This document lists all valid and obsolete data elements that may appear in MARC 21 classification records. It is intended to meet the need for a simple data element list to support MARC system development and online validation of MARC data elements. This listing does not include any descriptions or examples of MARC data elements. Descriptions and examples can be found in the MARC 21 Format for Classification Data
--Leader and Directory-- LEADER Character Positions 00-04 - Record length 05 - Record status a - Increase in encoding level c - Corrected or revised d - Deleted n - New 06 - Type of record w - Classification data 07-08 - Undefined character positions 09 - Character coding scheme # - MARC 8 a - UCS/Unicode 10 - Indicator count 11 - Subfield code length 12-16 - Base address of data 17 - Encoding level n - Complete classification record o - Incomplete classification record 18-19 - Undefined character positions 20-23 - Entry map 20 - Length of the length-of-field portion 21 - Length of the starting-character-position portion 22 - Length of the implementation-defined portion 23 - Undefined DIRECTORY Character Positions 00-02 - Tag 03-06 - Field length 07-11 - Starting character position --Control Fields (001-008)-- 001 - CONTROL NUMBER (NR) 003 - CONTROL NUMBER IDENTIFIER (NR) 005 - DATE AND TIME OF LATEST TRANSACTION (NR) 008 - FIXED-LENGTH DATA ELEMENTS (NR) Character Positions 00-05 Date entered on file 06 - Kind of record a - Schedule record b - Table record c - Index term record 07 - Type of number a - Single number b - Defined number span c - Summary number span n - Not applicable 08 - Classification validity a - Valid b - First number of span invalid c - Last number of span invalid d - Completely invalid e - Obsolete n - Not applicable 09 - Standard or optional designation a - Standard b - Optional n - Not applicable 10 - Record update in process a - Record can be used b - Record is being updated 11 - Level of establishment a - Fully established c - Provisional 12 - Synthesized number indication a - Not synthesized b - Synthesized n - Not applicable 13 - Display controller a - Displayed in standard schedules or tables b - Extended display --Numbers and Codes (01X-08X)-- 010 - LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CONTROL NUMBER (NR) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - LC control number (NR) $z - Canceled/invalid LC control number (R) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 016 - NATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHIC AGENCY CONTROL NUMBER (R) Indicators First - National bibliographic agency # - Library and Archives Canada 7 - Agency identified in subfield $2 Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Record control number (NR) $z - Canceled or invalid control number (R) $2 - Source (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 034 - CODED CARTOGRAPHIC MATHEMATICAL DATA (R) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Type of ring # - Not applicable 0 - Outer ring 1 - Exclusion ring Subfield Codes $d - Coordinates - westernmost longitude (NR) $e - Coordinates - easternmost longitude (NR) $f - Coordinates - northernmost latitude (NR) $g - Coordinates - southernmost latitude (NR) $j - Declination - northern limit (NR) $k - Declination - southern limit (NR) $m - Right ascension - eastern limit (NR) $n - Right ascension - western limit (NR) $p - Equinox (NR) $r - Distance from earth (NR) $s - G-ring latitude (R) $t - G-ring longitude (R) $x - Beginning date (NR) $y - Ending date (NR) $z - Name of extraterrestrial body (NR) $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R) $1 - Real World Object URI (R) $2 - Source (NR) $3 - Materials specified (NR) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 035 - SYSTEM CONTROL NUMBER (R) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - System control number (NR) $z - Canceled/invalid control number (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 040 - RECORD SOURCE (NR) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Original classification agency (NR) $b - Language code (NR) $c - Transcribing agency (NR) $d - Modifying agency (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 042 - AUTHENTICATION CODE (NR) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Code $a - Authentication code (R) 043 - GEOGRAPHIC AREA CODE (R) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Geographic area code (R) $b - Local GAC code (R) $c - ISO code (R) $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R) $1 - Real World Object URI (R) $2 - Source of local code (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 066 - CHARACTER SETS PRESENT (NR) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Primary G0 character set (NR) $b - Primary G1 character set (NR) $c - Alternate G0 or G1 character set (R) 084 - CLASSIFICATION SCHEME AND EDITION (NR) Indicators First - Type of edition 0 - Full 1 - Abridged 8 - Other Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Classification scheme code (NR) $b - Edition title (NR) $c - Edition identifier (NR) $d - Source edition identifier (NR) $e - Language code (R) $f - Authorization (NR) $n - Variations (R) $q - Assigning agency (NR) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) --Classification Number and Term Fields (15X)-- 153 - CLASSIFICATION NUMBER (NR) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Classification number--single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number--ending number of span (R) $e - Classification number hierarchy--single number or beginning number of span (R) $f - Classification number hierarchy--ending number of span (R) $h - Caption hierarchy (R) $j - Caption (NR) $k - Summary number span caption hierarchy (R) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $z - Table identification (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 154 - GENERAL EXPLANATORY INDEX TERM (NR) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Code $a - General explanatory index term (NR) $b - General explanatory index term--succeeding level (R) $f - Schedule identification (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) --Complex See Reference Fields (2XX)-- 253 - COMPLEX SEE REFERENCE (R) Indicators First - Type of reference 0 - See reference 1 - Standard subdivisions do-not-use reference 2 - Class elsewhere reference Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Classification number referred to--single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number referred to--ending number of span (R) $i - Explanatory text (R) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $y - Table identification--schedule (NR) [OBSOLETE] $z - Table identification (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) --Complex See Also Reference Fields (3XX)-- 353 - COMPLEX SEE ALSO REFERENCE (R) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Classification number referred to--single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number referred to--ending number of span (R) $i - Explanatory text (R) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $y - Table identification--schedule (NR) [OBSOLETE] $z - Table identification (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) --Invalid Number Tracing Fields (4XX)-- 453 - INVALID NUMBER TRACING (R) Indicators First - Source of classification number 0 - Schedule 1 - Table Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Classification number element--single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number element--ending number of span (R) $h - Caption hierarchy (R) $i - Reference instruction phrase (NR) $j - Caption (NR) $k - Summary number span caption hierarchy (R) $t - Topic (NR) $w - Control subfield (NR) 0 Special relationship 1 Hierarchical relationship 2 Reference display 3 History reference $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $y - Table identification--schedule (NR) [OBSOLETE] $z - Table identification (NR) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) --Valid Number Tracing Fields (5XX)-- 553 - VALID NUMBER TRACING (R) Indicators First - Source of classification number 0 - Schedule 1 - Table Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Classification number--single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number--ending number of span (R) $h - Caption hierarchy (R) $i - Reference instruction phrase (NR) $j - Caption (NR) $k - Summary number span caption hierarchy (R) $t - Topic (NR) $w - Control subfield (NR) 0 Special relationship 1 Hierarchical relationship 2 Reference display 3 History reference $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $y - Table identification--schedule (NR) [OBSOLETE] $z - Table identification (NR) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) --Note Fields (67X)-- 673 - Segmented Classification Number (NR) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Classification number-single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number-ending number of span (R) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $z - Table identification (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR) 674 - Segmentation Instruction (R) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Classification number-single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number-ending number of span (R) $i - Explanatory text (R) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $z - Table identification (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR) 680 - SCOPE NOTE (R) Indicators First - Hierarchical force 0 - Not applicable or no hierarchical force 1 - Hierarchical force 2 - Semihierarchical force Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Classification number--single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number--ending number of span (R) $i - Explanatory text (R) $t - Topic (R) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $y - Table identification--schedule (R) [OBSOLETE] $z - Table identification (R) $5 - Institution to which field applies (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR) 681 - CLASSIFICATION EXAMPLE TRACING NOTE (R) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Classification number--single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number--ending number of span (R) $i - Explanatory text (R) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $y - Table identification--schedule (R) [OBSOLETE] $z - Table identification (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 683 - APPLICATION INSTRUCTION NOTE (R) Indicators First - Type of note 0 - General application 1 - Special arrangement of classification topics 2 - Optional classification Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Classification