Guidelines for Coding Electronic Resources in Leader/06

Revised December 2007

Network Development and MARC Standards Office,
Library of Congress

The revision in 1997 of the definition for code “m” (Computer file) in Leader/06 (Type of record), that narrowed its use to a computer file content orientation, as well as the proliferation of electronic resources has prompted users to request additional guidance when coding these materials. This document presents some guidelines for coding Leader/06 in bibliographic records for electronic resources and includes examples with coding. Please note that this document discusses content designation (MARC coding and tagging); it is not a guide to cataloging rules and conventions used to create the content of bibliographic records for electronic resources.

The list of examples in this document is an ongoing work in progress. Users who encounter types of electronic resources not included in the list are encouraged to bring them to the attention of the Network Development and MARC Standards Office at the Library of Congress ([email protected]).

This document supersedes an earlier edition of these guidelines.



Principles and Guidelines for Coding Leader/06

An electronic resource is a manifestation of a work that requires the use of a computer for access. Peripheral devices attached to the computer (such as a CD-ROM drive) may also be required. The manifestation's carrier is accessed either directly (e.g., via CD-ROM, etc.) or remotely (e.g., via the Internet). Items that do not require the use of a computer, such as audio CDs or movies on DVD-videodiscs, are excluded from this definition.

The Leader/06 (Type of record) character position in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data contains a one-character alphabetic code that differentiates MARC records created for various types of content and materials. The definition of code “m” (computer file) in Leader/06 was revised in June 1997 as a result of Proposal No. 97-3R. The new definition narrowed the choice of code “m” to the following types of electronic resources:

Code “m” is defined as follows in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data:

m - Computer file
Code m indicates that the content of the record is for the following classes of electronic resources: computer software (including programs, games, fonts), numeric data, computer-oriented multimedia, online systems or services. For these classes of materials, if there is a significant aspect that causes it to fall into another Leader/06 category, code for that significant aspect (e.g., vector data that is cartographic is not coded as numeric but as cartographic). Other classes of electronic resources are coded for their most significant aspect (e.g. language material, graphic, cartographic material, sound, music, moving image). In case of doubt or if the most significant aspect cannot be determined, consider the item a computer file.

This revised definition stipulates that catalogers code electronic resources for the significant aspects of their content, as opposed to their carrier.

The Leader/06 determines which 008 code (Fixed-length data elements - General information) is used and the appropriateness and validity of other fixed data elements in a record.

Principles and Guidelines for Coding Fields 006, 007 and 008

The 008 field contains character positions that provide coded information about the record as a whole and about special bibliographic aspects of the item cataloged. This field is not repeatable. Field 006 (Fixed-length data elements - Additional material characteristics) permits coding for additional aspects of an electronic resource (including any computer file aspects) if the 007 and 008 fields do not adequately describe it. Some cataloging utilities and groups (such as CONSER) require the use of 006 fields under certain conditions. Sample records in this document include 006 fields for those who may wish to use this field.

Coding all of these positions involves making a series of decisions. Consider the following when deciding what code values to select:

In case of doubt, or if the most significant characteristic cannot be determined, code the resource “m” in the Leader/06 position.

Coding for different types of electronic resources

Bibliographic database on the Internet

The record describes collections of bibliographic records retrieved via search software; the presence of such software does not change the content of the resource and does not mean that Leader/06 should be coded “m.” The resource is primarily textual bibliographic data, so it is coded as language material. The type of computer file (006/09) is bibliographic data.

Collection of databases on the Internet

The record describes the system itself and not the content of individual databases. The type of computer file is online system or service.

Textual continuing resource

The resource is the equivalent of a print item, but in electronic form. The resource is coded as language material. If a 006 field for computer files/electronic resources is added, the type of computer file (006/09) depends on the content of the resource.

Textual continuing resource with search software

The resource is the equivalent of a print item, but in electronic form. Search software is included. The presence of such software and/or the location of the serial on the Internet does not necessarily change the content of the resource and does not mean that Leader/06 should be coded “m.” The resource is primarily textual data and is coded as language material. If a 006 field for computer files/electronic resources is added, the type of computer file (006/09) depends on the content of the resource.

Textual continuing resource received via email

The resource is the equivalent of a print item but is received via email from a news wire service. It is coded as language material. The type of computer file is document.

Textual document

The resource is the equivalent of a print item, but in electronic form. It is coded as language material. If a 006 field for computer files/electronic resources is added, the type of computer file (006/09) depends on the content of the resource.

Cartographic material in electronic form.

The resource is non-manuscript cartographic material in electronic form. It is coded as cartographic material. The type of computer file is representational.

Still images

The resource is an electronic collection of graphic materials, such as drawings or photographic prints. Additional items, such as captions and other explanatory text or manuals, may be present, but the primary content is graphic and the resource is coded as graphic material. The type of computer file is representational.

