Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > SACO > Summary of Decisions > Editorial Meeting Number 2001

Back to Summary of Decisions

January 20, 2020

PSD policy specialist responsible for this list: L.. Dechman


DS554.98.I84; [DS554.98.S26]

These proposals should be resubmitted with a resubmitted subject proposal. See below under Ishanapura (Extinct city) for further information.


This proposal fits the shelflist, but the first heading assigned to the bib is Venezuelans—Civil rights—Colombia. Ordinarily, a work with this subject heading would class in K with the law of Colombia. The cataloger should examine the work and either change the classification number or adjust the subject headings and resubmit the proposal.


Based on the decision for the related subject proposal, Violence against women in literature (see below), the work should be classed in either PN56.V53 or PN56.5.W64, preferably PN56.5.W64. The proposal was not approved.


To be classified in this area, a subject proposal for Heterodontidae (Fishes), Fossil should be submitted. The classification proposal may be resubmitted along with the subject proposal.


Alabama Hills Recreation Area (Calif.)

The name in Geonet and the name used in the work being cataloged differ, and there was no information from the work that shows that the two are one and the same (e.g., location, description). The proposal may be resubmitted.

Approximate computing

This concept seems to overlap significantly with the existing heading Soft computing, which also uses approximations in calculations. If the concepts are the same, or so similar that there is little difference, the existing heading should be revised to add a UF for Approximate computing. If it is determined that the two concepts are sufficiently different, then contrasting scope notes should be supplied to clearly state the difference between them. If an easily understandable contrasting scope note cannot be formulated, that may be an indication that the concepts are too closely related to support two separate headings. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Arenal Volcano (Costa Rica)

Geonet was cited in the proposal, but the approved name and the variant names were not listed in the citation or given as UFs. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Biķernieki Forest Massacres, Rīga, Latvia, 1941-1944

This is a resubmit from list 1910. In the new information, the cataloger did not provide any evidence of a conventional proper name, as required by H 1592. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Black Creek Watershed (Fla.)

The creek itself must be proposed, per H 800. The proposal may be resubmitted along with a proposal for the creek.

Blackfoot Confederacy 

A confederacy is a league or compact, or a body formed by persons, states, or nations. As such, it should be established in the name authority file. However, all of the citations seem to refer to the “confederacy” as a collection of related ethnic groups/tribes, not to a corporate body. If a heading for the ethnic group is needed, then it would be proposed as Blackfoot Indians, with the appropriate references. However, Blackfoot Indians is already a UF to the heading Siksika Indians, and Ethnologue indicates that Siksika and Blackfoot are synonyms.  Therefore, the existing heading needs to be reevaluated; are Siksika and Blackfoot indeed synonyms? If so, which of the two should be the heading going forward? If the heading is changed, then all of the subdivided and derivative headings must be changed as well (e.g., Siksika Indians—Religion; Siksika dance), as must the BTs on the narrower terms. 

The proposal may be resubmitted with all of the related proposals if desired.

Cajundome (Lafayette, La.)

The qualifier was not supported by the citations. The second source citation identifies the city as Lafayette, but it does not identify the state. There are cities named Lafayette in other states. From a technical standpoint, there also needs to be a UF that includes the spelled-out form of the ampersand. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Château Castigno (Assignan, France)

The citation from the work being cataloged did not provide any English, or any information that supports the BTs. Information that supports the BTs would identify the structure as a castle, a hotel, and/or a winery. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Ch'ŏngsan Island (Korea)

Geonet was not cited, as required by H 690. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Clube de Regatas Saldanha da Gama (Brazil)

This really is a club, with dues-paying members. Clubs are corporate bodies that are established in the name authority file. The proposal was not approved.

Creole music

In LCSH, headings in the form [Ethnic group] music are not the usual pattern. Instead headings are formulated as [Ethnic group] $v Music, e.g., Jews $v Music, African Americans $v Music, and so on. LCSH has a heading for Cajun music (cited in the proposal), but the meeting prefers to treat that heading as an exception and to follow the predominant pattern (i.e., [Ethnic group]—Music) as precedent.

