Library of Congress >> MARC >> Holdings Field List

MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
Field List

2000 Edition
Update No. 1 (October 2000) through Update No. 39 (December 2024)

This document lists all valid and obsolete data elements that may appear in MARC 21 holdings records. It is intended to meet the need for a simple data element list to support MARC system development and online validation of MARC data elements. This listing does not include any descriptions or examples of MARC data elements. Descriptions and examples can be found in the MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data.

--Leader and Directory--
   Character Positions
      00-04 - Record length
      05 - Record status
         c - Corrected or revised
         d - Deleted
         n - New
      06 - Type of record
         u - Unknown
         v - Multipart item holdings
         x - Single-part item holdings
         y - Serial item holdings
      07-08 - Undefined character positions
      09 - Character coding scheme
         # - MARC-8
         a - UCS/Unicode
      10 - Indicator count
      11 - Subfield code length
      12-16 - Base address of data
      17 - Encoding level
         1 - Holdings level 1
         2 - Holdings level 2
         3 - Holdings level 3
         4 - Holdings level 4
         5 - Holdings level 4 with piece designation
         m - Mixed level
         u - Unknown
         z - Other level
      18 - Item information in record
         i - Item information
         n - No item information
      19 - Undefined character position
      20-23 - Entry map
      20 - Length of the length-of-field portion
      21 - Length of the starting-character-position portion
      22 - Length of the implementation-defined portion
      23 - Undefined

   Character Positions
      00-02 - Tag
      03-06 - Field length
      07-11 - Starting character position

