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- LC Cataloging Newsline
- The Changing Nature of the Catalog and its Integration with Other Discovery Tools, prepared for the Library of Congress by Karen Calhoun, Cornell University Library (PDF, 175KB)
- LC Report for the 2011 MLA/MOUG (Word File, 864KB)
- What is FRBR?: A Conceptual Model for the Bibliographic Universe
- Access Level Record Test
- Tracking Electronic Resources at the Library of Congress (Powerpoint, 3.6MB)
- LC Pinyin Conversion Project
- Staff Cataloging Forum presentation from April 2000 on CORC, the BEOnline+ and BECites+ projects, and CORC pathfinders at LC
- What They Don’t Teach in Library School: Competencies, Education, and Employer Expectations for a Career in Cataloging
- Change Cataloging, but Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water! by Dr. Barbara B. Tillett [PDF, 198 KB]
- Cataloging for the Future, by Dr. Barbara B. Tillett [PDF, 541 KB]
or listen to the recorded lecture (you will need Real Player)
- Report of the Joint Issue Group on Labelling (JIG-L) - July 2002
- Report of the Joint Issue Group on Selection (JIG-S) - February 2003
Annual Reports
Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate/Cataloging Directorate
- Fiscal Year 2017 (PDF, 280KB)
- Fiscal Year 2016 (PDF, 1.84MB)
- Fiscal Year 2015 (PDF, 1.74MB)
- Fiscal Year 2014 (PDF, 1.63MB)
- Fiscal Year 2013 (PDF, 206KB)
- Fiscal Year 2012 (PDF, 314KB)
- Fiscal Year 2011 (PDF, 149KB)
- Fiscal Year 2010 (PDF, 120KB)
- Fiscal Year 2009 (PDF, 323KB)
- Fiscal Year 2008 (PDF, 77KB)
- Fiscal Year 2007 (PDF, 156KB)
- Fiscal Year 2006 (PDF, 111KB)
- Fiscal Year 2005 (PDF, 149KB)
- Fiscal Year 2004 (PDF, 129KB)
- Fiscal Year 2003 (PDF, 95KB)
- Fiscal Year 2002
- Fiscal Year 2001
Policy and Standards Division/Cataloging Policy and Support Office
U.S. General Division
U.S. and Publisher Liaison Division
Strategic Plans
- Bibliographic Access Divisions' Stategic Plan for FY05-06 (November 12, 2004) (PDF, 139KB)
- Recommended Workflows for Cataloging Electronic Resources: Strategic Plan, Goal IV, Group 4 (February 23, 2004) (PDF, 165KB)
- Recommendations for Modes of Cataloging for Electronic Resources: Strategic Plan, Goal IV, Group 2 (January 15, 2004) (PDF, 191KB)
- Cataloging Directorate Strategic Plan 2003-2008 (updated August 8, 2003) (PDF,119KB)
Last Updated: 3/26/2012