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MARC Code List for Relators

Term Sequence

List identifier: marcrelator

Arrangement of the List

In the Term Sequence, the relator terms are listed alphabetically. A listing by code is provided in a separate Code Sequence list. An entry for a term to which a code has been assigned includes the term followed by the code in brackets, both in boldface. In many cases, a definition follows the relator term. Any variants of the term are also listed. The first type of variant term is preceded by the symbol UF (“used for”). For example:

expert [exp]
Use for a person or organization in charge of the description and appraisal of the value of goods, particularly rare items, works of art, etc.
UF appraiser

The UF terms are included in the list as references, but are not in boldface. The entry under the term referred to must be consulted to determine the code. For example:


Entries may also include a note in [brackets] explaining a change in the use of codes. For example:

graphic technician
USE artist
[Relator term "graphic technician" (coded [grt]) used before March 1988 only.]

abridger [abr]
A person, family, or organization contributing to a resource by shortening or condensing the original work but leaving the nature and content of the original work substantially unchanged. For substantial modifications that result in the creation of a new work, see author.
actor [act]
A performer contributing to an expression of a work by acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation, etc.
adapter [adp]
A person or organization who 1) reworks a musical composition, usually for a different medium, or 2) rewrites novels or stories for motion pictures or other audiovisual medium.
addressee [rcp]
A person, family, or organization to whom the correspondence in a work is addressed.
UF recipient
analyst [anl]
A person or organization that reviews, examines and interprets data or information in a specific area.
animator [anm]
A person contributing to a moving image work or computer program by giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings. For the creator of the drawings that are animated, see artist.
annotator [ann]
A person who makes manuscript annotations on an item
announcer [anc]
A person who makes announcements on television or radio to identify stations, introduce and close shows, announce station breaks, commercials, and public service information. May also read news flashes and describe other public and sporting events.
appellant [apl]
A person or organization who appeals a lower court's decision.
appellee [ape]
A person or organization against whom an appeal is taken.
applicant [app]
A person or organization responsible for the submission of an application or who is named as eligible for the results of the processing of the application (e.g., bestowing of rights, reward, title, position).
USE expert
architect [arc]
A person, family, or organization responsible for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building, etc., will look when completed. It also oversees the construction of structures.
arranger [arr]
A person, family, or organization contributing to a musical work by rewriting the composition for a medium of performance different from that for which the work was originally intended, or modifying the work for the same medium of performance, etc., such that the musical substance of the original composition remains essentially unchanged. For extensive modification that effectively results in the creation of a new musical work, see composer.
UF arranger of music
arranger of music
USE arranger
art copyist [acp]
A person (e.g., a painter or sculptor) who makes copies of works of visual art.
art director [adi]
A person contributing to a motion picture or television production by overseeing the artists and craftspeople who build the sets.
artist [art]
A person, family, or organization responsible for creating a work by conceiving, and implementing, an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc. For book illustrators, prefer Illustrator [ill].
UF graphic technician
artistic director [ard]
A person responsible for controlling the development of the artistic style of an entire production, including the choice of works to be presented and selection of senior production staff.
assignee [asg]
A person or organization to whom a license for printing or publishing has been transferred.
associated name [asn]
A person or organization associated with or found in an item or collection, which cannot be determined to be that of a Former owner [fmo] or other designated relationship indicative of provenance.
attributed name [att]
An author, artist, etc., relating him/her to a resource for which there is or once was substantial authority for designating that person as author, creator, etc. of the work.
UF supposed name
auctioneer [auc]
A person or organization in charge of the estimation and public auctioning of goods, particularly books, artistic works, etc.
audio engineer [aue]
A person or organization contributing to a resource by managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
audio producer [aup]
A producer responsible for most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
author [aut]
A person, family, or organization responsible for creating a work that is primarily textual in content, regardless of media type (e.g., printed text, spoken word, electronic text, tactile text) or genre (e.g., poems, novels, screenplays, blogs). Use also for persons, etc., creating a new work by paraphrasing, rewriting, or adapting works by another creator such that the modification has substantially changed the nature and content of the original or changed the medium of expression.