--Control Fields (001-008)--




--Control Field 007--
    Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         a - Map
      01 - Specific material designation
         d - Atlas
         g - Diagram
         j - Map
         k - Profile
         q - Model
         r - Remote-sensing image
         s - Section
         u - Unspecified
         y - View
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      02 - Undefined
      03 - Color
         a - One color
         c - Multicolored
         | - No attempt to code
      04 - Physical medium
         a - Paper
         b - Wood
         c - Stone
         d - Metal
         e - Synthetic
         f - Skin
         g - Textile
         i - Plastic
         j - Glass
         l - Vinyl
         n - Vellum
         p - Plaster
         q - Flexible base photographic, positive
         r - Flexible base photographic, negative
         s - Non-flexible base photographic, positive
         t - Non-flexible base photographic, negative
         u - Unknown
         v - Leather
         w - Parchment
         x - Not applicable
         y - Other photographic medium
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      05 - Type of reproduction
         f - Facsimile
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      06 - Production/reproduction details
         a - Photocopy, blueline print
         b - Photocopy
         c - Photographic pre-production
         d - Film
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      07 - Positive/negative aspect
         a - Positive
         b - Negative
         m - Mixed polarity
         n - Not applicable
         | - No attempt to code
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         c - Computer file
      01 - Specific material designation
         a - Tape cartridge
         b - Chip cartridge
         c - Computer optical disc cartridge
         d - Computer disc, type unspecified
         e - Computer disc cartridge, type unspecified
         f - Tape cassette
         h - Tape reel
         j - Magnetic disk
         k - Computer card
         m - Magneto-optical disc
         o - Optical disc
         r - Remote
         u - Unspecified
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      02 - Undefined
      03 - Color
         a - One color
         b - Black-and-white
         c - Multicolored
         g - Gray scale
         m - Mixed
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      04 - Dimensions
         a - 3 1/2 in.
         e - 12 in.
         g - 4 3/4 in. or 12 cm.
         i - 1 1/8 x 2 3/8 in.
         j - 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in.
         n - Not applicable
         o - 5 1/4 in.
         u - Unknown
         v - 8 in.
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      05 - Sound
         # - No sound (silent)
         a - Sound on medium
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
      06-08 - Image bit depth
         001-999 - Exact bit depth
         mmm - Multiple
         nnn - Not applicable
         --- - Unknown
         ||| - No attempt to code
      09 - File formats
         a - One
         m - Multiple
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
      10 - Quality assurance target(s)
         a - Absent
         n - Not applicable
         p - Present
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
      11 - Antecedent/source
         a - File reproduced from original
         b - File reproduced from microform
         c - File reproduced from an electronic resource
         d - File reproduced from an intermediate (not microform)
         m - Mixed
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
      12 - Level of compression
         a - Uncompressed
         b - Lossless
         d - Lossy
         m - Mixed
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
      13 - Reformatting quality
         a - Access
         n - Not applicable
         p - Preservation
         r - Replacement
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         d - Globe
      01 - Specific material designation
         a - Celestial globe
         b - Planetary or lunar globe
         c - Terrestrial globe
         e - Earth moon globe
         u - Unspecified
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      02 - Undefined
      03 - Color
         a - One color
         c - Multicolored
         | - No attempt to code
      04 - Physical medium
         a - Paper
         b - Wood
         c - Stone
         d - Metal
         e - Synthetic
         f - Skin
         g - Textile
         i - Plastic
         l - Vinyl
         n - Vellum
         p - Plaster
         u - Unknown
         v - Leather
         w - Parchment
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      05 - Type of reproduction
         f - Facsimile
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         f - Tactile material
      01 - Specific material designation
         a - Moon
         b - Braille
         c - Combination
         d - Tactile, with no writing system
         u - Unspecified
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      02 - Undefined
      03-04 - Class of braille writing
         # - No specified class of braille writing
         a - Literary braille
         b - Format code braille
         c - Mathematics and scientific braille
         d - Computer braille
         e - Music braille
         m - Multiple braille types
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      05 - Level of contraction
         a - Uncontracted
         b - Contracted
         m - Combination
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      06-08 - Braille music format
         # - No specified braille music format
         a - Bar over bar
         b - Bar by bar
         c - Line over line
         d - Paragraph
         e - Single line
         f - Section by section
         g - Line by line
         h - Open score
         i - Spanner short form scoring
         j - Short form scoring
         k - Outline
         l - Vertical score
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      09 - Specific physical characteristics
         a - Print/braille
         b - Jumbo or enlarged braille
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         g - Projected graphic
      01 - Specific material designation
         c - Filmstrip cartridge
         d - Filmslip
         f - Filmstrip, type unspecified
         o - Filmstrip roll
         s - Slide
         t - Transparency
         u - Unspecified
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      02 - Undefined
      03 - Color
         a - One color
         b - Black-and-white
         c - Multicolored
         h - Hand colored
         m - Mixed
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      04 - Base of emulsion
         d - Glass
         e - Synthetic
         j - Safety film
         k - Film base, other than safety film
         m - Mixed collection
         o - Paper
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      05 - Sound on medium or separate
         # - No sound (silent)
         a - Sound on medium
         b - Sound separate from medium
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
      06 - Medium for sound
         # - No sound (silent)
         a - Optical sound track on motion picture film
         b - Magnetic sound track on motion picture film
         c - Magnetic audio tape in cartridge
         d - Sound disc
         e - Magnetic audio tape on reel
         f - Magnetic audio tape in cassette
         g - Optical and magnetic sound track on motion picture film
         h - Videotape
         i - Videodisc
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      07 - Dimensions
         a - Standard 8 mm.
         b - Super 8 mm./single 8 mm.
         c - 9.5 mm.
         d - 16 mm.
         e - 28 mm.
         f - 35 mm.
         g - 70 mm.
         j - 2x2 in. or 5x5 cm.
         k - 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 in. or 6x6 cm.
         s - 4x5 in. or 10x13 cm.
         t - 5x7 in. or 13x18 cm.
         u - Unknown
         v - 8x10 in. or 21x26 cm.
         w - 9x9 in. or 23x23 cm.
         x - 10x10 in. or 26x26 cm.
         y - 7x7 in. or 18x18 cm.
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      08 - Secondary support material
         # - No secondary support
         c - Cardboard
         d - Glass
         e - Synthetic
         h - Metal
         j - Metal and glass
         k - Synthetic and glass
         m - Mixed collection
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         h - Microform
      01 - Specific material designation
         a - Aperture card
         b - Microfilm cartridge
         c - Microfilm cassette
         d - Microfilm reel
         e - Microfiche
         f - Microfiche cassette
         g - Microopaque
         h - Microfiche slip
         j - Microfilm roll
         u - Unspecified
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      02 - Undefined
      03 - Positive/negative aspect
         a - Positive
         b - Negative
         m - Mixed polarity
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
      04 - Dimensions
         a - 8 mm.
         d - 16 mm.
         f - 35 mm.
         g - 70 mm.
         h - 105 mm.
         l - 3x5 in. or 8x13 cm.
         m - 4x6 in. or 11x15 cm.
         o - 6x9 in. or 16x23 cm.
         p - 3 1/4 x 7 3/8 in. or 9x19 cm.
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      05 - Reduction ratio range
         a - Low reduction
         b - Normal reduction
         c - High reduction
         d - Very high reduction
         e - Ultra high reduction
