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MODS 3.8 Schema Released
Sepember 16, 2022
The MODS/MADS Editorial Committee and the Library of Congress are pleased to announce that a new incremental version of the MODS Schema, MODS 3.8, is now available at:
This revision is backwards compatible to version 3.7 and therefore only includes changes that do not result in invalidating existing MODS records.
A complete list of changes can be found at: http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/changes-3-8.html. Revised versions of the MODS User Guidelines, the MARC to MODS mapping, and the XSLT conversion that incorporate the 3.8 changes will be available on the MODS web site soon.
Please direct any comments or questions on the MODS 3.8 Schema, or MODS/MADS developments in general, to the MODS Listserv <http://listserv.loc.gov/listarch/mods.html>.