Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 6XX  >> 655

655 - Index Term-Genre/Form (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - full
July 2022

First Indicator Second Indicator
Type of heading
# - Basic
0 - Faceted

0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings
1 - Library of Congress Children's and Young Adults' Subject Headings
2 - Medical Subject Headings
3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file
4 - Source not specified
5 - Canadian Subject Headings
6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière
7 - Source specified in subfield $2

Subfield Codes
  • $a - Genre/form data or focus term (NR)
  • $b - Non-focus term (R)
  • $c - Facet/hierarchy designation (R)
  • $v - Form subdivision (R)
  • $x - General subdivision (R)
  • $y - Chronological subdivision (R)
  • $z - Geographic subdivision (R)
  • $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R)
  • $1 - Real World Object URI (R)
  • $2 - Source of term (NR)
  • $3 - Materials specified (NR)
  • $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR)
  • $6 - Linkage (NR)
  • $7 - Data provenance (R)
  • $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Terms indicating the genre, form, and/or physical characteristics of the materials being described. A genre term designates the style or technique of the intellectual content of textual materials or, for graphic materials, aspects such as vantage point, intended purpose, characteristics of the creator, publication status, or method of representation. A form term designates historically and functionally specific kinds of materials distinguished by their physical character, the subject of their intellectual content, or the order of information within them. Physical characteristic terms designate historically and functionally specific kinds of materials as distinguished by an examination of their physical character, subject of their intellectual content, or the order of information with them.

Examples of genre terms for textual materials are: biographies, catechisms, essays, hymns, or reviews. Examples of form and physical characteristic terms are: daybooks, diaries, directories, journals, memoranda, questionnaires, syllabi, or time sheets.

May contain terms constructed from a faceted vocabulary. For each term found in the field, an identification is given as to the facet/hierarchy in the thesaurus from which the term came. In addition, identification is given as to which term is the focus term of the expression.

Standard published lists are used for the genre and form terms. The lists are identified either by the second indicator (Thesaurus) or by subfield $2 (Source of term).



First Indicator - Type of heading

Type of genre/form heading in the field.

# - Basic

Genre/form data is recorded in a single occurrence of subfield $a.

0 - Faceted

Each genre/form term is recorded in a separate subfield $a or $b. A subfield $c (Facet/hierarchy designation) precedes each term in subfields $a and $b; it denotes the facet/hierarchy of each term in a particular thesaurus.

Second Indicator - Thesaurus

Subject heading system or thesaurus used in constructing the subject heading.

0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings

Subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Name authority files that are maintained by the Library of Congress.

Conforms to LCSH is defined as:

  • headings (or headings and subdivisions) found in the LC authority files (including name authorities), or in the latest edition of LCSH, including the latest microfiche, printed version, CD-ROM, and supplements;
  • headings constructed following AACR2;
  • headings found in the LC authority files, the latest edition of LCSH, or constructed following AACR2 to which is added a free-floating or regular subdivision according to the rules stated in the Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings, particularly subdivisions listed in the pattern lists, and geographic subdivisions formulated and applied according to the rules in the manual;
1 - Library of Congress Children's and Young Adults' Subject Headings

Subject added entry conforms to the Library of Congress Children's and Young Adults' Subject Headings used for the Library of Congress Children's and Young Adults' Cataloging (CYAC) Program and is appropriate for use according to CYAC guidelines.

2 - Medical Subject Headings

Subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the National Library of Medicine authority files.

3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file

Subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the National Agricultural Library subject authority file.

4 - Source not specified

Subject added entry conforms to a controlled list that cannot be identified by second indicator values 0-3, 5-6 or by a code in subfield $2.

Field 653 (Index Term-Uncontrolled) is used to record terms that are not derived from controlled subject heading lists.

5 - Canadian Subject Headings

Subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Canadian Subject Headings that is maintained by the Library and Archives Canada.

6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière

Subject added entry conforms to the Répertoire de vedettes-matière that is maintained by the Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval and/or name authority files maintained by libraries in Canada using French as the language of description.

7 - Source specified in subfield $2

Subject added entry conforms to a set of subject heading system/thesaurus building rules. The identifying code is given in subfield $2.


$a - Genre/form data or focus term

All genre, form, or physical characteristics data when the first indicator is #. For faceted headings (first indicator is value 0), it consists of the focus term. A focus term is the concrete thing forming the basis of the expression.

655 #7$aBird's-eye views$y1874.$2gmgpc
655 #7$aCartoons$y1952.$2gmgpc
655 #7$aGampi fibers (Paper)$zJapan$y1955$2rbpap
655 #2$aFestschrift.
655 #2$aDiaries.

Heading: Laminated marblewood bust

655 07$ck$bLaminated$cm$bmarblewood$cv$abust.$2aat

$b - Non-focus term

Term other than that considered the focus in a faceted heading (first indicator is value 0).