         u - Unknown
         v - Reduction rate varies
         | - No attempt to code
      06-08 - Reduction ratio
      09 - Color
         b - Black-and-white (or monochrome)
         c - Multicolored
         m - Mixed
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      10 - Emulsion on film
         a - Silver halide
         b - Diazo
         c - Vesicular
         m - Mixed emulsion
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      11 - Generation
         a - First generation (master)
         b - Printing master
         c - Service copy
         m - Mixed generation
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
      12 - Base of film
         a - Safety base, undetermined
         c - Safety base, acetate undetermined
         d - Safety base, diacetate
         p - Safety base, polyester
         r - Safety base, mixed
         t - Safety base, triacetate
         i - Nitrate base
         m - Mixed base (nitrate and safety)
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         k - Nonprojected graphic
      01 - Specific material designation
         a - Activity card
         c - Collage
         d - Drawing
         e - Painting
         f - Photomechanical print
         g - Photonegative
         h - Photoprint
         i - Picture
         j - Print
         k - Poster
         l - Technical drawing
         n - Chart
         o - Flash card
         p - Postcard
         q - Icon
         r - Radiograph
         s - Study print
         u - Unspecified
         v - Photograph, type unspecified
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      02 - Undefined
      03 - Color
         a - One color
         b - Black-and-white
         c - Multicolored
         h - Hand colored
         m - Mixed
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      04 - Primary support material
         a - Canvas
         b - Bristol board
         c - Cardboard/illustration board
         d - Glass
         e - Synthetic
         f - Skin
         g - Textile
         h - Metal
         i - Plastic
         l - Vinyl
         m - Mixed collection
         n - Vellum
         o - Paper
         p - Plaster
         q - Hardboard
         r - Porcelain
         s - Stone
         t - Wood
         u - Unknown
         v - Leather
         w - Parchment
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      05 - Secondary support material
         # - No secondary support
         a - Canvas
         b - Bristol board
         c - Cardboard/illustration board
         d - Glass
         e - Synthetic
         f - Skin
         g - Textile
         h - Metal
         i - Plastic
         l - Vinyl
         m - Mixed collection
         n - Vellum
         o - Paper
         p - Plaster
         q - Hardboard
         r - Porcelain
         s - Stone
         t - Wood
         u - Unknown
         v - Leather
         w - Parchment
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         m - Motion picture
      01 - Specific material designation
         c - Film cartridge
         f - Film cassette
         o - Film roll
         r - Film reel
         u - Unspecified
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      02 - Undefined
      03 - Color
         b - Black-and-white
         c - Multicolored
         h - Hand colored
         m - Mixed
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      04 - Motion picture presentation format
         a - Standard sound aperture (reduced frame)
         b - Nonanamorphic (wide-screen)
         c - 3D
         d - Anamorphic (wide-screen)
         e - Other wide-screen format
         f - Standard silent aperture (full frame)
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      05 - Sound on medium or separate
         # - No sound (silent)
         a - Sound on medium
         b - Sound separate from medium
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
      06 - Medium for sound
         # - No sound (silent)
         a - Optical sound track on motion picture film
         b - Magnetic sound track on motion picture film
         c - Magnetic audio tape in cartridge
         d - Sound disc
         e - Magnetic audio tape on reel
         f - Magnetic audio tape in cassette
         g - Optical and magnetic sound track on motion picture film
         h - Videotape
         i - Videodisc
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      07 - Dimensions
         a - Standard 8 mm.
         b - Super 8 mm./single 8 mm.
         c - 9.5 mm.
         d - 16 mm.
         e - 28 mm.
         f - 35 mm.
         g - 70 mm.
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      08 - Configuration of playback channels
         k - Mixed
         m - Monaural
         n - Not applicable
         q - Quadraphonic, multichannel, or surround
         s - Stereophonic
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      09 - Production elements
         a - Workprint
         b - Trims
         c - Outtakes
         d - Rushes
         e - Mixing tracks
         f - Title bands/intertitle rolls
         g - Production rolls
         n - Not applicable
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      10 - Positive/negative aspect
         a - Positive
         b - Negative
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      11 - Generation
         d - Duplicate
         e - Master
         o - Original
         r - Reference print/viewing copy
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      12 - Base of film
         a - Safety base, undetermined
         c - Safety base, acetate undetermined
         d - Safety base, diacetate
         p - Safety base, polyester
         r - Safety base, mixed
         t - Safety base, triacetate
         i - Nitrate base
         m - Mixed base (nitrate and safety)
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      13 - Refined categories of color
         a - 3 layer color
         b - 2 color, single strip
         c - Undetermined 2 color
         d - Undetermined 3 color
         e - 3 strip color
         f - 2 strip color
         g - Red strip
         h - Blue or green strip
         i - Cyan strip
         j - Magenta strip
         k - Yellow strip
         l - S E N 2
         m - S E N 3
         n - Not applicable
         p - Sepia tone
         q - Other tone
         r - Tint
         s - Tinted and toned
         t - Stencil color
         u - Unknown
         v - Hand colored
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      14 - Kind of color stock or print
         a - Imbibition dye transfer prints
         b - Three layer stock
         c - Three layer stock, low fade
         d - Duplitized stock
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      15 - Deterioration stage
         a - None apparent
         b - Nitrate: suspicious odor
         c - Nitrate: pungent odor
         d - Nitrate: brownish, discoloration, fading, dusty
         e - Nitrate: sticky
         f - Nitrate: frothy, bubbles, blisters
         g - Nitrate: congealed
         h - Nitrate: powder
         k - Non-nitrate: detectable deterioration (diacetate odor)
         l - Non-nitrate: advanced deterioration
         m - Non-nitrate: disaster
         | - No attempt to code
      16 - Completeness
         c - Complete
         i - Incomplete
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
      17-22 - Film inspection date
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         o - Kit
      01 - Specific material designation
         u - Unspecified
         | - No attempt to code
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         q - Notated music
      01 - Specific material designation
         u - Unspecified
         | - No attempt to code
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         r - Remote-sensing image
      01 - Specific material designation
         u - Unspecified
         | - No attempt to code
      02 - Undefined
      03 - Altitude of sensor
         a - Surface
         b - Airborne
         c - Spaceborne
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      04 - Attitude of sensor
         a - Low oblique
         b - High oblique
         c - Vertical
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
      05 - Cloud cover
         0 - 0-9%
         1 - 10-19%
         2 - 20-29%
         3 - 30-39%
         4 - 40-49%
         5 - 50-59%
         6 - 60-69%
         7 - 70-79%
         8 - 80-89%
         9 - 90-100%
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
      06 - Platform construction type
         a - Balloon
         b - Aircraft--low altitude
         c - Aircraft--medium altitude
         d - Aircraft--high altitude
         e - Manned spacecraft
         f - Unmanned spacecraft
         g - Land-based remote-sensing device
         h - Water surface-based remote-sensing device
         i - Submersible remote-sensing device
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      07 - Platform use category
         a - Meteorological
         b - Surface observing
         c - Space observing
         m - Mixed uses
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      08 - Sensor type
         a - Active
         b - Passive
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      09-10 - Data type
         aa - Visible light
         da - Near infrared
         db - Middle infrared
         dc - Far infrared
         dd - Thermal infrared
         de - Shortwave infrared (SWIR)
         df - Reflective infrared
         dv - Combinations
         dz - Other infrared data
         ga - Sidelooking airborne radar (SLAR)
         gb - Synthetic aperture radar (SAR)-Single frequency
