Date issued: 2008/04/24
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The following is a crosswalk between core MARC 21 bibliographic data elements and elements in the Dublin Core Element Set. It may be used in conversion of metadata from MARC into Dublin Core. Since MARC is richer in data than Dublin Core, it differs from the Dublin Core to MARC Crosswalk in that multiple MARC fields are mapped to a Dublin Core element. The Dublin Core to MARC crosswalk maps a Dublin Core element to a single MARC field. In both crosswalks there are different mappings for Dublin Core simple or qualified. Not all possible MARC fields are included in this mapping, but only those considered useful for broad cross-domain resource discovery. Applications may wish to include other MARC elements that are prevalent in their data but are not listed here, or they may not include all that are listed.
MARC 21 fields are listed by field number with specific subfields if applicable. In many cases specific subfields are not provided, since applications may differ in subfields used. Applications may not need control subfields such as $2, $5. Notes concerning implementation are given. Further information about the mapping is given at the end of the document. Definitions of MARC elements may be found at the MARC Bibliographic format site and definitions of Dublin Core elements from the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Reference Description, Version 1.1 and DCMI Metadata Terms.
Note that it is not expected that round-trip mapping is possible using this crosswalk. Once MARC data is converted to Dublin Core, not enough information is retained to allow for mapping back to MARC accurately. This is inevitable when mapping a complex set of data elements to a simpler set. Where a tag is used in mapping to more than one DC element, a decision may need to be made which Dublin Core element to map it to.
MARC fields | DC Element | Implementation Notes |
100, 110, 111, 700, 710, 711 | Contributor | |
720 | ||
651, 662 | Coverage | |
751, 752 | ||
Creator | Creator element not used. | |
008/07-10 | Date | |
260$c$g | ||
500-599, except 506, 530, 540, 546 | Description | |
340 | Format | |
856$q | ||
020$a, 022$a, 024$a | Identifier | |
856$u | ||
008/35-37 | Language | |
041$a$b$d$e$f$g$h$j | ||
546 | ||
260$a$b | Publisher | |
530, 760-787$o$t | Relation | |
506, 540 | Rights | |
534$t | Source | |
786$o$t | ||
050, 060, 080, 082 | Subject | |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 653 | ||
245, 246 | Title | Repeat dc:title for each. Some applications may wish to include 210, 222, 240, 242, 243, and 247. |
Leader06, Leader07 | Type | See Appendix 2 for Leader-Type rules. |
655 |
MARC fields | DC Element | DC Qualifier(s) | Implementation Notes |
541$c | Accrual Method | ||
310$a | Accrual Periodicity | ||
521 | Audience | ||
100, 110, 111, 700, 710, 711$e | Contributor | Value in $e. | Roles may be used as refinements of Contributor if using qualified DC. See "Roles" note below. |
720$e | |||
255, 034 | Coverage | Spatial | Some 255 information equivalent to DC encoding scheme but different syntax. |
522 | |||
650$z, 651, 662 | |||
751, 752 | |||
043$c,044$c | Coverage | Spatial ISO3166 |
651 if ind2=7 & $2=tgn | Spatial TGN |
033$a | Coverage | Temporal | |
533$b | |||
260$c if precedes date | Date | Copyrighted | |
542$g | This field was defined in MARC in January 2008. | ||
260$c$g | Date | Created | |
533$d | |||
008/07-10 | Date | Issued | |
260$c | |||
046$j | Date | Modified | |
046$m$n | Date | Valid | |
520 if ind1=# or 3 | Description | Abstract | |
505 | Description | TableofContents | |
300$a | Format | Extent | |
533$e | |||
856$q | IMT | ||
340$a | Medium | ||
856$u | Identifier | URI | |
008/35-37 | Language | IS0369-2 | |
041 with no $2 | ISO639-2 | ||
041 with $2=iso639-3 | ISO639-3 | ||
041 with $2=rfc1766 | RFC1766 | ||
041 with $2=rfc3066 | RFC3066 | ||
041 with $2=rfc4646 | RFC4646 | ||
561 | Provenance | ||
530 | Relation | HasFormat | |
776$n$t | |||
530$u | Relation | HasFormat URI |
776$o | |||
774$n$t | Relation | HasPart | |
774$o | Relation | HasPart URI |
775$n$t | Relation | HasVersion | |
775$o | Relation | HasVersion URI |
530 | Relation | IsFormatOf | |
776$n$t | |||
530$u | Relation | IsFormatOf URI |
776$o | |||
440, 490, 800, 810, 811, 830 | Relation | IsPartOf | |
760, 773$n$t | |||
760, 773$o | Relation | IsPartOf URI |
510 | Relation | IsReferencedBy | |
785$n$t | Relation | IsReplacedBy | |
785$o | Relation | IsReplacedBy URI |
775,786$n$t | Relation | IsVersionOf | |
775, 786$o | Relation | IsVersionOf URI |
780$n$t | Relation | Replaces | |
780$o | Relation | Replaces URI |
538 | Relation | Requires | |
506$a$d | Rights | AccessRights | |
540$a$d | |||
542$d | Rights | RightsHolder | This field was defined in MARC in January 2008. |
786$o | Source | URI | |
082 | Subject | DDC | |
050 | Subject | LCC | |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650 if ind2=0 | Subject | LCSH | |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650 if ind2=2 | Subject | MeSH | |
060 | Subject | NLM | |
655 if ind2=7 & $2=tgn | Subject | TGN | |
080 | Subject | UDC | |
245 | Title | ||
130, 210, 240, 242, 246, 730, 740 | Title | Alternative | |
Leader06, Leader07 | Type | DCMI Type Vocabulary | See Appendix 2 for Leader-Type rules. |
655 if $2=dct |
DC Refinements and encoding schemes. Some DC refinements or encoding schemes have not been included because they are not generally found or can not be specifically identified in MARC data. Examples include DCMI Point, DCMI Box and Mediator.
Roles. Those roles in the MARC Relators list that indicate that they refine "Contributor" may be used in qualified DC. See: Relator Terms and Dublin Core Elements.
Multiple Type fields may be used; conversions below may result in 2 or 3 Type fields. There are several additional sources of type information in the MARC record; only coded values in Leader/06 and Leaader/07 are detailed in this chart. Field 655 may also be used for more specific type information.
Leader/06 value | Leader/07 value | Type value |
a,c,d,t | text | |
e,f,g,k | image | |
i,j | sound | |
m,o,p,r | no type provided | |
p | c,s | collection |
Institutions may want to consider generating additional type values, such as "map" or "cartographic" for codes e or g; "musical notation" for codes c or d, etc.
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