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Historic American Buildings Survey,
Engineering Record, Landscapes Survey
View photos from this survey. (Some may not be online).
San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge, Spanning San Francisco Bay, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA
- Title: San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge, Spanning San Francisco Bay, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA
- Other Title: Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge
- Creator(s): Historic American Engineering Record, creator
- Related Names:
Purcell, C. H.
California Toll Bridge Authority
California Division of Highways
O'Shaughnessy, Michael M.
Davies, John Vipond
Modjeski, Ralph
Motor-Car Dealers' Association
U.S. Department of War
Ridgway, Robert
Talbot, Arthur N.
Galloway, John Debo
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover-Young San Francisco Bay Bridge Commission
Bay Bridge Hoover-Young Commission
Requa, Mark
Fellom, Roy
Andrews, Charles
California Department of Public Works
Kelly, Earl Lee
Woodruff, Glenn
Raab, Norman
Tudor, Ralph
Wood, Howard
Moran, Daniel
Robinson, Holton D.
Moisseiff, Leon
Derleth, Charles, Jr.
Kelham, George William
Meyer, Frederick
Plueger, Timothy
U.S. Steel Corporation
Columbia Steel Company
American Bridge Company
Transbay Construction Company
Bridge Builders, Inc.
General Construction Company
Morrison-Knudsen Company
McDonald and Kahn
Pacific Bridge Company
Valley Bridge and Iron Company
Raymond Concrete Pile Company
Dravo Construction Company
Bechtel-Kaiser-Warren Company
Utah Construction Company
Clinton Construction Company
Moore Dry Dock Company
Judson Pacific Company
Western Pipe and Steel Company
Missouri Valley Bridge & Iron Company
Kaiser Construction
Pacific Coast Steel
Duncanson and Harrelson
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Plambo Brothers
Clinton Construction Company
T.E. Connolly
Daniels Construction Company
Sullivan Machinery Company
California Department of Transportation , sponsor
Hansen/Murakami/Eishma, Architects and Planners , contractor
JRP Historical Consulting Services , contractor
Dan Peterson, AIA and Associates, Inc. , contractor
OPAC Consulting Engineers , contractor
Lowe, Jet , photographer
Benton, Fred , photographer
Deras, Frank, Jr. , photographer
Hill, Dennis , photographer
Nelson, John , project manager
Mikesell, Stephen D. , historian
Peterson, Dan , historian
Ketchum, Mark , historian
Goodman, Zachary D. , delineator
Atalla, Joseph , delineator
Kim, Julia , delineator
Masuda, Izumi , delineator - Date Created/Published: Documentation compiled after 1968
- Medium:
Photo(s): 415
Measured Drawing(s): 20
Data Page(s): 274
Photo Caption Page(s): 48 - Reproduction Number: ---
- Rights Advisory:
No known restrictions on images made by the U.S. Government; images copied from other sources may be restricted. (http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/res/114_habs.html)
- Call Number: HAER CAL,38-SANFRA,141-
- Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print
- Notes:
- Significance: The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge is one of the most impressive engineering structures in the United States. It is also one of the most important transportation links in the United States, serving as the terminus of an interstate highway and as the linchpin for the transportation network of the San Francisco Bay Area, one of the nation's largest metropolitan regions. The bridge has been recognized by the American Society of Civil Engineers as a nationally significant structure from the standpoint of engineering as well as its importance in the transportation history of California and the nation. The Bay Bridge was also a milestone in the political history of the Bay Area. The history of the Bay Area is filled with controversies over transportation projects, from the 19th century debates over subsidies to the railroads, continuing through the freeway revolt of the 1950s and seemingly endless debates between supporters of transit and highway development in more recent decades. The long debate over construction of the Bay Bridge is remarkable for the fact that the people of the Bay Area and their political leaders united behind it with almost unanimous support. People may disagree as to whether the Bay Bridge is more important for its engineering, its role in transportation history or for its importance in the politics of the area. The structure is highly significant in all of these different ways.
- Unprocessed Field note material exists for this structure: N679
- Survey number: HAER CA-32
- Building/structure dates: 1936 Initial Construction
- Building/structure dates: 1959-1963 Subsequent Work
- Building/structure dates: 1989 Subsequent Work
- National Register of Historic Places NRIS Number: 00000525
- Subjects:
- Place:
- Collections:
- Part of: Historic American Engineering Record (Library of Congress)
- Bookmark This Record:
The Library of Congress generally does not own rights to material in its collections and, therefore, cannot grant or deny permission to publish or otherwise distribute the material. For further rights information, see "Rights Information" below and the Rights and Restrictions Information page ( https://www.loc.gov/rr/print/res/rights.html ).
- Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on images made by the U.S. Government; images copied from other sources may be restricted. http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/res/114_habs.html
- Reproduction Number: ---
- Call Number: HAER CAL,38-SANFRA,141-
- Medium:
Photo(s): 415
Measured Drawing(s): 20
Data Page(s): 274
Photo Caption Page(s): 48
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- Call Number: HAER CAL,38-SANFRA,141-
- Medium:
Photo(s): 415
Measured Drawing(s): 20
Data Page(s): 274
Photo Caption Page(s): 48
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