         gc - SAR-multi-frequency (multichannel)
         gd - SAR-like polarization
         ge - SAR-cross polarization
         gf - Infometric SAR
         gg - polarmetric SAR
         gu - Passive microwave mapping
         gz - Other microwave data
         ja - Far ultraviolet
         jb - Middle ultraviolet
         jc - Near ultraviolet
         jv - Ultraviolet combinations
         jz - Other ultraviolet data
         ma - Multi-spectral, multidata
         mb - Multi-temporal
         mm - Combination of various data types
         nn - Not applicable
         pa - Sonar--water depth
         pb - Sonar--bottom topography images, sidescan
         pc - Sonar--bottom topography, near surface
         pd - Sonar--bottom topography, near bottom
         pe - Seismic surveys
         pz - Other acoustical data
         ra - Gravity anomalies (general)
         rb - Free-air
         rc - Bouger
         rd - Isostatic
         sa - Magnetic field
         ta - radiometric surveys
         uu - Unknown
         zz - Other
         || - No attempt to code
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         s - Sound recording
      01 - Specific material designation
         d - Sound disc
         e - Cylinder
         g - Sound cartridge
         i - Sound-track film
         q - Roll
         s - Sound cassette
         t - Sound-tape reel
         u - Unspecified
         w - Wire recording
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      02 - Undefined
      03 - Speed
         a - 16 rpm
         b - 33 1/3 rpm
         c - 45 rpm
         d - 78 rpm
         e - 8 rpm
         f - 1.4 m. per sec.
         h - 120 rpm
         i - 160 rpm
         k - 15/16 ips
         l - 1 7/8 ips
         m - 3 3/4 ips
         o - 7 1/2 ips
         p - 15 ips
         r - 30 ips
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      04 - Configuration of playback channels
         m - Monaural
         q - Quadraphonic, multichannel, or surround
         s - Stereophonic
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      05 - Groove width/groove pitch
         m - Microgroove/fine
         n - Not applicable
         s - Coarse/standard
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      06 - Dimensions
         a - 3 in.
         b - 5 in.
         c - 7 in.
         d - 10 in.
         e - 12 in.
         f - 16 in.
         g - 4 3/4 in. or 12 cm.
         j - 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in.
         o - 5 1/4 x 3 7/8 in.
         n - Not applicable
         s - 2 3/4 x 4 in.
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      07 - Tape width
         l - 1/8 in.
         m - 1/4 in.
         n - Not applicable
         o - 1/2 in.
         p - 1 in.
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      08 - Tape configuration
         a - Full (1) track
         b - Half (2) track
         c - Quarter (4) track
         d - Eight track
         e - Twelve track
         f - Sixteen track
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      09 - Kind of disc, cylinder or tape
         a - Master tape
         b - Tape duplication master
         d - Disc master (negative)
         i - Instantaneous (recorded on the spot)
         m - Mass produced
         n - Not applicable
         r - Mother (positive)
         s - Stamper (negative)
         t - Test pressing
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      10 - Kind of material
         a - Lacquer coating
         b - Cellulose nitrate
         c - Acetate tape with ferrous oxide
         g - Glass with lacquer
         i - Aluminum with lacquer
         r - Paper with lacquer or ferrous oxide
         l - Metal
         m - Plastic with metal
         n - Not applicable [OBSOLETE]
         p - Plastic
         s - Shellac
         u - Unknown
         w - Wax
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      11 - Kind of cutting
         h - Hill-and-dale cutting
         l - Lateral or combined cutting
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         | - No attempt to code
      12 - Special playback characteristics
         a - NAB standard
         b - CCIR standard
         c - Dolby-B encoded
         d - dbx encoded
         e - Digital recording
         f - Dolby-A encoded
         g - Dolby-C encoded
         h - CX encoded
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      13 - Capture and storage technique
         a - Acoustical capture, direct storage
         b - Direct storage, not acoustical
         d - Digital storage
         e - Analog electrical storage
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         t - Text
      01 - Specific material designation
         a - Regular print
         b - Large print
         c - Braille
         d - Text in looseleaf binder
         u - Unspecified
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         v - Videorecording
      01 - Specific material designation
         c - Videocartridge
         d - Videodisc
         f - Videocassette
         r - Videoreel
         u - Unspecified
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      02 - Undefined
      03 - Color
         a - One color
         b - Black-and-white
         c - Multicolored
         m - Mixed
         n - Not applicable
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      04 - Videorecording format
         a - Beta (1/2 in., videocassette)
         b - VHS (1/2 in., videocassette)
         c - U-matic (3/4 in., videocassette)
         d - EIAJ (1/2 in. reel)
         e - Type C (1 in., reel)
         f - Quadruplex (1 in. or 2 in., reel)
         g - Laserdisc
         h - CED (Capacitance Electronic Disc) videodisc
         i - Betacam (1/2 in., videocassette)
         j - Betacam SP (1/2 in., videocassette)
         k - Super-VHS (1/2 in., videocassette)
         m - M-II (1/2 in., videocassette)
         o - D-2 (3/4 in., videocassette)
         p - 8 mm.
         q - Hi-8 mm.
         s - Blu-ray disc
         u - Unknown
         v - DVD
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      05 - Sound on medium or separate
         # - No sound (silent)
         a - Sound on medium
         b - Sound separate from medium
         u - Unknown
         |- No attempt to code
      06 - Medium for sound
         # - No sound (silent)
         a - Optical sound track on motion picture film
         b - Magnetic sound track on motion picture film
         c - Magnetic audio tape in cartridge
         d - Sound disc
         e - Magnetic audio tape on reel
         f - Magnetic audio tape in cassette
         g - Optical and magnetic sound track on motion picture film
         h - Videotape
         i - Videodisc
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      07 - Dimensions
         a - 8 mm.
         m - 1/4 in.
         o - 1/2 in.
         p - 1 in.
         q - 2 in.
         r - 3/4 in.
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
      08 - Configuration of playback channels
         k - Mixed
         m - Monaural
         n - Not applicable
         q - Quadraphonic, multichannel, or surround
         s - Stereophonic
         u - Unknown
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
     Character Positions
      00 - Category of material
         z - Unspecified
      01 - Specific material designation
         m - Multiple physical forms
         u - Unspecified
         z - Other
         | - No attempt to code
   Character positions
      00-05 - Date entered on file
      06 - Receipt, acquisition, or access status
         0 - Unknown
         1 - Other receipt or acquisition status
         2 - Received and complete or ceased
         3 - On order
         4 - Currently received
         5 - Not currently received
         6 - External access
      07 - Method of acquisition
         c - Cooperative or consortial purchase
         d - Deposit
         e - Exchange
         f - Free
         g - Gift
         l - Legal deposit
         m - Membership
         n - Non-library purchase
         p - Purchase
         q - Lease
         u - Unknown
         z - Other method of acquisition
      08-11 - Expected acquisition end date
         [yymm] - Date of cancellation or last expected part
         uuuu - Intent to cancel; effective date not known
         #### - No intent to cancel or not applicable
      12 - General retention policy
         0 - Unknown
         1 - Other general retention policy
         2 - Retained except as replaced by updates
         3 - Sample issue retained
         4 - Retained until replaced by microform
         5 - Retained until replaced by cumulation, replacement volume, or revision
         6 - Retained for a limited period
         7 - Not retained
         8 - Permanently retained
      13-15 - Specific retention policy
         ### - No specific retention policy
      13 - Policy Type
         l - Latest
         p - Previous
      14 - Number of units
         1-9 Number of units
      15 - Unit type
      16 - Completeness
         0 - Other
         1 - Complete
         2 - Incomplete
         3 - Scattered
         4 - Not applicable
      17-19 - Number of copies reported
      20 - Lending policy
         a - Will lend
         b - Will not lend
         c - Will lend hard copy only
         l - Limited lending policy
         u - Unknown
      21 - Reproduction policy
         a - Will reproduce
         b - Will not reproduce
         u - Unknown
      22-24 - Language
         ### - Blanks
         und - Undetermined
      25 - Separate or composite copy report
         0 - Separate copy report
         1 - Composite copy report
      26-31 - Date of report

