Note: The Publication Patterns Initiative is no longer active. This information has been retained for historical reference purposes.
The Publication Patterns Initiative was begun in 1999 to promote use of the MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data (MFHD) and enhance the sharing of publication pattern data in OCLC bibliographic records. Many useful tools and ideas were developed along the way.
About the Publication Patterns Initiative
- Guidelines for Input of Caption/Pattern and Holdings Data
- Abbreviations for Captions
- Abbreviations For Names Of Months
- Pattern Guide Table
- SCCTP Serial Holdings Workshop
- Examples of Patterns Recorded in the 853 Field
- Sample Records with Publication Patterns
- Pattern Examples / Workshop held during ALA 2002 Mid-winter
- Publication Patterns Workflow FAQ
Standards and Vendors
- Survey on Vendor Support for the MARC 21 Holdings Format
- Basic Compliance with MARC Holdings: a definition
- Universal Holdings Data: Definition and Function