Notated music

The resource is an online collection of sheet music in electronic form. It is coded as notated music. The type of computer file is other.

Census in textual form

The resource consists largely of numeric data, perhaps in tabular form, but is the electronic equivalent of a print item. It is coded as language material. The type of computer file is document.

Database containing manipulable numeric data

The resource consists largely of numeric data that can be manipulated. It is coded as a computer file. The type of computer file is numeric data.

Computer operating system

The resource consists of an ordered set of instructions directing a computer to perform certain operations. It is coded as a computer file in Leader/06 and the type of file is computer program.

Computer software

The resource consists of an ordered set of instructions directing a computer to perform certain operations. It is coded as a computer file in Leader/06 and the type of file is computer program.

Computer game

The resource is a game that allows multi-user play online. The type of file is game.

Internet search engine

The bibliographic record below describes the system itself, not the system's content. It is coded as a computer file. The type of file is computer program. 006 fields may be added to bring out the “seriality” or any additional characteristics of the web site.

Web portal

The bibliographic record describes the system and its content. It is coded as a computer file. The type of file is combination. 006 fields may be added to bring out the “seriality” or any additional characteristics.

System or service on the Internet (includes E-commerce sites)

The resource has system-based user interaction that allows users to purchase various types of products or services. The bibliographic record describes the web site. It is coded as a computer file. The type of file is online system or service. 006 fields may be added to bring out the “seriality” or any additional characteristics of the web site.

Web site with significant audio and video content

The resource consists of several types of materials, including audio and video. Leader/06 is coded as a computer file. The type of file is combination since there is no one significant aspect. 006 fields may be added to bring out the “seriality” or any additional characteristics.

Streaming video

The resource is an electronic moving image. It is coded as a projected medium in Leader/06. The type of computer file is combination, as there is audio as well as moving images.

Streaming audio

The resource is a collection of sound recordings in electronic format. It is coded as either a musical or non-musical sound recording, depending on the content. The type of computer file is sound.


Leader/06 values

Value Field 008/18-34 configuration
a Language material Books OR Continuing resources
c Notated music Music
d Manuscript notated music Music
e Cartographic material Maps
f Manuscript cartographic material Maps
g Projected medium Visual materials
i Nonmusical sound recording Music
j Musical sound recording Music
k Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic Visual materials
m Computer file Computer files
o Kit Visual materials
p Mixed material Mixed materials
r Three dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object Visual materials
t Manuscript language material Books

Leader/06 definitions

The Leader/06 (Type of record) character position contains a one-character alphabetic code that is used to differentiate MARC records created for various types of content and material.

Computer files are identified by a distinctive Type of record code only if they belong to certain categories of electronic resources as specified below; in all other cases the type of content characteristics described by other codes take precedence over the computer file characteristics of the item.

a - Language material
Code “a” indicates that the content of the record is for non-manuscript language material. Code “a” is also used for microforms and electronic resources that are basically textual in nature, whether they are reproductions from print or originally produced. Manuscript language material uses code “t”.
c - Notated music
Code “c” indicates that the content of the record is for printed, microform, or electronic notated music.
d - Manuscript notated music
Code “d” indicates that the content of the record is for manuscript notated music or a microform of manuscript music.
e - Cartographic material
Code “e” indicates that the content of the record is for non-manuscript cartographic material or a microform of non-manuscript cartographic material. This code is used for maps, atlases, globes, digital maps, and other cartographic items.
f - Manuscript cartographic material
Code “f” indicates that the content of the record is for manuscript cartographic material or a microform of manuscript cartographic material.
g - Projected medium
Code “g” indicates that the content of the record is for a motion picture, videorecording (including digital video), filmstrip, slide, or transparency. All of these media are intended for projection. Material specifically designed for overhead projection is also included in this type of record category.
i - Nonmusical sound recording
Code “i” indicates that the content of the record is for a recording of nonmusical sounds (e.g., speech).
j - Musical sound recording
Code “j” indicates that the content of the record is for a musical sound recording.
k - Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic
Code “k” indicates that the content of the record is for a two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic such as, activity cards, charts, collages, computer graphics, digital pictures, drawings, duplication masters, flash cards, paintings, photo CDs, photonegatives, photoprints, pictures, postcards, posters, prints, spirit masters, study prints, technical drawings, transparency masters, and reproductions of any of these.
m - Computer file
Code “m” indicates that the content of the record is for the following classes of electronic resources: computer software (including programs, games, fonts), numeric data, computer-oriented multimedia, online systems or services. For these classes of materials, if there is a significant aspect that causes it to fall into another Leader/06 category, code for that significant aspect (e.g., vector data that is cartographic is not coded as numeric but as cartographic). Other classes of electronic resources are coded for their most significant aspect (e.g. language material, graphic, cartographic material, sound, music, moving image). In case of doubt or if the most significant aspect cannot be determined, consider the item a computer file.
o - Kit
Code “o” indicates that the content of the record is for a mixture of various components issued as a unit and intended primarily for instructional purposes. No one component is identifiable as the predominant component of the item. Examples are packages of assorted materials, such as a set of school social studies curriculum material (books, workbooks, guides, activities, etc.), or packages of educational test materials (tests, answer sheets, scoring guides, score charts, interpretative manuals, etc.).
p - Mixed materials
Code “p” indicates that there are significant materials in two or more forms that are usually related by virtue of their having been accumulated by or about a person or body. The intended primary purpose is other than for instructional purposes (i.e., other than the purpose of those materials coded as “o” (Kit)). This category includes archival fonds and manuscript collections of mixed forms of materials, such as text, photographs, and sound recordings.
r - Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object
Code “r” indicates that the content of the record is for a three-dimensional artifact or a naturally occurring object. This includes man-made objects such as models, dioramas, games, puzzles, simulations, sculptures and other three-dimensional art works, exhibits, machines, clothing, toys, and stitchery. It also includes naturally occurring objects such as, microscope specimens (or representations of them) and other specimens mounted for viewing.
t - Manuscript language material
Code “a” indicates that the content of the record is for manuscript language material or a microform of manuscript language material. This category is applied to items for language material in handwriting, typescript, or computer printout including printed materials completed by hand or by keyboard. At the time it is created, this material is usually intended, either implicitly or explicitly, to exist as a single instance. Examples include marked or corrected galley and page proofs, manuscript books, legal papers, and unpublished theses and dissertations.