number--single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number--ending number of span (R) $i - Explanatory text (R) $p - Corresponding classification field (R) $t - Topic (R) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $y - Table identification--schedule (R) [OBSOLETE] $z - Table identification (R) $5 - Institution to which field applies (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR) 684 - AUXILIARY INSTRUCTION NOTE (R) Indicators First - Type of note 0 - Source entry 1 - Textual note 2 - Reference note Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Classification number--single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number--ending number of span (R) $i - Explanatory text (R) $j - Caption (NR) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $y - Table identification--schedule (R) [OBSOLETE] $z - Table identification (R) $5 - Institution to which field applies (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR) 685 - HISTORY NOTE (R) Indicators First - Result of change 0 - Completely new number 1 - Completely vacated number 2 - Partially changed number 3 - Reused after being vacated 4 - Immediately reused 8 - Other Second - Type of history information 0 - Relocation 1 - Formerly 2 - Discontinuation 3 - Expansion 8 - Other Subfield Codes $a - New number--single number or beginning number of span (R) $b - Previous number--single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number--ending number of span (R) $d - Date of implementation of authoritative agency (NR) $e - Local implementation date (NR) $f - Title and publication date (NR) $i - Explanatory text (R) $t - Topic (R) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $y - Table identification--schedule (R) [OBSOLETE] $z - Table identification (R) $2 - Edition number (R) $5 - Institution to which field applies (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR) 686 - RELATIONSHIP TO SOURCE NOTE (R) Indicators First - Type of relationship 0 - Number from other source edition 1 - Expansion 2 - Option 3 - Adaption, other Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Number in edition described in field 084--single number or beginning number of span (R) $b - Number in primary source of edition--single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Ending number of span (R) $i - Explanatory text (R) $o - Number where instructions are found--single number or beginning of number of span (R) $t - Topic (R) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $z - Table identification (R) $2 - Edition identifier (R) $5 - Institution to which field applies (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR) --Index Term Fields (70X-75X)-- 700 - INDEX TERM--PERSONAL NAME (R) Indicators First - Type of personal name entry element 0 - Forename 1 - Surname 2 - Multiple surname [OBSOLETE] 3 - Family name Second - Thesaurus 0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings/Name authority file 1 - Library of Congress Children's and Young Adults' Subject Headings 2 - Medical Subject Headings/NLM name authority file 3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 - Source not specified 5 - Canadian Subject Headings/LAC name authority file 6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière 7 - Source specified in subfield $2 Subfield Codes $a - Personal name (NR) $b - Numeration (NR) $c - Titles and other words associated with a name (R) $d - Dates associated with a name (NR) $e - Relator term (R) $f - Date of a work (NR) $g - Miscellaneous information (R) $h - Medium (NR) $i - Explanatory text (R) $j - Attribution qualifier (R) $k - Form subheading (R) $l - Language of a work (NR) $m - Medium of performance for music (R) $n - Number of part/section of a work (R) $o - Arranged statement for music (NR) $p - Name of part/section of a work (R) $q - Fuller form of name (NR) $r - Key for music (NR) $s - Version (NR) $t - Title of a work (NR) $v - Form subdivision (R) $x - General subdivision (R) $y - Chronological subdivision (R) $z - Geographic subdivision (R) $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R) $1 - Real World Object URI (R) $2 - Source of heading or term (NR) $3 - Materials specified (NR) $4 - Relator code (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 710 - INDEX TERM--CORPORATE NAME (R) Indicators First - Type of corporate name entry element 0 - Inverted name 1 - Jurisdiction name 2 - Name in direct order Second - Thesaurus 0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings/Name authority file 1 - Library of Congress Children's and Young Adults' Subject Headings 2 - Medical Subject Headings/NLM name authority file 3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 - Source not specified 5 - Canadian Subject Headings/LAC name authority file 6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière 7 - Source specified in subfield $2 Subfield Codes $a - Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR) $b - Subordinate unit (R) $c - Location of meeting (R) $d - Date of meeting or treaty signing (R) $e - Relator term (R) $f - Date of a work (NR) $g - Miscellaneous information (R) $h - Medium (NR) $i - Explanatory text (R) $k - Form subheading (R) $l - Language of a work (NR) $m - Medium of performance for music (R) $n - Number of part/section/meeting (R) $o - Arranged statement for