Heading: Black Hmong cotton courtship balls

655 07$cd$bBlack$cf$bHmong$cm$bcotton$ck$bcourtship$ct$aballs.$2aat

$c - Facet/hierarchy designation

Facet/hierarchy for each term found in subfields $a and $b in faceted headings (first indicator is value 0). The designations differ, depending on the thesaurus used (as specified by the code found in subfield $2). The designations and their associated facets/hierarchies can be found in the thesaurus identified by subfield $2. Subfield $c always precedes the data to which it is associated.

See the examples under the descriptions of subfields $a and $b.

$v - Form subdivision

Form subdivision that designates a specific kind or genre of material as defined by the thesaurus being used. Subfield $v is appropriate only when a form subject subdivision is added to a genre/form term.

$x - General subdivision

Subject subdivision that is not more appropriately contained in subfield $v (Form subdivision), subfield $y (Chronological subdivision), or subfield $z (Geographic subdivision). Subfield $x is appropriate only when a topical subdivision is added to a term with a first indicator of # (Basic).

655 #7$aDictionaries$xFrench$y18th century.$2rbgenr
655 #7$aPhotoprints$xColor$zPanama Canal Zone$y1900-1950.$2gmgpc

$y - Chronological subdivision

Subject subdivision that represents a period of time. Subfield $y is appropriate only when a chronological subject subdivision is added to a term.

655 #7$aCompetition drawings$y1984.$2gmgpc

$z - Geographic subdivision

Geographic subject subdivision. Subfield $z is appropriate only when a geographic subject subdivision is added to a term.

655 #7$aHymnals$zMassachusetts$y18th century.$2rbgenr
655 #7$aSigning patterns (Printing)$zGermany$y18th century.$2rbpri

$0 - Authority record control number or standard number

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$1 - Real World Object URI

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$2 - Source of term

MARC code that identifies the source list from which the index term was assigned. It is used only when the second indicator position contains value 7 (Source specified in subfield $2). Code from: Genre/Form Code and Term Source Codes.

655 #7$aEmblem books$zGermany$y17th century.$2rbgenr
655 #7$aLithographs$zGermany$y1902.$2gmgpc

$3 - Materials specified

Part of the described materials to which the field applies.

655 #7$3Municipal Fire Station records$aFire reports$zAtlanta, Georgia$y1978.$2[thesaurus code]

$5 - Institution to which field applies

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

655 #7$aAnnotations (Provenance)$zSweden$y18th century.$2rbprov$5MH-H

$6 - Linkage

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$7 - Data provenance

See description of this subfield in Appendix J: Data Provenance Subfields.

$8 - Field link and sequence number

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Punctuation - Subfield preceding subfield $2 in field 655 ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis.

655 #7$aDiaries$zBelgium.$2 [thesaurus code]

Term followed by a subject subdivision does not end with a mark of punctuation unless the preceding term ends with an abbreviation, initial/letter, open date, or other data that end with a mark of punctuation.

655 #7$aPrayer books$zRhode Island$y18th century.$2 [thesaurus code]

Spacing - No spaces are used in initialisms, acronyms, or abbreviations. A data element that contains an open-ended date ends with one space when it is followed by a subject subdivision.

Subfield $y Imprint Date Data - Imprint date (i.e., the date found in 260$c) may be used in subfield $y of field 655. In subfield $y, the date data are recorded following Library of Congress Rule Interpretations 21.30M. Brackets are not used even though they may be present in 260$c. When the dates are preceded by alphabetic data in subfield $y, the first letter of the alphabetic data is capitalized, e.g., Not before [imprint date]; Not after [imprint date]; Ca. [imprint date].

260 ##$a [place of publication] :$b [publisher] ,$c[1885]
655 #7$aAddresses$zMassachusetts$zBoston$y1885.$2rbgenr

Display Constant

- [dash associated with the content of subfield $v, $x, $y, and $z]

Dash (-) that precedes a subdivision in an extended genre/form heading is not carried in the MARC record. It may be system generated as a display constant associated with the content of subfields $v, $x, $y, and $z.

Content designated field :
655 #7$aAgenda$xWeekly$y1980-1985.$2 [thesaurus code]
Display example:

In headings having a first indicator 0 (Faceted), the dash (-) that precedes any non-focus term that follows a focus term is not carried in the MARC record. It may be generated as a display constant associated with subfield $b.


Until field 755 (Added Entry-Physical Characteristics) was made obsolete in 1995, physical characteristics were recorded in field 755 instead of field 655.

Indicator 1 - Type of heading [NEW, 1993]
Indicator 2 - Source of term [REDEFINED, 2002]
$0 - Authority record control number [NEW, 2007]
$0 - Authority record control number [REDEFINED, 2010]
$1 - Real World Object URI [NEW, 2017]
$7 - Data provenance [NEW, 2022]

Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 6XX  >> 655
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