UF joint author
author in quotations or text abstracts [aqt]
A person or organization whose work is largely quoted or extracted in works to which he or she did not contribute directly. Such quotations are found particularly in exhibition catalogs, collections of photographs, etc.
author of afterword, colophon, etc. [aft]
A person or organization responsible for an afterword, postface, colophon, etc. but who is not the chief author of a work.
UF writer of afterword
UF writer of postface
author of dialog [aud]
A person or organization responsible for the dialog or spoken commentary for a screenplay or sound recording.
author of introduction, etc. [aui]
A person or organization responsible for an introduction, preface, foreword, or other critical introductory matter, but who is not the chief author.
UF writer of foreword
author of screenplay, etc.
USE screenwriter
autographer [ato]
A person whose manuscript signature appears on an item.
bibliographic antecedent [ant]
A person or organization responsible for a resource upon which the resource represented by the bibliographic description is based. This may be appropriate for adaptations, sequels, continuations, indexes, etc.
binder [bnd]
A person who binds an item.
binding designer [bdd]
A person or organization responsible for the binding design of a book, including the type of binding, the type of materials used, and any decorative aspects of the binding.
UF designer of binding
blurb writer [blw]
A person or organization responsible for writing a commendation or testimonial for a work, which appears on or within the publication itself, frequently on the back or dust jacket of print publications or on advertising material for all media.
book artist [bka]
A person who is responsible for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
book designer [bkd]
A person or organization involved in manufacturing a manifestation by being responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
UF designer of book
UF designer of e-book
book producer [bkp]
A person or organization responsible for the production of books and other print media.
UF producer of book
bookjacket designer [bjd]
A person or organization responsible for the design of flexible covers designed for or published with a book, including the type of materials used, and any decorative aspects of the bookjacket.
UF designer of bookjacket
bookplate designer [bpd]
A person or organization responsible for the design of a book owner's identification label that is most commonly pasted to the inside front cover of a book.
bookseller [bsl]
A person or organization who makes books and other bibliographic materials available for purchase. Interest in the materials is primarily lucrative.
USE censor
braille embosser [brl]
A person, family, or organization involved in manufacturing a resource by embossing Braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
broadcaster [brd]
A person, family, or organization involved in broadcasting a resource to an audience via radio, television, webcast, etc.
calligrapher [cll]
A person or organization who writes in an artistic hand, usually as a copyist and or engrosser.
camera operator [cop]
A person who operates a motion picture camera to film a moving image resource.
cartographer [ctg]
A person, family, or organization responsible for creating a map, atlas, globe, or other cartographic work.
caster [cas]
A person, family, or organization involved in manufacturing a resource by pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
casting director [cad]
A person responsible for most aspects of assigning roles and duties to performers.
censor [cns]
A person or organization who examines bibliographic resources for the purpose of suppressing parts deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds.
UF bowdlerizer
UF expurgator
chief electrician
USE electrician
choral conductor
USE conductor
choreographer [chr]
A person responsible for creating or contributing to a work of movement.
cinematographer [cng]
A person in charge of photographing a motion picture, who plans the technical aspets of lighting and photographing of scenes, and often assists the director in the choice of angles, camera setups, and lighting moods. He or she may also supervise the further processing of filmed material up to the completion of the work print. Cinematographer is also referred to as director of photography. Do not confuse with videographer.
UF director of photography
civil defendant
USE defendant
client [cli]
A person or organization for whom another person or organization is acting.
USE contributor
collection registrar [cor]
A curator who lists or inventories the items in an aggregate work such as a collection of items or works.
collector [col]
A curator who brings together items from various sources that are then arranged, described, and cataloged as a collection. A collector is neither the creator of the material nor a person to whom manuscripts in the collection may have been addressed.
collotyper [clt]
A person, family, or organization involved in manufacturing a manifestation of photographic prints from film or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces.
colorist [clr]
A person or organization responsible for applying color to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, etc.
UF colourist
USE colorist
commentator [cmm]