music (NR) $p - Name of part/section of a work (R) $r - Key for music (NR) $s - Version (NR) $t - Title of a work (NR) $v - Form subdivision (R) $x - General subdivision (R) $y - Chronological subdivision (R) $z - Geographic subdivision (R) $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R) $1 - Real World Object URI (R) $2 - Source of heading or term (NR) $3 - Materials specified (NR) $4 - Relator code (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 711 INDEX TERM--MEETING NAME (R) Indicators First - Type of meeting name entry element 0 - Inverted name 1 - Jurisdiction name 2 - Name in direct order Second - Thesaurus 0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings/Name authority file 1 - Library of Congress Children's and Young Adults' Subject Headings 2 - Medical Subject Headings/NLM name authority file 3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 - Source not specified 5 - Canadian Subject Headings/LAC name authority file 6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière 7 - Source specified in subfield $2 Subfield Codes $a - Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR) $b - Number (R) [OBSOLETE] $c - Location of meeting (R) $d - Date of meeting or treaty signing (NR) $e - Subordinate unit (R) $f - Date of a work (NR) $g - Miscellaneous information (R) $h - Medium (NR) $i - Explanatory text (R) $j - Relator term (R) $k - Form subheading (R) $l - Language of a work (NR) $n - Number of part/section/meeting (R) $p - Name of part/section of a work (R) $q - Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element (NR) $s - Version (NR) $t - Title of a work (NR) $v - Form subdivision (R) $x - General subdivision (R) $y - Chronological subdivision (R) $z - Geographic subdivision (R) $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R) $1 - Real World Object URI (R) $2 - Source of heading or term (NR) $3 - Materials specified (NR) $4 - Relator code(R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 720 - INDEX TERM--UNCONTROLLED NAME (R) Indicators First - Type of name # - Not specified 1 - Personal 2 - Other Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Name (NR) $e - Relator term (R) $4 - Relator code (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 730 - INDEX TERM--UNIFORM TITLE (R) Indicators First - Nonfiling characters 0-9 Number of nonfiling characters # - Nonfiling characters not specified [OBSOLETE] Second - Thesaurus 0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings/Name authority file 1 - Library of Congress Children's and Young Adults' Subject Headings 2 - Medical Subject Headings/NLM name authority file 3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 - Source not specified 5 - Canadian Subject Headings/LAC name authority file 6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière 7 - Source specified in subfield $2 Subfield Codes $a - Uniform title (NR) $d - Date of treaty signing (R) $f - Date of a work (NR) $g - Miscellaneous information (R) $h - Medium (NR) $i - Explanatory text (R) $k - Form subheading (R) $l - Language of a work (NR) $m - Medium of performance for music (R) $n - Number of part/section of a work (R) $o - Arranged statement for music (NR) $p - Name of part/section of a work (R) $r - Key for music (NR) $s - Version (NR) $t - Title of a work (NR) $v - Form subdivision (R) $x - General subdivision (R) $y - Chronological subdivision (R) $z - Geographic subdivision (R) $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R) $1 - Real World Object URI (R) $2 - Source of heading or term (NR) $3 - Materials specified (NR) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 748 - INDEX TERM--CHRONOLOGICAL (R) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Thesaurus 0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings/Name authority file 1 - Library of Congress Children's and Young Adults' Subject Headings 2 - Medical Subject Headings/NLM name authority file 3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 - Source not specified 5 - Canadian Subject Headings/LAC name authority file 6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière 7 - Source specified in subfield $2 Subfield Codes $a - Chronological term (NR) $v - Form subdivision (R) $x - General subdivision (R) $y - Chronological subdivision (R) $z - Geographic subdivision (R) $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R) $1 - Real World Object URI (R) $2 - Source of heading or term (NR) $3 - Materials specified (NR) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 750 - INDEX TERM--TOPICAL (R) Indicators First - Level of subject # - No information available 0 - No level specified 1 - Primary subject 2 - Secondary subject Second - Thesaurus 0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings/Name authority file 1 - Library of Congress Children's and Young Adults' Subject Headings 2 - Medical Subject Headings/NLM name authority file 3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 - Source not specified 5 - Canadian Subject Headings/LAC name authority file 6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière 7 - Source specified in subfield $2 Subfield Codes $a - Topical term or geographic name entry element (NR) $b - Topical term following geographic name entry element (NR) $c - Location of event (NR) $d - Active date (NR) $i - Explanatory text (R) $v - Form subdivision (R) $x - General subdivision (R) $y - Chronological subdivision (R) $z - Geographic subdivision (R) $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R) $1 - Real World Object URI (R) $2 - Source of heading or term (NR) $3 - Materials specified (NR) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 751 - INDEX TERM--GEOGRAPHIC NAME (R) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Thesaurus 0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings/Name authority file 1 - Library of Congress Children's and Young Adults' Subject Headings 2 - Medical Subject Headings/NLM name authority file 3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 - Source not specified 5 - Canadian Subject Headings/LAC name authority file 6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière 7 - Source specified in subfield $2 Subfield Codes $a - Geographic name (NR) $i - Explanatory text (R) $v - Form subdivision (R) $x - General subdivision (R) $y - Chronological subdivision (R) $z - Geographic subdivision (R) $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R) $1 - Real World Object URI (R) $2 - Source of heading or term (NR) $3 - Materials specified (NR) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 753 - INDEX TERM--UNCONTROLLED (R) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Type of term or name # - No information provided 0 - Topical term 1 - Personal name 2 - Corporate name 3 - Meeting name 4 - Chronological term 5 - Geographic name 6 - Genre/form term Subfield Codes $a - Index term (R) $b - Index term--succeeding level (R) $d - Index term referred from (R) $e - Example class number (R) $i - Explanatory text (R) $s - See also reference term (NR) $t - See also reference term--succeeding level (R) $u - Use reference term (NR) $v - Use reference term--succeeding level (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 754 - INDEX TERM--FACETED TOPICAL TERMS (R) Indicators First - Level of subject # - No information provided 0 - No level specified 1 - Primary 2 - Secondary Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Focus term (R) $b - Non-focus term (R) $c - Facet/hierarchy designation (R) $v - Form subdivision (R) $y - Chronological subdivision (R) $z - Geographic subdivision (R $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R) $1 - Real World Object URI (R) $2 - Source of heading or term (NR) $3 - Material specified (NR) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) --Number Building Fields (76X)-- 761 - ADD OR DIVIDE LIKE INSTRUCTIONS (R) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Combined note types 0 - Not a combined note 1 - Add or divide like portion of a combined note 2 - Class elsewhere portion of a combined note 3 - Relocation portion of a combined note Subfield Codes $a - Number where instructions are found--single number or beginning number of span (R) $b - Base number (NR) $c - Classification number--Ending number of span (R) $d - Divided like number (R) $e - Example class number (R) $f - Facet designator (R) $i - Explanatory text (R) $n - Negative example class number (R) $r - Root number (R) $x - Other classification number (R) $t - Topic (R) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $y - Table identification--schedule (R) [OBSOLETE] $z - Table identification (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR) 762 - TABLE IDENTIFICATION (R) Indicators First - Table application sequence # - First 2 - Second 3 - Third 4 - Fourth Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield codes $i - Explanatory text (R) $y - Schedule (NR) [OBSOLETE] $z - Table number (NR) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 763 - INTERNAL SUBARRANGEMENT OR ADD TABLE ENTRY (R) Indicators First - Classification number validity 0 - Not a classification number entry 1 - Standard valid classification number 2 - Standard invalid classification number 3 - Optional valid classification number 4 - Optional invalid classification number 5 - Obsolete classification number Second - Type of classification number 0 - Single number 1 - Defined number span 2 - Summary number span 8 - Other Subfield Codes $a - Classification number--single number or beginning number of span (R) $b - Base number (NR) $c - Classification number--ending number of span (R) $d - Divided like number (R) $e - Example class number (R) $h - Caption hierarchy (R) $i - Explanatory text (R) $j - Caption (NR) $k - Summary number span caption hierarchy (R) $m - Manual note (NR) $n - Number where instructions are found (R) $p - Corresponding classification field (R) $r - Root number (R) $s - See reference (R) $x - Other classification number (R) $y - Type of division (R) $z - Table identification (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR) 764 - RULE IDENTIFICATION (R) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Rule number (NR) $i - Explanatory text (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 765 - SYNTHESIZED NUMBER COMPONENTS (R) Indicators First - Field of number analyzed 0 - 153 field 1 - Other field Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Number where instructions are found--single number or beginning number of span (R) $b - Base number (R) $c - Classification number--ending number of span (R) $c - Number where instructions are found--Ending number of span (R) [REDEFINED] $f - Facet designator (R) $r - Root