Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > RDA Task Groups

PCC RDA Task Group work 2014-2015

RDA Authorities Phase 3 Task Group

Specifications for Phase 3 changes:

SCS Response: PCC Task Group on RDA Microform Reproductions Cataloging Report (April 17, 2014) (Word, 37 KB)

PCC Task Group on RDA Microform Reproductions Cataloging Report (October 11, 2013) (Word, 45 KB)

PCC RDA Task Group work 2013

Non-MARC Name Authority Task Group: Final Report (PDF, 610 KB)

PCC RDA Task Group work 2012

Status of PCC RDA Task Groups (2012): Summary table of task groups, reporting chain of command, current status, deadlines, group charges, follow-up decisions needed, and Preliminary and Final Reports.

PCC Policy Committee Decision-Making Process for Task Group Recommendations, Spring 2012 (Word, 14 KB)
The process described in this document was followed in spring 2012 when many RDA Task Group reports were received and quick policy decisions were needed. 

PCC RDA Task Groups appointed in 2012

PCC RDA Task Group work 2011-2012

PCC RDA Task Group Reports completed in 2011

RDA PCC Proposed Guidelines and Standards: List includes reports of many of the RDA-related PCC task groups. Many of the report recommendations are under discussion, or are in the proposal or draft stage. The list includes guidelines for editing bibliographic records during the pre-RDA implementation period.