--Number and Code Fields (0XX)--
      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - LC control number  (NR)
      $b - NUCMC control number  (R)
      $z - Canceled or invalid LC control number  (R)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Type of linkage number
         0 - Holdings record number
         1 - Bibliographic record number
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Linkage number  (NR)
      $b - Source of number  (NR)
      $z - Canceled or invalid linkage number  (R)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)

      First - National bibliographic agency
         # - Library and Archives Canada
         7 - Agency identified in subfield $2
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Record control number (NR)
      $z - Canceled or invalid control number (R)
      $2 - Source (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Display constant controller
         # - Copyright or legal deposit number
         8 - No display constant controller generated
   Subfield Code
      $a - Copyright or legal deposit number (R)
      $b - Assigning agency (NR)
      $d - Date (NR)
      $i - Display text (NR)
      $z - Canceled/invalid copyright or legal deposit number (R) 
      $2 - Source (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - International Standard Book Number  (NR)
      $c - Terms of availability  (NR)
      $q - Qualifying information (R)
      $z - Canceled/invalid ISBN  (R)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Level of international interest
         # - No level specified
         0 - Serial of international interest
         1 - Serial not of international interest
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - International Standard Serial Number  (NR)
      $l - ISSN-L (NR) [OBSOLETE]
      $m - Canceled ISSN-L (R) [OBSOLETE]
      $y - Incorrect ISSN  (R)
      $z - Canceled ISSN  (R)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


      First - Type of Cluster ISSN
         0 - ISSN-L
         1 - ISSN-H
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Cluster ISSN (NR)
      $y - Incorrect Cluster ISSN (R)
      $z - Canceled Cluster ISSN (R)
      $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (NR)
      $1 - Real World Object URI (R)
      $2 - Source (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Type of standard number or code
         0 - International Standard Recording Code (ISRC)
         1 - Universal Product Code (UPC) 
         2 - International Standard Music Number (ISMN) 
         3 - International Article Number (EAN) 
         4 - Serial Item and Contribution Identifier (SICI) 
         7 - Source specified in subfield $2
         8 - Unspecified type of standard number or code
      Second - Difference indicator 
         # - No information provided
         0 - No difference
         1 - Difference
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Standard number or code  (NR)
      $c - Terms of availability  (NR)
      $d - Additional codes following the standard number or code  (NR)
      $q - Qualifying information (R)
      $z - Canceled/invalid standard number or code  (R)
      $2 - Source of number or code (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number  (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Standard Technical Report Number (NR)
      $q - Qualifying information (R)
      $z - Canceled/invalid STRN  (R)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number  (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - CODEN  (NR)
      $z - Canceled/invalid CODEN  (R)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - System control number  (NR)
      $z - Canceled or invalid control number  (R)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Original cataloging agency (NR)
      $b - Language of cataloging (NR)
      $c - Transcribing agency (NR)
      $d - Modifying agency (R)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Primary G0 character set  (NR)
      $b - Primary G1 character set  (NR)
      $c - Alternate G0 or G1 character set  (R)

--Note Fields (3XX, 5XX, 84X)--
337 - MEDIA TYPE (R)
      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Media type term (R)
      $b - Media type code (R)
      $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R)
      $1 - Real World Object URI (R)
      $2 - Source (NR) 
      $3 - Materials specified (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Carrier type term (R)
      $b - Carrier type code (R)
      $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R)
      $1 - Real World Object URI (R)
      $2 - Source (NR) 
      $3 - Materials specified (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - File type (R)
      $b - Encoding format (R)
      $c - File size (R)
      $d - Resolution (R)
      $e - Regional encoding (R)
      $f - Encoded bitrate (R)
      $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R)
      $1 - Real World Object URI (R)
      $2 - Source (NR)
      $3 - Materials specified (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Privacy
         # - No information provided
         0 - Private
         1 - Not private
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Name (NR)
      $f - Ownership and custodial history evidence term (R)
      $k - Formatted date (NR)
      $l - Date (NR)
      $o - Type of ownership and custodial history information (R)
      $s - Shelf mark of copy described (NR)
      $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
      $x - Nonpublic note (R)
      $y - Identifier of the copy described (NR)
      $z - Public note (R)
      $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R)
      $1 - Real World Object URI (R)
      $3 - Materials specified (NR)
      $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $7 - Data provenance (R)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Restriction
         # - No information provided
         0 - No restrictions
         1 - Restrictions apply
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Terms governing access (NR)
      $b - Jurisdiction (R)
      $c - Physical access provisions (R)
      $d - Authorized users (R)
      $e - Authorization (R)
      $f - Standardized terminology for access restriction (R)
      $g - Availability date (R)
      $q - Supplying agency (NR)
      $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
      $2 - Source of term (NR)
      $3 - Materials specified (NR)
      $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - System details note (NR)
      $i - Display text (NR)
      $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
      $3 - Material specified (NR)
      $5 - Institution to which field applies (R)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Privacy
         # - No information provided
         0 - Private
         1 - Not private
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Source of acquisition (NR)
      $b - Address (NR)
      $c - Method of acquisition (NR)
      $d - Date of acquisition (NR)
      $e - Accession number (NR)
      $f - Owner (NR)
      $h - Purchase price (NR)
      $n - Extent (R)
      $o - Type of unit (R)
      $3 - Materials specified (NR)
      $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Privacy
         # - No information provided
         0 - Private
         1 - Not private
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - History (NR)
      $b - Time of collation (NR) [OBSOLETE]
      $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
      $3 - Materials specified (NR)
      $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Identifying markings (R)
      $b - Copy identification (R)
      $c - Version identification (R)
      $d - Presentation format (R)
      $e - Number of copies (R)
      $3 - Materials specified (NR)
      $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Binding note (NR)
      $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
      $3 - Materials specified (NR) 
      $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Privacy
         # - No information provided
         0 - Private
         1 - Not private
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Action  (NR)
      $b - Action identification (R)
      $c - Time/date of action (R)
      $d - Action interval (R)
      $e - Contingency for action (R)
      $f - Authorization  (R)
      $h - Jurisdiction  (R)
      $i - Method of action  (R)
      $j - Site of action  (R)
      $k - Action agent  (R)
      $l - Status  (R)
      $n - Extent  (R)
      $o - Type of unit  (R)
      $u - Uniform Resource Identifier  (R)
      $x - Nonpublic note  (R)
      $z - Public note  (R)
      $2 - Source of term (NR)
      $3 - Materials specified  (NR)
      $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number  (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a Type of record  (NR)
         0 - Type of record 
         1-2 - Undefined
         3 - Character coding scheme
      $b Fixed-length data elements   (NR)
         0-31 - Holdings 008 values
      $e Encoding level  (NR)
         0 - Encoding level
      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Code
      $a Textual physical form designator  (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number  (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Type of reproduction  (NR)
      $b - Place of reproduction  (R)
      $c - Agency responsible for reproduction  (R)
      $d - Date of reproduction  (NR)
      $e - Physical description of reproduction  (NR)
      $f - Series statement of reproduction  (R)
      $m - Dates of publication and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced (R)
      $n - Note about reproduction  (R)
      $3 - Materials specified  (NR)
      $5 - Institution to which field applies (R)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $7 - Fixed-length data elements of reproduction (NR)
         0 - Type of date/Publication status
         1-4 - Date 1
         5-8 - Date 2
         9-11 - Place of publication, production, or execution
         12 - Frequency
         13 - Regularity
         14 - Form of item
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Code
      $a - Name of unit (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Terms governing use and reproduction  (NR)
      $b - Jurisdiction  (NR)
      $c - Authorization  (NR)
      $d - Authorized users  (NR)
      $f - Use and reproduction rights (R)
      $g - Availability date (R)
      $q - Supplying agency (NR)
      $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
      $2 - Source of term (NR)
      $3 - Materials specified  (NR)
      $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

