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MARC 21 HOME >> Bibliographic Format >> MARC21 and PREMIS, MIX, and TextMD

Analyses of Data Overlaps Between MARC21 Bibliographic Format
and PREMIS, MIX, and TextMD

In order to facilitate the derivation technical metadata that may be embedded in MARC21 records, the following reports were prepared under contract for the Network Development and MARC Standards Office by a consultant, Charles Husbands.

The reports review the following prominent technical metadata schemas against data potentially residing in the MARC21 Bibliographic Format:

In some cases the correspondence tables identify possible correspondences that may be tenuous, or even erroneous, but this was considered preferable to inadvertently omitting a connection of importance.  Users of the tables who are knowledgeable about PREMIS, MIX, or TextMD implementation issues may be able to eliminate some table entries as universally or locally inappropriate or too rare to be worthy of consideration.

Any additional sources of metadata in the MARC 21 record that could help populate the technical metadata schemas for PREMIS, MIX, and TextMD can be reported to the Office for augmentation of the reports ([email protected]).

Sally McCallum
Chief, Network Development and MARC Standards Office
Library of Congress

MARC 21 HOME >> Bibliographic Format >> MARC21 and PREMIS, MIX, and TextMD

The Library of Congress >> Especially for Librarians and Archivists >> Standards
( 12/21/2010 )
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