Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > SACO - Subject Authority Cooperative Program

The Subject Authority Cooperative Program (SACO) enables member institutions to submit proposals for additions to Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings (CYAC), Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT), Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT), Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music (LCMPT), and Library of Congress Classification (LCC) schedules.

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  • To improve communication with the cataloging community, the Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs (PTCP) Division is modifying one of its existing e-mail newsfeeds. The Library of Congress Subject Headings Approved Lists newsfeed is now called the Library of Congress Vocabularies Announcements newsfeed. Current subscribers to the newsfeed do not need to resubscribe to receive messages. If you are not currently subscribed, you can subscribe here. The scope of the newsfeed includes all vocabularies managed by PTCP, including: Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH); Library of Congress Classification (LCC); Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT); Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT); and Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music (LCMPT). This newsfeed will cover general cataloging announcements, as well as notifications on tentative lists, approved lists, and summaries of decisions. Feedback and suggestions for this newsfeed are welcome and can be sent to [email protected]. For more information, please see the full New Name and Scope for Library of Congress Approved Lists Newsfeed Announcement [PDF, 82 KB].
  • The Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division will be making some changes to the frequency and focus of the LC Subject Editorial meetings. After the June 2024 editorial meeting, the meetings will switch from monthly to quarterly and may include topics beyond list proposals. The first of these quarterly meetings will take place on September 20, 2024. The tentative and approved subject lists will continue to be issued as monthly lists. For more information, please see the full Subject Editorial Meetings Change Announcement [PDF, 116 KB].
  • PCC Operations Committee Meeting (May 2-3, 2024) [PDF, 166 KB] (includes links to recordings, presentations, and reports)
  • The Library of Congress is pleased to announce the publication of a revised classification for Ukraine in subclass DK (History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics). This represents a major revision to the Library of Congress Classification standard. The revised classification scheme is found at DK5001-DK5995 and replaces the previous classification at DK508. Use of the revised classification will begin immediately; the Library of Congress will not reclassify existing collections. This project is a joint effort between the Germanic and Slavic Division and the Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division. The published revision closes the first phase in an ongoing initiative to systematically review and revise classification for the so-called “former Soviet Republics” at subclass DK. The next phase will focus on revisions for the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) and Kyivan Rus. Please send feedback to [email protected].
  • Due to the high volume of subject proposals received and an increasingly heavy workload, the Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division (PTCP) has decided temporarily to limit the number of proposals that can be scheduled to each LCSH monthly list, effective immediately. The limit will be 200 proposals. Once that cap is reached each month, only proposals associated with CIP cataloging will continue to be scheduled for the list; other proposals will be held until the following list. (There will be no limit on classification proposals unless they have corresponding LCSH proposals.) We regret that this will result in a delay in scheduling some proposals for a list, but we hope at least it will result in a faster turnaround time for processing each list. PTCP appreciates the community’s support and patience. If you have questions or comments about this temporary measure, please contact [email protected].

Editorial Meetings

  • Editorial Meetings scheduled for 2025 are listed on the SACO Calendar.
    • After the June 2024 editorial meeting, the meetings will switch from monthly to quarterly and may include topics beyond list proposals. The first of these quarterly meetings will take place on September 20, 2024. The tentative and approved subject lists will continue to be issued as monthly lists. For more information, please see the full Subject Editorial Meetings Change Announcement [PDF, 116 KB].
  • Summaries of decisions made at LC editorial meetings are available from 2005 to the present. Find an editorial meeting summary.


Classification Lists (LCC)

Special Projects Lists

Revised classification for Ukraine:

Heading change to Noncitizens and Illegal immigration:

SACO Training

SACO training is an essential component of the program. The Volunteer SACO Trainers Group is in the process of developing new training materials to assist the SACO community. For a list of existing resources, please see SACO Resources.

SACO Resources & Forms

SACO members use these resources to create and submit subject and classification proposals.

See all SACO resources & forms



SACO partners are key players in the global development of subject access to information resources.

SACO Projects

Vist the SACO Projects page to learn how to initiate your SACO project and view current and past projects.

Proposal Checklists

Vist the SACO Resources page to find proposal checklists prepared by our SACO Volunteer Trainers. Send your suggestions for new checklists to [email protected].

SACO Shorts

Visit the SACO Shorts page for quick tips that cover common proposal problems or frequently asked questions.

Meetings & Events

Contact SACO