While Cajuns refers to a very specific ethnic group in LCSH, Creoles is not a single ethnicity; it can be any mixed-race person.  Also, the heading Cajun music should be applied to music made by Cajuns and to music made by non-Cajuns in the style of Cajun music as a genre – the music of the ethnic group Cajuns is conflated with the genre of Cajun music. While that may be tricky and perhaps pointless to differentiate for Cajun music, the situation is not analogous for Creole music. For example, music from Peruvian Creoles is very different from Louisiana Creole music in terms of ethnicity as well as the music itself.

The heading Creoles—Louisiana—Music should be assigned instead.

The proposal was not approved.

Cutters (United States Coast Guard ships)

The work being cataloged is about the history of the Coast Guard during World War II. The headings United States. Coast Guard—History—World War, 1939-1945 and World War, 1939-1945—Naval operations, American should be assigned instead. The proposal was not necessary.

Dhangar (South Asian people)

The cataloger removed two 670s and a UF without any explanation or addition of a work cat. The 670s seem correct on their face – and therefore the UF they support was fine, as well.  The proposal was not approved, or, it may be resubmitted with an explanation.

Education—Religious aspects; Education—Religious aspects—Islam

There was not any English provided. The information should make the difference between the proposed heading Education—Religious aspects and the existing heading Religious education clear. The proposals may be resubmitted.

Ėngelʹgardt family   

The proposal provides no information in English from the work being cataloged that references the form of the name being proposed, and it provides no information in English that identifies the location of the family. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Fayerweather Hall (New York, N.Y.)

It is difficult to believe that there is only one building called Physics Building in New York City, considering how many colleges and universities are located there. The UF should be qualified by the street name, which needs to be proposed first. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Fort Crosby (England)

Fort Crosby was built between 1903 and 1914, according to the 670s. H 405 Group One indicates that all military installations after 1899 should be established in the NAF. The proposal was not approved.

Forte de Santa Caterina (Portugal)

The citations indicate that the fort is being renovated; when did it cease its use as a military installation? If it happened in the 20th or 21st century, then the fort should be established in the NAF. If it happened before 1900, then it should be proposed as a subject, but the qualifier should be modified to reflect the city in which it is located.  The proposal may be resubmitted.

Gaume (Belgium)

Gaume is another name for Lorraine Belge, which is established as Lorraine (Beligum). Gaume was added as a UF on the heading Lorraine (Belgium). The proposal was not approved.

Geula (Jerusalem)

The citations themselves indicate that this is a city section. City sections should be established in the NAF per H 405. The proposal was not approved.

Hai yang kuo chia kung yüan (Taiwan)

There is no English in the citations, and the heading does not appear there in a recognizable form. Also, the English UF was not supported. It does not appear that the proposal was finished. The heading should be in pinyin form with a UF for the Wade-Giles form. Also, the proposal should include a 781 field. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Indian tribal museums

This proposal was marked resubmit on list 1506 The edits that were requested at that time were not made. The Summary for list 1506 said:

Indian tribal museums

The work being cataloged is a history of a specific museum, not Indian tribal museums in general. It can be assigned the name heading of the museum, along with the heading Osage Indians—Museums, if desired. 

The second citation, for a work by Glenda Galvan, may be about Indian tribal museums in general.  Only the title was provided, however, and it may or may not be indicative of the work’s coverage. The wording of the scope note also was not supported by a source citation.

The proposal was not necessary for the work being cataloged.  If the proposal was necessary for the work by Galvan, it may be resubmitted with complete citations.

The proposal may be resubmitted once more, with the necessary revisions.

Indians of Central America—Antiquities

The UFs being proposed are handled by UFs on the heading Indians of Central America. The BT is incorrect because antiquities of the Indians of Central America are found outside Central America. The proposal was not approved.