Definitions of data elements in 008/26 and 006/09 positions for Computer files

008/26 - Type of computer file (006/09)
A one-character alphabetic code indicates the type of electronic resource being described. The specific type of electronic resource is also described in textual form in field 516 (Type of Computer File or Data Note). A fill character (|) is used when no attempt has been made to code this 008 position.
a - Numeric data
Code “a” indicates an electronic resource that contains mostly numbers or representation by numbers, such as records containing all information on student test scores, all information on football team statistics, etc. The information may be original surveys and/or information that has been summarized or statistically manipulated.
b - Computer program
Code “b” indicates an electronic resource containing an ordered set of instructions directing the computer to perform basic operations and identifying the information and mechanisms required. This category includes videogames and microcomputer software and computer models. Some types of computer programs (e.g., game, font) are identified by separate codes in this character position.
c - Representational
Code “c” indicates an electronic resource that contains pictorial graphic data that can be manipulated in conjunction with other types of files to produce graphic patterns that can be used to interpret and give meaning to the information. It does not include a document in image format.
d - Document
Code “d” indicates an electronic resource that is textual, consisting mostly of alphabetic information (words or sentences) converted into a coded format that can be processed, sorted, and manipulated by machine, and then retrieved in many optional formats. It includes language material intended to constitute a textual document, whether represented as ASCII or image data. It includes both single bibliographic entities or a collection of bibliographic entities. Documents whose primary purpose is textual, even if search software is present, are coded here.
e - Bibliographic data
Code “e” indicates that an electronic resource consists of data with bibliographic citations. This includes data from library catalogs or citation databases. The data may be in a structured or unstructured form. Search software may be present, but the purpose of the record is description of the content of the bibliographic data or database, rather than description of the online system or service.
f - Font
Code “f” indicates that an electronic resource contains information for a computer to produce fonts.
g - Game
Code “g” indicates that an electronic resource is a game, intended for recreational or educational use. Generally games consist of text and software. A videogame is included here.
h - Sounds
Code “h” indicates that the file consists of data encoding sounds producible by the computer.
i - Interactive multimedia
Code “i” indicates that the electronic resource described by the record supports navigation through and manipulation of many kinds of media (i.e., audio, video, etc.). Interactive multimedia usually gives the user a high level of control, often allowing almost conversational interaction with the computer and data.
j - Online system or service
Code “j” indicates that the record is for an online system or service and may contain nonbibliographic information. An online system or service supports system-based user interaction. If the focus of the record is to describe the system itself, with the content of the databases incidental contained therein, it is coded here. If the resource is an online file where the system is incidental to the description, it falls into another category. Examples of online systems or services are: online library systems (consisting of a variety of databases), FTP sites, electronic bulletin boards, network information centers.
m - Combination
Code “m” is used when the item is a combination of two or more of the above types of files.
u - Unknown
Code “u” indicates that the type of file is unknown.
z - Other
Code “z” indicates a type of file for which none of the other defined codes are appropriate.

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