-specific SACO funnel is available, catalogers may submit any new vocabulary needed in BIBCO cataloging through that funnel.

    In term of series, PCC Libraries has the option of providing authority control to series but it is not a requirement. So BIBCO funnel members may choose whether to keep the series under authority control or just record series statements in the contributed PCC level BIBCO Standard Records.

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  12. Would the funnel members need to be independent in both names and name-titles in order to join BIBCO funnel?
    If the membership uses name-title NARs frequently in its cataloging, then independence for name-title NARs would be required at the time a member joins BIBCO. The PCC Secretariat will facilitate record review if needed.

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  13. Is there a centralized BIBCO database members contribute BIBCO records to?
    There is no centralized database among participating utilities. BIBCO participants contribute new bibliographic records or edit existing records using shared databases (OCLC, SkyRiver, or other participating utilities) following the utility’s input standards and BIBCO program standards.

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National Level Enhance (ENN) Authorization from OCLC

  1. What is ENN authorization?
    ENN authorization is an Enhance National authorization issued by OCLC to a BIBCO library in order for the BIBCO member to contribute BIBCO records to WorldCat using Connexion. Depending on whether the member is at a BIBCO institution or a NACO-only institution, they may or may not yet have ENN authorization. If using the WorldShare Record Manager interface, the Cataloging BIBCO role is needed in addition to the Authorities role for LC NACO Name Authority File.

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  2. How does ENN authorization work for a BIBCO funnel?
    ENN authorization is assigned based on the institution's OCLC symbol. One institution may have as many authorizations as they need. Because a BIBCO funnel does not have its own OCLC symbol, each funnel member will need to apply for individual Enhance National (ENN) authorization based on their institution's OCLC symbol. If the BIBCO funnel member is at a BIBCO institution which already carries an ENN authorization, the funnel member may use that authorization for BIBCO contribution in the funnel. Note that the funnel member needs to make sure that the authorization number they use is associated with the appropriate MARC Organization Code for its NACO contribution.

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  3. Is there a way to look up my ENN authorization on the OCLC homepage?
    No.  Contact [email protected] with any questions about authorizations.

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  4. Are there instructions on how to apply for ENN authorization?
    Information on filling out the OCLC Access & Authorization form to obtain Connexion authorizations is here.

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  5. Where can I receive help on questions regarding ENN authorization?
    Write to [email protected] if there are any questions regarding OCLC authorizations.

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  6. Is an individual’s OCLC NACO authorization the same as his/her BIBCO authorization (ENN)?
    The OCLC NACO authorization is not the same as the BIBCO authorization (ENN). They provide catalogers with different capabilities. The NACO authorization does not have full BIBCO capabilities, but the ENN also has NACO capabilities. The ENN allows catalogers to contribute BIBCO records, either by adding new records or upgrading existing records. The ENN gives catalogers all the capabilities to complete all the tasks within WorldCat. OCLC recommends upgrading the existing NACO authorization to an ENN authorization. If using Record Manager, editing of the roles is needed.

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  7. If a BIBCO funnel member's affiliated institution is a participating BIBCO library and already has an ENN authorization, can the funnel member use that authorization for its BIBCO funnel membership?
    Yes. The BIBCO funnel member can use the existing ENN authorization from the BIBCO institution where they reside. The MARC Organization Code must match the Code the person uses to do NACO work--that may be different for the BIBCO funnel vs regular BIBCO participation.

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  8. If a BIBCO funnel member needs to apply for ENN authorization using his or her institution's OCLC symbol, will he or she need to reapply for a different authorization if the funnel member leaves that institution for another (if the new institution doesn't already have one)?
    Yes. An ENN authorization is assigned based on the institution's OCLC symbol. If the member leaves the institution, they will need to apply for a new ENN authorization using that new institution's OCLC symbol and MARC Organization Code.

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Funnel Coordinator

  1. What are the requirements to become a BIBCO funnel coordinator?
The requirements are that:
  • The coordinator must be NACO-independent in names and name-titles.
  • The coordinator must first be an independent BIBCO contributor.
  • The coordinator will provide training for its members, although other options are possible.
  • The coordinator will review the work of the funnel members.
  • The coordinator will exercise voting rights representing the funnel in annual PCC Policy Committee elections.
  • The coordinator will host an annual meeting to discuss funnel business.
  • The coordinator will contact any absent funnel members to determine their status within the funnel.

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  1. Does PCC have an established policy or practice for setting terms for funnel coordinators?
    Unlike some of the committee membership where a specific term is set, PCC does not have policy or practice for setting terms for funnel coordinators in the PCC programs. However, if the funnel is established based on a consortium, the consortium can certainly consider its own management over the funnel such as setting the term a coordinator would serve, etc.

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  2. As funnel coordinator, what should I do when a new prospective funnel member wants to join the existing funnel?
    The coordinator should advise the member to submit a BIBCO membership application, inform the BIBCO coordinator, and assist the BIBCO coordinator on various administrative activities to prepare for the new member on training, review and set up proper authorization for BIBCO record contribution.

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Funnel Statistics

  1. How does BIBCO funnel contribution work in terms of quotas and/or statistics? Will contributing to a funnel take those stats away from an individual’s institutional count?
    Members from a BIBCO institution participating in the BIBCO funnel should reach an agreement between the institution's BIBCO representative and the BIBCO funnel coordinator in terms of how the individual’s statistics should be counted.

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  2. What records are counted toward the statistics?
    The total count of the records should include all newly-authenticated BIBCO records (whether original cataloging, authentication of existing non-BIBCO records, or new encoding level “8” CIP records). Optionally, it may also include updates to already-authenticated existing BIBCO records.

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  3. Who is responsible for tracking funnel members’ statistics?
    Funnel members are responsible for keeping track of their record contributions and reporting their statistics in the PCC Directory. See: Guidelines for entering statistics in the PCC Directory (PDF; 179 KB)

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Last updated: Nov. 19, 2024. For questions, contact: [email protected]