Indians of Mexico—Antiquities

The UFs being proposed are handled by UFs on the heading Indians of Mexico. The BT is incorrect because antiquities of the Indians of Mexico are found outside Mexico. The proposal was not approved.

Indigenous arts

This proposal was marked resubmit on list 1606, and none of the concerns were addressed. The Summary for list 1606 said:

Indigenous arts

The scope of the work being cataloged is unclear from the citation provided. If the work is limited to indigenous art from only one, two, or three regions of the world then it should be assigned (a) heading(s) appropriate for the region(s) (e.g., Indian arts—South America; Arts, Maori).  If the resource is broader in scope, the proposal may be resubmitted with information to that effect provided in the source citation.

The proposal may be resubmitted once more, with the necessary revisions.

 Ishanapura (Extinct city)

The cataloger mixed the archaeological site with the extinct city, and it is unclear whether a heading for the extinct city, the archaeological site, or both, is needed. The proposal may be resubmitted.

K-pop (Music)

There are many sources on the web and in print that refer to K-pop as a genre, but K-pop cannot be considered as a genre in LCSH. The situation is analogous to MPB (música popular brasileiro), a term that is widely used in literature about Brazilian popular music. MPB refers to the totality of Brazilian popular music, including distinctly Brazilian genres (tropicalia, bossa nova, etc.) as well as genres originating in the US (rock, funk). But, a given MPB song is not a fusion of all the genres that make up Brazilian popular music. The same is true in K-pop. The citations in the K-pop proposal list a number of Western pop genres as influences; however; a given K-pop song is not an amalgamation of all those genres into one distinct genre. It could be (among other things) a soft ballad or hard-hitting EDM, influenced by R&B or reggae, sung by one singer, a duet, or a large boy or girl group.

Some of the 670s in the K-pop proposal are misleading. The Fuhr citation, for example, states that K-pop is “a coherent phenomenon in terms of a musical genre.” But, the only coherent attribute of K-pop is that it is made by Koreans. The next 670 starts off with a list of attributes that could be from pop music anywhere (i.e., relies heavily upon verse-chorus-bridge structure common in American pop, etc.), then claims that “using race in definition would be to suggest that any music created by a Korean would become Kpop by default, which is categorically wrong.” That claim may be true for any music created by Koreans, but the fact is this: what ultimately distinguishes Korean popular music that relies heavily upon verse-chorus-bridge structure common in American pop, etc., from American pop is that the former is made by Koreans, and the latter is made by Americans.

In LCSH, headings are not established to pre-coordinate a music genre and a place unless the heading refers to a specific genre that can be narrowly and precisely defined (and of course, there is literary warrant for it). An example would be Philadelphia soul (Music). The heading does not refer to any soul music from Philadelphia, but rather a specific type of soul music with very specific attributes that distinguish it from other types of soul music. K-pop utterly fails to be defined in such a manner.

A UF for K-pop was added to the existing heading Popular music—Korea (South). The proposal was not approved.

Kauno IV fortas Massacres, Kaunas, Lithuania, 1941

The first citation should be for the work being cataloged, not a library catalog. In addition, there is no evidence of a conventional proper English name provided. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Kramarczuk family

The cataloger provided no citation to the work being cataloged as is required in SHM H 202 sec. 1.a.(1). The citation must provide, in English, the name of the family and the location of the family, at minimum. Complete instructions for establishing family names can be found in H 1631. The proposal may be resubmitted.

La Ciudad de Los Hornos Site (Tempe, Ariz.)

This proposal was marked resubmit on list 1809 and has not been updated as requested. The Summary of Decisions for list 1809 said:

La Ciudad de Los Hornos (Tempe, Ariz.)

A 952 says, “Please advise on the current LC practice for the inclusion or exclusion of "site" in establishing a geographic heading for an           archaeological site.” The current practice is in H 1225 sec. 3.                            

