Rivers, Edens, Empires: Lewis & Clark and the Revealing of America
<IMG SRC="//www.loc.gov/exhibits/lewisandclark/source/lewis_and_clark_intro.jpg" alt="Flash movie showing a series of five maps progressively filling in more information mapping American" WIDTH=453 HEIGHT=315 BORDER=0>

On April 7, 1805, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark left Fort Mandan for points west, beginning the process of "filling in the canvas" of America. This exhibition features the Library's rich collections of exploration material documenting the quest to connect the East and the West by means of a waterway passage.

The exhibition is made possible through funding from the United States Congress. The Library of Congress is grateful for this support and the continued interest of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Congressional Caucus and its co-chairs, Senators Conrad Burns, Larry Craig, and Byron Dorgan, and Representatives Doug Bereuter and Earl Pomeroy.

Look for these “Discover!” labels that will spotlight items of special interest to kids and families!