Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > CONSER > Publication Patterns Initiative > Summary of Meeting at ALA Annual, Orlando

June 27, 2004 - CONSER Publication Patterns Task Force


Carlen Ruschoff chaired the meeting and welcomed attendees. Les Hawkins gave a brief update on statistics: members have been contributing patterns to OCLC records at a steady rate similar to last year's pace.

Frieda Rosenberg gave an overview of the 2004 update of the CONSER Guidelines For Input Of Caption/Pattern And Holdings Data completed by Patricia Hatch. Suggestions for the revision were contributed by Patterns participants and prompted in part by the availability of a few new subfields. Many more examples were added to the guidelines and new appendices were included. Attendees suggested that Appendix D, Sample Records With Publication Patterns Added should be updated when members find new samples that would be useful to share. Les will accept new additions to this list and make sure it is updated.

Action: Patterns Participants can send Les [email protected] new example record numbers to add to Appendix D. Sample Records With Publication Patterns Added

LC staff, staff at other CONSER libraries, and PCC Standing Committee on Standards have expressed interest in updating and using Appendix A: Abbreviations for Captions. Meeting attendees discussed how this document could be maintained and made more readily available to a wider audience. Ideally, abbreviations found in the Patterns document should be considered for addition to AACR2 Appendix B. Abbreviations. Terms in the Patterns document are not official but could cite an authoritative source for the abbreviation. The group also discussed what to do about words that are not abbreviated and how this should be indicated on the list.

Decision: A task group will be put together consisting of Patterns Initiative members, others at LC who have expressed an interest in the Appendix. This group will vet new abbreviations to the list, consider widening its coverage (to include monograph related terms) and submit proposals to for adding terms to Appendix B of AACR2. The PCC Standing Committee on Standards will be consulted and notified of the formation of this group.

Action: Les will charge a group that will be responsible for maintaining Appendix A: Abbreviations for Captions and notify the PCC Standing Committee on Standards.

OCLC Report Robert Bremer reported that the Publication Patterns Macro for Connexion will be made available on the OCLC Web site.

SCCTP Holdings workshop Ideas were gathered for updating and promoting the workshop. There are some new subfields that need to be added so a revision should be planned soon. Providing lots of examples from different systems is useful, perhaps more examples can be added to the workshop.

A survey of trainers would be useful to find out how many trainers have had the opportunity to teach the course and the particular systems that trainers have experience with. A survey would also provide information on who is no longer available for teaching and help make plans for future train-the-trainer workshops.

Perhaps trainers could make themselves available as system specific advisors for organizations implementing particular systems. Trainers who have had not had the opportunity to teach the course formally might target ILS implementers and staff at their own institutions for training and awareness of the holdings format.

It would be interesting to know how useful the workshop has been to to people implementing new ILS systems; perhaps an after course survey to assess this can be developed by the CONSER office.

The topic of how many systems are now compatible with the MARC21 Holdings Format was raised and it was suggested that the survey performed several years ago be updated to see how compatibility has improved.

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Action: Les will gather ideas for updates already submitted through workshop evaluations and work with Frieda in scheduling an update to the workshop.

Action: Les will contact OCLC networks and other consistent SCCTP sponsors to remind them of the availability of the workshops and trainers and give them an overall update on activities.

Action: Les and Hien will develop a survey to ascertain teaching opportunities, system expertise, and the need for a future train -the-trainer workshop. Also, they will consider ideas for an after workshop survey to determine if attending the workshop had an impact on local implementation.

Action: Les will contact Linda Miller about updating the compatibility survey and sending it out for a 2004 update.

IFLA presentation Carlen announced that Ruth Haas (Harvard) will be giving a presentation on the Publication Patterns Initiative at IFLA in August. The IFLA program has other holdings format related presentations this year as well.

Standards Interoperability Task Force A charge for a new task group was drafted by Diane Hillmann and Linda Miller to monitor and provide liaison with other standards groups.

Action: Les will post the charge, look for a chair and appoint additional task members.

ALA Midwinter Pre-Conference The Committee to Study Serials Standards will be have a pre-conference on serials related standards.

Future of the Patterns Sunday morning discussion group meetings at ALA It was acknowledged that the open discussions on Sunday mornings at ALA have provided useful forums for providing basic information on the holdings format, sharing experiences with vendor compliance, and giving basic information about the Patterns Initiative. The two Patterns related meetings at ALA serve separate functions, the Task force meeting is an update and discussion of the direction of the Initiative; the open discussion group has been more focused on the activities of CONSER in adding 891 fields to records and providing information to all who have questions or an interest in implementing the holdings format. Being able to plan two separate meetings however has become difficult. It was decided to combine the two meetings into one. The Task Force on Publication Patterns and Holdings meetings held on Saturday afternoons at ALA, will be an open meeting. Time will be built in at the end for open discussion on specific coding or format questions and sharing of specific vendor related issues.

Action: For forthcoming ALA meetings, one two hour meeting will be held on Saturday afternoon of the Task Force on Publication Patterns and Holdings Meeting; the end of this meeting will be used for sharing specific vendor and holdings questions.

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