In addition, importantly, the proposal contains a former heading reference, but it is a proposal for a new heading, and no attempt has been made to cancel the “former” heading (sh 91002189). The proposal may be resubmitted.

The proposal may be resubmitted once more, with the necessary revisions and additions.

Lamps, Hellenistic

The meeting chose to follow the hierarchical pattern in the existing heading Pottery, Classical, where the headings for Greek and Hellenistic pottery are directly subordinate to Pottery, Classical. The proposal was not approved.

Lesbian superheroes

This proposal was not necessary for the work being cataloged because the work is a graphic novel. None of the additional sources cited would need this heading, either. The proposal was not necessary.

Motion picture plays, Hindi

The citation does not indicate how the proposal is related to the work being cataloged. This heading, if approved, would be used for criticism of multiple plays, or collections of multiple plays. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Necaxa River Watershed (Mexico)

The proposal does not include any information in English as is required in H 202 sec. 1.a.(6). The proposal may be resubmitted.

Peres Casanova family; Pérez family

In the proposal for Peres Casanova family, the information provided from the work being cataloged does not identify the location of the family as required in H 1631 sec. 3. The proposal and the related proposal for Pérez family may be resubmitted.

Casanova family

H 1631 sec. 3.b. says that headings should not be established solely for the purpose of making related term references. The proposed heading was not necessary for the work being cataloged.

Popescu family

Information provided from the work being cataloged does not include the location of the family (in English). If the work is actually about the family, then, surely, the work being cataloged gives some indication of where they live. The citation to the Dictionary of American Family Names says that the name is Romanian, but that information does not satisfy the requirement that the location of the family should be determined by the work cat.

The proposal may be resubmitted.

Saafi language

This proposal was resubmited from list 1602.  The cataloger was supposed to propose the class number in the 053. In addition, it appears that the research on this language has changed in the intervening years. The cataloger should redo the research and bring the heading and UFs up to current scholarship. The proposal may be resubmitted.

September Campaign, Poland, 1939

The “September Campaign” was the invasion of Poland from the West by Germany on Sept. 1 and then from the East by the Soviet Union on Sept. 17.  Poland surrendered to Germany on Sept. 27, and armed resistance continued until early October. This was not a single event, since it was undertaken by two different countries, acting more-or-less autonomously (although there may have been some coordination in the planning).  In addition, each of the invasions consisted of a series of battles and skirmishes that occurred over more than a month’s time, and those battles and skirmishes constitute most of the battles that happened in Polish territory during the war. The proposed heading would therefore be almost synonymous with the heading World War, 1939-1945—Campaigns—Poland.   World War, 1939-1945—Campaigns—Poland should be assigned to the work being cataloged.

The proposal was not approved.

Seret River (Ukraine)

Geonet was not cited, as required by H 690. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Shalmani (South Asian people)

No English was provided in the citation for the work being cataloged, and the only reference source cited in the record is Wikipedia (which is not considered to be an authoritative source for most subject proposal purposes). Joshua Project is given in a 675 field, so it appears that the cataloger tried, but the meeting cannot assume that Wikipedia has it right. Therefore, the cataloger should provide information in English from the work being cataloged. That information should include the preferred name of the group, any variant names given in the work, and other pertinent information such as location that supports the choice of BTs. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Bell 47 (Helicopter)

This proposal and the proposal for Sioux (Military helicopter) are for two versions of the same helicopter, and there should be only one heading. The record for the Sioux is more complete, so it will be approved with editorial changes. UFs from the proposal for Bell 47 were added to the Sioux record. The proposal for Bell 47 (Helicopter) was not approved.

Szolyvai Emlékpark (Svali͡ava, Ukraine)

Information in English must be provided to support the choice of BT. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Tuominen family

The citation for the work being cataloged should be the first 670 in the record. Also, the location of the family, as identified in the work being cataloged, should be included in the information provided. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Vertigo in literature

The proposal does not include any information in English as is required in H 202 sec. 1.a.(6). The proposal may be resubmitted.         