--Location and Access Fields (852 & 856)--
852 - LOCATION   (R)
      First - Shelving scheme
         # - No information provided
         0 - Library of Congress classification
         1 - Dewey Decimal classification
         2 - National Library of Medicine classification
         3 - Superintendent of Documents classification
         4 - Shelving control number
         5 - Title
         6 - Shelved separately
         7 - Source specified in subfield $2
         8 - Other scheme
      Second - Shelving order
         # - No information provided
         0 - Not enumeration
         1 - Primary enumeration
         2 - Alternative enumeration
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Location  (NR)
      $b - Sublocation or collection  (R)
      $c - Shelving location  (R)
      $d - Former shelving location (R)
      $e - Address  (R)
      $f - Coded location qualifier  (R)
      $g - Non-coded location qualifier  (R)
      $h - Classification part  (NR)
      $i - Item part  (R)
      $j - Shelving control number  (NR)
      $k - Call number prefix  (R)
      $l - Shelving form of title  (NR)
      $m - Call number suffix  (R)
      $n - Country code  (NR)
      $p - Piece designation  (NR)
      $q - Piece physical condition  (NR)
      $s - Copyright article-fee code (R)
      $t - Copy number  (NR)
      $u - Uniform Resource Identifier  (R)
      $x - Nonpublic note (R)
      $z - Public note  (R)
      $2 - Source of classification or shelving scheme (NR)
      $3 - Materials specified  (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Sequence number (NR)

      First - Access method
         # - No information provided
         0 - Email
         1 - FTP
         2 - Remote login (Telnet)
         3 - Dial-up
         4 - HTTP
         7 - Method specified in subfield $2
      Second - Relationship
         # - No information provided
         0 - Resource
         1 - Version of resource
         2 - Related resource
         3 - Component part(s) of resource 
         4 - Version of component part(s) of resource
         8 - No display constant generated
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Host name  (R)
      $b - Access number  (R) [OBSOLETE]
      $c - Compression information  (R)
      $d - Path  (R)
      $f - Electronic name  (R)
      $g - Uniform Resource Name (R) [OBSOLETE]
      $g - Persistent identifier (R)
      $h - Processor of request  (NR) [OBSOLETE]
      $h - Non-functioning Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
      $i - Instruction  (R) [OBSOLETE]
      $j - Bits per second  (NR) [OBSOLETE]
      $k - Password  (NR) [OBSOLETE]
      $l - Logon (NR) [OBSOLETE]
      $l - Standardized information governing access (R)
      $m - Contact for access assistance  (R)
      $n - Name of location of host (NR) [OBSOLETE]
      $n - Terms governing access (R)
      $o - Operating system  (NR)
      $p - Port  (NR)
      $q - Electronic format type (R)
      $r - Settings  (NR) [OBSOLETE]
      $r - Standardized information governing use and reproduction (R)
      $s - File size (R)
      $t - Terminal emulation  (R) [OBSOLETE]
      $t - Terms governing use and reproduction (R)
      $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
      $v - Hours access method available  (R)
      $w - Record control number  (R)
      $x - Nonpublic note  (R)
      $y - Link text  (R)
      $z - Public note (R)
      $2 - Access method  (NR)
      $3 - Materials specified  (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $7 - Access status (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Access method
         # - No information provided
         1 - FTP
         4 - HTTP
         7 - Method specified in subfield $2
      Second - Relationship
         # - No information provided
         0 - Resource
         1 - Version of resource
         2 - Related resource
         3 - Component part(s) of resource 
         4 - Version of component part(s) of resource
         8 - No display constant generated
   Subfield Codes
      $b - Name of archiving agency (NR)
      $c - Name of Web archive or digital archive repository (NR)
      $d - Date range of archived material (NR)
      $f - Archive completeness (NR)
      $g - Persistent identifier (R)
      $h - Non-functioning Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
      $l - Standardized information governing access (R)
      $m - Contact for access assistance (R)
      $n - Terms governing access (R)
      $q - Electronic format type (R)
      $r - Standardized information governing use and reproduction (R)
      $s - File size (R)
      $t - Terms governing use and reproduction (R)
      $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
      $x - Nonpublic note (R)
      $y - Link text (R)
      $z - Public note (R)
      $2 - Access method (NR)
      $3 - Materials specified (NR)
      $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $7 - Access status (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