number (R) $s - Digits added from classification number in schedule or external table (R) $t - Digits added from internal subarrangement or add table (R) $u - Number being analyzed (R) $v - Number in internal subarrangement or add table where instructions are found (R) $w - Table identification--internal subarrangement or add table (R) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $y - Table identification--schedule (R) [OBSOLETE] $z - Table identification (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 766 - SECONDARY TABLE INFORMATION (R) Indicators First - Undefined # - Undefined Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield codes $a - Secondary table applicability (NR) $y - Type of division (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 768 - CITATION AND PREFERENCE ORDER INSTRUCTIONS (R) Indicators First - Type of instruction 0 - Citation and preference order note 1 - Table of preference Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Classification number--single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number--Ending number of span (R) $e - Example class number (R) $i - Explanatory text (R) $j - Caption (R) $n - Negative example class number (R) $t - Topic used as example of citation and preference order instruction (R) $x - Exception to table of preference (R) $y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) $z - Table identification--Table number (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR) --Other Variable Fields (8XX)-- 856 - ELECTRONIC LOCATION AND ACCESS (R) Indicators First - Access method # - No information provided 0 - Email 1 - FTP 2 - Remote login (Telnet) 3 - Dial-up 4 - HTTP 7 - Method specified in subfield $2 Second - Relationship # - No information provided 0 - Resource 1 - Version of resource 2 - Related resource 3 - Component part(s) of resource 4 - Version of component part(s) of resource 8 - No display constant generated Subfield Codes $a - Host name (R) $b - Access number (R) [OBSOLETE] $c - Compression information (R) $d - Path (R) $f - Electronic name (R) $g - Uniform Resource Name (R) [OBSOLETE] $g - Persistent identifier (R) $h - Processor of request (NR) [OBSOLETE] $h - Non-functioning Uniform Resource Identifier (R) $i - Instruction (R) [OBSOLETE] $j - Bits per second (NR) [OBSOLETE] $k - Password (NR) [OBSOLETE] $l - Logon (NR) [OBSOLETE] $l - Standardized information governing access (R) $m - Contact for access assistance (R) $n - Name of location of host (NR) [OBSOLETE] $n - Terms governing access (R) $o - Operating system (NR) $p - Port (NR) $q - Electronic format type (R) $r - Settings (NR) [OBSOLETE] $r - Standardized information governing use and reproduction (R) $s - File size (R) $t - Terminal emulation (R) [OBSOLETE] $t - Terms governing use and reproduction (R) $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R) $v - Hours access method available (R) $w - Record control number (R) $x - Nonpublic note (R) $y - Link text (R) $z - Public note (R) $2 - Access method (NR) $3 - Materials specified (NR) $6 - Linkage (NR) $7 - Access status (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (NR) 857 - ELECTRONIC ARCHIVE LOCATION AND ACCESS (R) Indicators First - Access method # - No information provided 1 - FTP 4 - HTTP 7 - Method specified in subfield $2 Second - Relationship # - No information provided 0 - Resource 1 - Version of resource 2 - Related resource 3 - Component part(s) of resource 4 - Version of component part(s) of resource 8 - No display constant generated Subfield Codes $b - Name of archiving agency (NR) $c - Name of Web archive or digital archive repository (NR) $d - Date range of archived material (NR) $f - Archive completeness (NR) $g - Persistent identifier (R) $h - Non-functioning Uniform Resource Identifier (R) $l - Standardized information governing access (R) $m - Contact for access assistance (R) $n - Terms governing access (R) $q - Electronic format type (R) $r - Standardized information governing use and reproduction (R) $s - File size (R) $t - Terms governing use and reproduction (R) $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R) $x - Nonpublic note (R) $y - Link text (R) $z - Public note (R) $2 - Access method (NR) $3 - Materials specified (NR) $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR) $6 - Linkage (NR) $7 - Access status (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 880 - ALTERNATE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION (R) Indicators First - Same as associated field Second - Same as associated field Subfield Codes $6 - Linkage (NR) $a-z - Same as associated field $0-5 - Same as associated field $7-9 - Same as associated field 883 - METADATA PROVENANCE (R) Indicators First - Method of assignment # - No information provided/not applicable 0 - Fully machine-generated 1 - Partially machine-generated 2 - Not machine-generated Second - Undefined # - Undefined Subfield Codes $a - Creation process (NR) $c - Confidence value (NR) $d - Creation date (NR) $q - Assigning or generating agency (NR) $x - Validity end date (NR) $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (NR) $w - Bibliographic record control number (R) $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R) $1 - Real World Object URI (R) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
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