Violence against women in literature

Prepositional phrase headings of this type may have up to three elements, but the prepositions make this proposal problematic. Is it about violence against women who are in the field of literature, or violence against women as portrayed in literature?  Further, the practice has always been to assign two headings to works on this topic: Violence in literature and Women in literature. That practice should continue. The proposal was not approved.

Volksgemeinschaft (The German word)

Only the German title “Volksgemeinschaft, 1933-1945” was provided, and it could easily be a history of Germany during the Hitler years. Information in English should be provided to show that this work really is an etymological work on the derivation and use of the word Volksgemeinschaft. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Women authors, Catalan

The proposal does not include any information in English as is required in H 202 sec. 1.a.(6). The information provided should include support for the main portion of the heading (i.e., that the work is about women authors), and information should be included that supports the choice of the qualifier (i.e., that the authors were Catalan). The proposal may be resubmitted.

African American women superheroes

The work being cataloged is a graphic novel, to which headings of this type are not assigned. None of the additional citations provided support the heading, either, because it appears that African American women superheroes are covered in less than 20 percent of each of them. The proposal was not necessary.

Word recognition

Flash cards are not equivalent to word recognition. The meeting agreed that the UF is inappropriate. However, the UF cannot just be deleted without a replacement. In addition, no BFM was reported, although there are definitely books about flash cards in the catalog. The cataloger should make a replacement proposal if desired. The proposal may be resubmitted.



Bawdy fiction

The proposal does not include a definition or description of bawdy fiction from an authoritative literary reference source. The proposal may be resubmitted.

Gay newspapers

The proposal for Community newspapers was approved on this list, and community newspapers “cover the important issues that affect a cohesive and well-defined geographic, ethnic or cultural community.” Gay people constitute a defined cultural community, so Community newspapers can be assigned. Additionally, gay people are the audience, which is covered by demographic group terms. Any specific topics that are covered in a particular newspaper should be brought out with subject headings. The proposal was not approved.

Imaginary voyage fiction

A genre/form proposal for Imaginary voyages was not approved on Tentative List 1706. The current proposal was not approved for the same reasons, which are available in the Summary of Decisions for list 1706 (


A proposal for the subject heading Manga was not approved on list 1912. The Summary of Decisions said (in part):

Manga; Comic books, strips, etc.

These proposals sought to establish Manga as a separate heading and remove the UFs for manga, manhua, and manhwa from the existing heading Comic books, strips, etc. Manga is an artistic style that exists outside comic books, and not all comic books that are called “manga” conform to all aspects of manga style. One of the principal defining aspects of manga-as-comics seems to be that they are read right-to-left, which is of course unusual for English-language publications. However, LC subject headings do not indicate text direction.

Additionally, manga is merely the Japanese-language word for comic book, and is therefore a synonym for Comic books, strips, etc., not a separate concept. An American superhero comic that is published or distributed in Japan, for example, would be called a manga. Manhwa is likewise the Korean word, and manhua is the Chinese word, for comic books. UFs, and not separate headings, are provided for synonyms.

The proposals were not approved.

This proposal for the Genre/Form term Manga likewise was not approved.

 Unfinished plays

LCGFT includes terms for unfinished music, novels, and films, but the meeting has reconsidered this decision because “unfinished” is not a genre or form. The term Unfinished films was added to the vocabulary during the first project, and subsequently has not been used by the Motion Picture, Broadcasting, & Recorded Sound Division.

The proposal for Unfinished plays was not approved and the precedents will be cancelled on a future list.

War diaries

The form of a war diary is a diary and the topic is war. The topic should be brought out with subject headings. The proposal was not approved.



Changes were made as indicated on the approved list.










328 (87%)

12 (80%)

7 (100%)



   Authority records cancelled+






Not necessary






Not approved












*The number of proposals approved is approximate and may change slightly during the final processing of the Approved List.

+The number of authority records cancelled is also included in the total number of proposals approved.