--Caption and Pattern Fields (853-855)--
      First - Compressibility and expandability 
         0 - Cannot compress or expand
         1 - Can compress but not expand
         2 - Can compress or expand
         3 - Unknown
      Second - Caption evaluation 
         0 - Captions verified; all levels present
         1 - Captions verified; all levels may not be present
         2 - Captions unverified; all levels present
         3 - Captions unverified; all levels may not be present
   Subfield Codes
      $a-$h - Enumeration captions
      $a - First level of enumeration  (NR)
      $b - Second level of enumeration (NR)
      $c - Third level of enumeration  (NR)
      $d - Fourth level of enumeration (NR)
      $e - Fifth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $f - Sixth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $g - Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration  (NR)
      $h - Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration  (NR)
      $i-$m - Chronology captions 
      $i - First level of chronology  (NR)
      $j - Second level of chronology (NR)
      $k - Third level of chronology  (NR)
      $l - Fourth level of chronology (NR)
      $m - Alternative numbering scheme, chronology  (NR)
      $n - Pattern note (NR)
      $o - Type of unit  (R)
      $p - Number of pieces per issuance  (NR)
      $t - Copy  (NR)
      $u - Bibliographic units per next higher level  (R)
         [n] - Number of parts
         var - Varies
         und - Undetermined
      $v - Numbering continuity  (R)
         c - Number increments continuously
         r - Numbering restarts at the completion of the unit
      $w - Frequency (NR)
      $x - Calendar change (NR)
      $y - Regularity pattern (R)
      $z - Numbering scheme (R)
      $2 - Source of caption abbreviation  (R)
      $3 - Materials specified  (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)

      First - Compressibility and expandability 
         0 - Cannot compress or expand
         1 - Can compress but not expand
         2 - Can compress or expand
         3 - Unknown
      Second - Caption evaluation 
         0 - Captions verified; all levels present
         1 - Captions verified; all levels may not be present
         2 - Captions unverified; all levels present
         3 - Captions unverified; all levels may not be present
   Subfield Codes
      $a-$h - Enumeration captions
      $a - First level of enumeration  (NR)
      $b - Second level of enumeration (NR)
      $c - Third level of enumeration  (NR)
      $d - Fourth level of enumeration (NR)
      $e - Fifth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $f - Sixth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $g - Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration  (NR)
      $h - Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration  (NR)
      $i-$m - Chronology captions 
      $i - First level of chronology  (NR)
      $j - Second level of chronology (NR)
      $k - Third level of chronology  (NR)
      $l - Fourth level of chronology (NR)
      $m - Alternative numbering scheme, chronology  (NR)
      $n - Pattern note (NR)
      $o - Type of unit (R) 
      $p - Number of pieces per issuance  (NR)
      $t - Copy  (NR)
      $u - Bibliographic units per next higher level  (R)
         [n] - Number of parts
         var - Varies
         und - Undetermined
      $v - Numbering continuity  (R)
         c - Number increments continuously
         r - Numbering restarts at the completion of the unit
      $w - Frequency (NR)
      $x - Calendar change (NR)
      $y - Regularity pattern (R)
      $z - Numbering scheme (R)
      $2 - Source of caption abbreviation (R)
      $3 - Materials specified  (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a-$h - Enumeration captions
      $a - First level of enumeration  (NR)
      $b - Second level of enumeration (NR)
      $c - Third level of enumeration  (NR)
      $d - Fourth level of enumeration (NR)
      $e - Fifth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $f - Sixth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $g - Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration  (NR)
      $h - Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration  (NR)
      $i-$m - Chronology captions 
      $i - First level of chronology  (NR)
      $j - Second level of chronology (NR)
      $k - Third level of chronology  (NR)
      $l - Fourth level of chronology (NR)
      $m - Alternative numbering scheme, chronology  (NR)
      $n - Pattern note (NR)
      $o - Type of unit (R) 
      $p - Number of pieces per issuance  (NR)
      $t - Copy  (NR)
      $u - Bibliographic units per next higher level  (R)
         [n] - Number of parts
         var - Varies
         und - Undetermined
      $v - Numbering continuity  (R)
         c - Number increments continuously
         r - Numbering restarts at the completion of the unit
      $w - Frequency (NR)
      $x - Calendar change (NR)
      $y - Regularity pattern (R)
      $z - Numbering scheme (R)
      $2 - Source of caption abbreviation
      $3 - Materials specified  (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)

--Enumeration and Chronology Fields (863-865)--
      First - Field encoding level
         # - No information provided
         3 - Holdings level 3  
         4 - Holdings level 4
         5 - Holdings level 4 with piece designation
      Second - Form of holdings
         # - No information provided
         0 - Compressed
         1 - Uncompressed
         2 - Compressed, use textual display
         3 - Uncompressed, use textual display
         4 - Item(s) not published
   Subfield Codes
      $a-$h - Enumeration
      $a - First level of enumeration  (NR)
      $b - Second level of enumeration  (NR)
      $c - Third level of enumeration  (NR)
      $d - Fourth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $e - Fifth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $f - Sixth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $g - Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration  (NR)
      $h - Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR)
      $i-$m - Chronology
      $i - First level of chronology  (NR)
      $j - Second level of chronology (NR)
      $k - Third level of chronology  (NR)
      $l - Fourth level of chronology (NR)
      $m - Alternative numbering scheme, chronology  (NR)
      $n - Converted Gregorian year  (NR)
      $o - Title of unit (R)
      $p - Piece designation  (NR)
      $q - Piece physical condition  (NR)
      $s - Copyright article-fee code (R)
      $t - Copy number  (NR)
      $w - Break indicator  (NR)
         g - Gap break
         n - Nongap break
      $x - Nonpublic note  (R)
      $z - Public note  (R)
      $6 - Linkage(NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)

      First - Field encoding level
         # - No information provided
         3 - Holdings level 3  
         4 - Holdings level 4
         5 - Holdings level 4 with piece designation
      Second - Form of holdings
         # - No information provided
         0 - Compressed
         1 - Uncompressed
         2 - Compressed, use textual display
         3 - Uncompressed, use textual display
         4 - Item(s) not published
   Subfield Codes
      $a-$h - Enumeration
      $a - First level of enumeration  (NR)
      $b - Second level of enumeration  (NR)
      $c - Third level of enumeration  (NR)
      $d - Fourth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $e - Fifth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $f - Sixth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $g - Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration  (NR)
      $h - Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR)
      $i-$m - Chronology
      $i - First level of chronology  (NR)
      $j - Second level of chronology (NR)
      $k - Third level of chronology  (NR)
      $l - Fourth level of chronology (NR)
      $m - Alternative numbering scheme, chronology  (NR)
      $n - Converted Gregorian year  (NR)
      $o - Title of unit (R)
      $p - Piece designation  (NR)
      $q - Piece physical condition  (NR)
      $s - Copyright article-fee code (R)
      $t - Copy number  (NR)
      $w - Break indicator  (NR)
         g - Gap break
         n - Nongap break
      $x - Nonpublic note  (R)
      $z - Public note  (R)
      $6 - Linkage(NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)

