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MARC Translations


This website contains a bibliographic listing of international MARC formats that are either direct translations (Translation) of the MARC 21 formats, or are close adaptations (Adapted Translation) of MARC 21 documentation. Where applicable, information regarding differences between the translations and MARC 21 is provided. The formats are listed alphabetically by language and include full bibliographic citations and contact information.

MARC 21 Translators' Tools may be found online at: These tools provide useful information for translators of MARC 21 documentation.

Please report any additions or inconsistances in the list to: [email protected].



Translations listed by language


Understanding MARC Authority

Contact Information:

King Fahd National Library
P. O. Box 7572
Riyadh, 11472
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
[email protected]

Understanding MARC Bibliographic

Other Documentation

Field Lists

Contact Information:

The Arabic Union Catalog
P. O. Box 86486
Riyadh, 11622
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
[email protected]

***Note that the Arabic language has been transliterated into Roman alphabet characters without the use of diacritical marks.


MARC formats

Understanding MARC Authority

Understanding MARC Bibliographic

Other Documentation

Contact Information:

Sabina Aneva, Deputy Executive Director
National Academic Library and Information System Foundation
[email protected]


MARC formats

Other documentation

Contact Information:

Biblioteca de Catalunya, Oficina MARC, Servei de Normalització Bibliogràfica
Villarroel 91, 08011
[email protected]


MARC formats

Contact Information:

Cathy Weng
The College of New Jersey Library
New Jersey


MARC formats

Contact Information:

Národní knihovna Ceské republiky
Klementinum 190, 110 01
Czech Republic
[email protected]


MARC formats

Contact Information:

The National Library of Finland, Library Network Services
P.O Box 15, University of Helsinki, FIN-00014


MARC formats

Understanding MARC Authority

Understanding MARC Bibliographic

Other Documentation

Contact Information:

Normes et soutiens/Standards and Support, Bibliothèque et Archives Canada /Library and Archives Canada
395 rue Wellington
Ottawa, Ottawa, K1A 0N4
[email protected]


Other Documentation

Contact Information:

Digital Repository of Ireland
Royal Irish Academy
19 Dawson Street
Dublin 2
[email protected]


MARC formats

Contact Information:

Alphabetische Katalogisierung, Schweizerische Landesbibliothek
Hallwylstrasse 15
3003, Bern, Switzerland

Contact Information:

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Office for Library Standards
Adickesallee 1
60322, Frankfurt am Main, Germany


MARC formats

Contact Information:

University of the Aegean Library, Syros Branch
98, Heroon Polytechniou str.
841 00, Syros, Greece
[email protected]
[email protected]


MARC formats

Contact Information:

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
Burdavári Palota F-épület
1827, Budapest, Hungary
[email protected]

Contact Information:

Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtár és Információs Központ
Arany János utca 1.
1051, Budapest, Hungary


MARC formats

Contact Information:

GUMARC 21, Gruppo utenti MARC 21
c/o Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Biblioteca d'Ateneo, Ufficio Catalogo
Largo A. Gemelli, 1
20213, Milano, Italy
[email protected]

Contact Information:

Mrs. Angela M. Contessi
Biblioteca dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Ufficio Catalogo
Largo A. Gemelli, 1
20213 Milano, Italy
[email protected]
Mr. Alejandro Gadea Raga
Servei de Biblioteques i Documentació, Universitat de València
Carrer de la Universitat, 2
46003 València, Spain
[email protected]

Understanding MARC Bibliographic

Other documentation


Understanding MARC Bibliographic

Contact Information (Translator):

Dr. Oh Dong-Geun
Department of Library & Information Science, Keimyung University
1000 Shindang-dong, Dalseo-ku
Taegu, 704-701 Korea

Contact Information (Publisher):

Kim Sun-Tae, President
Taeil Press Co.
261 Namsan 2-dong, Jung-ku
Taegu, 704-442 Korea


MARC formats

Contact Information:

Standardization Department, National Library of Latvia
Ternatas Street 75-411
LV-1001 Rigao, Latvia


MARC formats

Contact Information:

AL Biblioteksentralen
Postboks 6142 Etterstad
0602 Oslo, Norway


MARC formats

Contact Information:

Paula Fernandes Martins
Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra
Largo da Porta Férrea
Rio de Janeiro, Coimbra, 3000-447 Portugal,

Contact Information:

Grupo de Trabalho em Catalogação da FEBAB
Rua Avanhandava, 40 ‐ Conj. 110
Bela Vista, São Paulo, 01306-000 Brasília
[email protected]

Contact Information:

Divisão de Bibliotecas e Documentação, PUC-Rio
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 255
Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, 22451-900 Brasília
[email protected]

Contact Information:

Grupo de Trabalho em Catalogação da FEBAB
Rua Avanhandava, 40 ‐ Conj. 110
Bela Vista, São Paulo, 01306-000 Brasíl
[email protected]

Contact Information:

Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP
Al Santos, 647 - 10. andar
São Paulo, SP, Brazil, CEP. 01319-903

Contact Information:

Angela Salles
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil,
[email protected]

Contact Information:

Angela Salles
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil,
[email protected]

Contact Information:

Rede Bibliodata
Praia de Botafogo, 190 - 6o. andar
Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, CEP. 22257-970 Brasília

Understanding MARC Bibliographic

Contact Information:

Thesaurus Editora De Brasília
Sig. Quadra 08 Lote 2356
706100-400 Brasília, DF, Brasília,
[email protected]


MARC formats

Contact Information:

Gos. Publichnaíà Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaíà Biblioteka Rossii
12 Kuznetski most
103919 Moscow, Russia,

Contact Information:

Rossiiskaia gosudarstvennaia biblioteka
3/5 ul. Vozdvizhenka
119019 Moskva, Russia,
[email protected]

Understanding MARC Authority Records

Contact Information:

Gos. Publichnaíà Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaíà Biblioteka Rossii
12 Kuznetski most
103919 Moscow, Russia,

Understanding MARC Bibliographic

Contact Information:

Gos. Publichnaíà Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaíà Biblioteka Rossii
12 Kuznetski most
103919 Moscow, Russia,

Other documentation

Contact Information:

Rossiiskaia gosudarstvennaia biblioteka
3/5 ul. Vozdvizhenka
119019 Moskva, Russia,


MARC formats

Contact Information:

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu,
Prirodno-matematički fakultet,
Inovacioni centar za elektronske biblioteke i arhive
Trg Dositeja Obradovića 4
21000 Novi Sad, Serbia,
[email protected]


MARC formats

Contact Information:

Biblioteca Nacional,
Servicio de Distribución de Registros Bibliográficos,
Unidad de Coordinación Informática
Madrid, España,
[email protected]

Contact Information:

Biblioteca Nacional de España
Subdirectora Adjunta a la Dirección Técnica
Paseo de Recoletos 20-22
Madrid, 28071 España

Contact Information:

Biblioteca Nacional del Perú, Servicio de Distribución de Registros Bibliográficos
Av. Abancay, Cuarta Cuadra
Lima, Perú

Contact Information:

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Ciudad Universitaria
Jr. Amezaga s/n
Lima, 01 Perú,
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Contact Information:

Sistema de Información Universitaria
Paraguay 866 Piso 9 Oficina “A”
Capital Federal, C1057AAL República Argentina,
[email protected]

Contact Information:

Sistema de Información Universitaria
Santa Fe 1548 Piso 11 “FRENTE”
Capital Federal, C1050ABO República Argentina,
[email protected]

Understanding MARC Bibliographic

Contact Information:

Library of Congress, Network Development and MARC Standards Office
101 Independence Ave., SE
Washington, DC, 20540-4402 USA,
[email protected]

Contact Information:

Rojas Eberhard Editores Ltda.
Bogotá, Colombia,

Other documentation

Contact Information:

Biblioteca Nacional del Perú
Av. De la Poesía 160
Lima, 41 Perú,
[email protected]


MARC formats

Contact Information:

National Library of Finland
P.O Box 15
00014 Helsinki, Finland
[email protected]

Contact Information:

The Royal Library - National Library of Sweden, LIBRIS Department
P. O. Box 5039
S-102 41 Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected]

Other documentation

Contact Information:

The Royal Library - National Library of Sweden, LIBRIS Department
P. O. Box 5039
S-102 41 Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected]

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