Library of Congress >> MARC >> Authority >> 1XX,3XX  >> 376

376 - Family Information (R)

MARC 21 Authority - full
December 2023

First Indicator Second Indicator
# - Undefined

# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
  • $a - Type of family (R)
  • $b - Name of prominent member (R)
  • $c - Hereditary title (R)
  • $d - Other designation (R)
  • $s - Start period (NR)
  • $t - End period (NR)
  • $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
  • $v - Source of information (R)
  • $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R)
  • $1 - Real World Object URI (R)
  • $2 - Source of term (NR)
  • $6 - Linkage (NR)
  • $7 - Data provenance (R)
  • $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Additional information about families, including type of family, prominent member of the family, and hereditary title.




$a - Type of family

A categorization or generic descriptor for the type of family, e.g Family, Clan, Dynasty, Royal House.

046 ##$s1925$t1979
100 3#$aPahlavi (Dynasty : $d1925-1979)
376 ##$aDynasty
046 ##$s1529$t1739
100 3#$aNayak (Dynasty :$cMadurai, India)
370 ##$fMadurai, India
376 ##$aDynasty
100 3#$aYan (Family : China)
370 ##$cChina
376 ##$aFamily

$b - Name of prominent member

A well-known individual who is a member of the family.

100 3#$aMedici (Royal house : $gMedici, Lorenzo de’, 1449-1492)
376 ##$aRoyal house$bMedici, Lorenzo de’, 1449-1492
100 3#$aDenney (Family : $gDenny, Anthony, 1501-1549)
376 ##$aFamily$bDenny, Anthony, 1501-1549
100 3#$aDenney (Family : $gDenny, Arthur Armstrong, 1822-1899)
[two families with the same name differentiated by addition of prominent member of the family]
376 ##$aFamily$bDenny, Arthur Armstrong, 1822-1899

$c - Hereditary title

A title of nobility, etc., associated with a family.

$d - Other designation

An appropriate designation in the language preferred by the agency creating the data of an attribute of the family that is not provided for in subfields $a, $b, or $c, or in another field.

376 ##$dMāori (New Zealand people)$2lcdgt
376 ##$dChinese Americans$dAmericans$2lcdgt
376 ##$dPhilanthropists$2lcsh
376 ##$dMachishū$2aat
376 ##$dBaptists$2lcdgt
376 ##$dDemocratic Party members (United States)$2lcdgt
376 ##$dDukes$dEarls$2aat
376 ##$dFictitious characters$2lcsh
376 ##$dImaginary creatures$2cyac

$s - Start period

Starting date associated with a family, such as date of origin.

100 3#$aCholmley (Family)
400 3#$aCholmeley (Family)
400 3#$aCholmondeley (Family)
376 ##$aFamily$cMarquesses of Cholmondeley
376 ##$aFamily$cDukes of Cholmondeley$s1852

$t - End period

End date associated with a family, such as date of termination.

$u - Uniform Resource Identifier

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.

In field 376, subfield $u is used to record the location of the source of information about the family accessible electronically.

$v - Source of information

Source where the information recorded in field 376 was found if not through a URI.

$0 - Authority record control number or standard number

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$1 - Real World Object URI

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$2 - Source of term

Specifies a code that identifies the source of a controlled form of the name in subfield $b.

Code from: Name and Title Authority Source Codes.

Specifies a code that identifies the source of a term for type of family in subfield $a or for other designation in subfield $d, when they are from a controlled list.

100 3#$aDenney (Family :$gDenny, Anthony, 1501-1549)
376 ##$aFamilies$2lcdgt
376 ##$bDenny, Anthony, 1501-1549$2naf
376 ##$dBritons$2lcdgt
100 3#$aNayak (Dynasty :$cMadurai, India)
376 ##$aDynasty$2wikidata
376 ##$dTelugu (Indic people}$2lcsh
100 3#$aKoteda (Clan :$dactive 15th century-17th century :$cHirado-shi, Japan)
376 ##$aClans$2lcsh
376 ##$bKoteda, Sakae$2naf
376 ##$dJapanese$2lcdgt

$6 - Linkage

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$7 - Data provenance

See description of this subfield in Appendix H: Data Provenance Subfields.

$8 - Field link and sequence number

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


$d - Other designation [NEW, 2023]
$0 - Record control number [REDEFINED, 2010]
$1 - Real World Object URI [NEW, 2017]
$2 - Source of term [REDESCRIBED, 2023]

The definition of subfield $2 was broadened to allow for the recording of source codes of terms for type of family (subfield $a) and other designation (subfield $d).

$7 - Data provenance [NEW, 2022]

Library of Congress >> MARC >> Authority >> 1XX,3XX  >> 376
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