      First - Field encoding level
         # - No information provided
         3 - Holdings level 3  
         4 - Holdings level 4
         5 - Holdings level 4 with piece designation
      Second - Form of holdings
         # - No information provided
         0 - Compressed
         1 - Uncompressed
         2 - Compressed, use textual display
         3 - Uncompressed, use textual display
         4 - Item(s) not published
   Subfield Codes
      $a-$h - Enumeration
      $a - First level of enumeration  (NR)
      $b - Second level of enumeration  (NR)
      $c - Third level of enumeration  (NR)
      $d - Fourth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $e - Fifth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $f - Sixth level of enumeration  (NR)
      $g - Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration  (NR)
      $h - Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR)
      $i-$m - Chronology
      $i - First level of chronology  (NR)
      $j - Second level of chronology (NR)
      $k - Third level of chronology  (NR)
      $l - Fourth level of chronology (NR)
      $m - Alternative numbering scheme, chronology  (NR)
      $n - Converted Gregorian year  (NR)
      $o - Title of unit (R)
      $p - Piece designation  (NR)
      $q - Piece physical condition  (NR)
      $s - Copyright article-fee code (R)
      $t - Copy number  (NR)
      $v - Issuing date (R)
      $w - Break indicator  (NR)
         g - Gap break
         n - Nongap break
      $x - Nonpublic note  (R)
      $z - Public note  (R)
      $6 - Linkage(NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)

--Textual Holdings Statement Fields (866-868)--
      First - Field encoding level
         # - No information provided
         3 - Holdings level 3
         4 - Holdings level 4
         5 - Holdings level 4 with piece designation
      Second - Type of notation
         0 - Non-standard
         1 - ANSI/NISO Z39.71 or ISO 10324
         2 - ANSI Z39.42
         7 - Source specified in subfield $2
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Textual string (NR)
      $x - Nonpublic note (R)
      $z - Public note (R)
      $2 - Source of notation (NR)
      $6 - Linkage(NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Field encoding level
         # - No information provided
         3 - Holdings level 3
         4 - Holdings level 4
         5 - Holdings level 4 with piece designation
      Second - Type of notation
         0 - Non-standard
         1 - ANSI/NISO Z39.71 or ISO 10324
         2 - ANSI Z39.42
         7 - Source specified in subfield $2
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Textual string (NR)
      $x - Nonpublic note (R)
      $z - Public note (R)
      $2 - Source of notation (NR)
      $6 - Linkage(NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Field encoding level
         # - No information provided
         3 - Holdings level 3
         4 - Holdings level 4
         5 - Holdings level 4 with piece designation
      Second - Type of notation
         0 - Non-standard
         1 - ANSI/NISO Z39.71 or ISO 10324
         2 - ANSI Z39.42
         7 - Source specified in subfield $2
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Textual string (NR)
      $x - Nonpublic note (R)
      $z - Public note (R)
      $2 - Source of notation (NR)
      $6 - Linkage(NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

--Item Information Fields (876-878)--
      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Internal item number (NR)
      $b - Invalid or canceled internal item number (R)
      $c - Cost (R)
      $d - Date acquired  (R)
      $e - Source of acquisition (R)
      $h - Use restrictions (R)
      $j - Item status (R)
      $l - Temporary location (R)
      $p - Piece designation (R)
      $r - Invalid or canceled piece designation (R)
      $t - Copy number (NR)
      $x - Nonpublic note (R)
      $z - Public note (R)
      $3 - Materials specified (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Internal item number (NR)
      $b - Invalid or canceled internal item number (R)
      $c - Cost (R)
      $d - Date acquired  (R)
      $e - Source of acquisition (R)
      $h - Use restrictions (R)
      $j - Item status (R)
      $l - Temporary location (R)
      $p - Piece designation (R)
      $r - Invalid or canceled piece designation (R)
      $t - Copy number (NR)
      $x - Nonpublic note (R)
      $z - Public note (R)
      $3 - Materials specified (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Internal item number (NR)
      $b - Invalid or canceled internal item number (R)
      $c - Cost (R)
      $d - Date acquired  (R)
      $e - Source of acquisition (R)
      $h - Use restrictions (R)
      $j - Item status (R)
      $l - Temporary location (R)
      $p - Piece designation (R)
      $r - Invalid or canceled piece designation (R)
      $t - Copy number (NR)
      $x - Nonpublic note (R)
      $z - Public note (R)
      $3 - Materials specified (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Internal item number (NR)
      $b - Invalid or canceled internal item number (R)
      $c - Cost (R)
      $d - Date acquired  (R)
      $e - Source of acquisition (R)
      $h - Use restrictions (R)
      $j - Item status (R)
      $l - Temporary location (R)
      $p - Piece designation (R)
      $r - Invalid or canceled piece designation (R)
      $t - Copy number (NR)
      $x - Nonpublic note (R)
      $z - Public note (R)
      $3 - Materials specified (NR)
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)

--Other Variable Fields (88X)--   
      First - Same as associated field
      Second - Same as associated field
   Subfield Codes 
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $a-z - Same as associated field
      $0-5 - Same as associated field
      $7-9 - Same as associated field

      First - Method of assignment
         # - No information provided/not applicable
         0 - Fully machine-generated
         1 - Partially machine-generated
         2 - Not machine-generated 
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Creation process (NR)
      $c - Confidence value (NR)
      $d - Creation date (NR)
      $q - Assigning or generating agency (NR)
      $x - Validity end date (NR)
      $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (NR)
      $w - Bibliographic record control number (R)
      $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R)
      $1 - Real World Object URI (R)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Conversion process (NR)
      $g - Conversion date (NR)
      $k - Identifier of source metadata (NR)
      $q - Conversion agency (NR)
      $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)

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